Bug oor Engels


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software bug

error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that produces an incorrect or unexpected result, or causes it to behave in unintended ways

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En segundo lugar, a filoxera bug destruíu a produción de viño e coñac en Francia en 1880.
Second, the phylloxera bug destroyed wine and cognac production in France in 1880.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Impresionados polo seu traballo no álbum de Dinosaur Jr. Bug, a banda quixo que Paul Kolderie e Sexan Slade producisen o disco.
Impressed by their previous work on Dinosaur Jr.'s Bug, the band wanted Paul Kolderie and Sean Slade to produce the album.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A etnia malaia é a principal de Belitung, aínda que hai representación importante de bugis, sundanés e etnia chinesa, que anteriormente traballaron para os neerlandeses na minería do estaño.
While ethnic Malays people make up the largest percentage along with Chinese people, Belitung has significant populations of Bugis, Sundanese, and Javanese people who formerly worked for the Dutch, mining tin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Un bug ou erro de software é un erro, problema, falta ou fallo nun programa informático que lle impide funcionar correctamente ou produce un resultado incorrecto.
A software bug is an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Describíronse representantes do xénero Cystodytes (da familia Polycitoridae) do Plioceno de Francia por Monniot (1970, 1971) e Deflandre-Rigaud (1956), e do Eoceno de Francia por Monniot e Buge (1971), e ultimamente do Eoceno tardío do sur de Australia por Łukowiak (2012).
The representatives of the genus Cystodytes (family Polycitoridae) have been described from the Pliocene of France by Monniot (1970, 1971) and Deflandre-Rigaud (1956), and from Eocene of France by Monniot and Buge (1971), and lately from the Late Eocene of S Australia by Łukowiak (2012).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As desvantaxes inclúen o incremento do tamaño do correo, a intimidade dos web bugs, o abuso do correo HTML como vector por ataques phishing e a extensión de malware.
Disadvantages include the increased size of the email, privacy concerns about web bugs, abuse of HTML email as a vector for phishing attacks and the spread of malicious software.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Desafortunadamente para Vickers, presentouse un erro logo notado, chamado "bug da raíz cadrada", que provocaba que a operación da raíz cadrada de 0,25 devolvía erroneamente o valor 1,3591409, un erro debido a problemas de integración da programación da Impresora ZX Printer directamente na ROM.
Unfortunately for Vickers, he introduced a briefly notorious error – the so-called "square-root bug" that caused the square root of 0.25 to be returned erroneously as 1.3591409 – as a result of problems with integrating the ZX Printer code into the ROM.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Normal (bugs. kde. org & Mantenedor & kde-bugs-dist
Normal (bugs. kde. org & Maintainer & kde-bugs-distKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Só ao mantenedor (bugs. kde. org & Mantenedor
Maintonly (bugs. kde. org & MaintainerKDE40.1 KDE40.1
E foi como coñecer a un tempo a Bugs Bunny e a Jack Kerouac.
It was like meeting Bugs Bunny and Jack Kerouac at the same time.Literature Literature
O bugi é unha lingua malaio-polinesia falada por máis de 5 millóns de persoas na parte sur de Célebes, en Indonesia.
Malimpung is a language spoken by around 5,000 people in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Veña, Bugs.
Come on, Bugsy.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Este anuncio da Super Bowl inspirou o lanzamento da película Space Jam de 1996, protagonizada por Jordan e Bugs Bunny nunha historia ficticia durante o seu primeiro retiro do baloncesto.
The Super Bowl commercial inspired the 1996 live action/animated film Space Jam, which starred Jordan and Bugs in a fictional story set during the former's first retirement from basketball.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Freak Scene" está considerada unha das mellores cancións de Dinosaur Jr. Na súa recensión de Bug, Stephen Thomas Erlewine de Allmusic dixo que a canción era "a peza mestra do disco, ...unha sorprendente canción pegadiza que encapsula o atractivo e as dificultades do indie rock en tres minutos".
"Freak Scene" is rated as one of the best songs by Dinosaur Jr. In his review of Bug, Stephen Thomas Erlewine of Allmusic called the track "the masterpiece of the record, . . . a surprisingly catchy song encapsulating the appeal and pitfalls of indie rock within three minutes."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Silencioso (só bugs. kde. org
Quiet (bugs. kde. org onlyKDE40.1 KDE40.1
