Comercio oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels


verb noun
transfer of ownership of capital, goods and services from one person or entity to another

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels


large scale trade





En 4 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

shop · store · commercialism · mercantilism

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Comercio internacional
international trade
libre comercio
free trade
merchandise · trade
organización mundial do comercio
world trade organization
Organización Mundial do Comercio
World Trade Organization
cámara de comercio
board of trade · chamber of commerce
Consorcio Británico do Comercio Detallista
British Retail Consortium
Comercio xusto
fair trade
Libre comercio
free trade


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O ascenso de Federico Guillerme ao trono o 17 de agosto