A Galicia-Volinia occidental estendíase entre os ríos San e Wieprz, no que hoxe é o sueste de Polonia, mentres que os territorios orientais comprendían as brañas do río Prípiat, na actual Belarús, e o curso superior do río Bug Meridional, na actual Ucraína.
Western Galicia–Volhynia extended between the rivers San and Wieprz in what is now south-eastern Poland, while eastern territories covered the Pripet Marshes (now in Belarus) and upper Southern Bug in modern-day Ukraine.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Exemplo deste uso foi rexistrado en 1932 e popularizado polo personaxe de deseño humorístico Bugs Bunny, que se refire sarcasticamente ó cazador Elmer Fudd como "nimrod", do xeito a facer unha conexión irónica entre "cazador poderoso" e "pobre pequeno Nimrod", ou Fudd.
In modern American English, the term is often used sarcastically to mean a dimwitted or a stupid person, a usage first recorded in 1932 and popularized by the Looney Tunes cartoon characters Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, who both sarcastically refer to the hunter Elmer Fudd as "nimrod", as an ironic connection between "mighty hunter" and "poor little Nimrod", i.e. Fudd.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nalgúns casos, un erro de páxina pode indicar un “bug” no software, que pode ser prevido através da proteción de memoria: un sistema operativo pode usalo para se protexer contra programas “errantes”, non permitindo o acceso á memoria que un programa específico non debería ter acceso.
In some cases, a page fault may indicate a software bug, which can be prevented by using memory protection as one of key benefits of an MMU: an operating system can use it to protect against errant programs by disallowing access to memory that a particular program should not have access to.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O pobo da illa é descendente de ex convictos que foron exiliados á illa e que se mesturaron cos Bugis de Sulawesi.
The people of the island are descendants of former convicts who were exiled to the island and who have mixed with Bugis from Sulawesi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O enciclopedista da Antiga Roma Plinio o Vello describiu a efémera co nome "hemerobius" na súa Historia natural: No río Bug no mar Negro a mediados de verán colapsa algunhas membranas delgadas que parecen bagas das cales sae unha eiruga de catro patas do xeito da criatura mencionada antes, mais non vive máis dun día, debido ao cal se denomina hemerobio .
The Ancient Roman encyclopaedist Pliny the Elder described the mayfly as the "hemerobius" in his Natural History: The River Bug on the Black Sea at midsummer brings down some thin membranes that look like berries out of which burst a four-legged caterpillar in the manner of the creature mentioned above, but it does not live beyond one day, owing to which it is called the hemerobius.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os 1001 contos de Bugs Bunny (en inglés: Bugs Bunny's 3rd Movie: 1001 Rabbit Tales) é un filme de Merrie Melodies e unha recompilación de debuxos clásicos de Warner Bros. (moitos dos cales resumidos) e con secuencias ponte presentadas por Bugs Bunny.
Bugs Bunny's 3rd Movie: 1001 Rabbit Tales is a 1982 Merrie Melodies film with a compilation of classic Warner Bros. cartoon shorts (many of which have been abridged) and animated bridging sequences, hosted by Bugs Bunny.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Atravesou as comarcas de Teoca, Pacra, Bugue Bugue, Bononaima e Chiorizo, vencéndoos algúns con forza e outros con diplomacia.
He passed through the regions of Teoca, Pacra, Bugue Bugue, Bononaima, and Chorizo, defeating some by force and befriending others through diplomacy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Crese que esta animación serviu de inspiración para a creación da personaxe de Bugs Bunny, que apareceu por primeira vez en 1940.
This cartoon is also believed to be one of the inspirations for Bugs Bunny, who first appeared in 1940.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As partes orientais da illa eran tamén o fogar do Sultanato de Bima, un goberno islámico que tiña vínculos cos pobos Bugis e Macasar]] de Sulawesi do sur, así como outros gobernos malaio islámicos no arquipélago.
The eastern parts of the island, on the other hand, were home to the Sultanate of Bima, an Islamic polity that had links to the Bugis and Makassar peoples of South Sulawesi, as well as other Malay-Islamic polities in the archipelago.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Célebes Meridional (en indonesio: Sulawesi Selatan; en bugi: ᨔᨘᨒᨓᨙᨔᨗ ᨒᨕᨘᨈ) é unha provincia da península do sur de Célebes.
South Sulawesi (Indonesian: Sulawesi Selatan; Buginese: ᨔᨘᨒᨓᨙᨔᨗ ᨒᨕᨘᨈ) is a province in the southern peninsula of Sulawesi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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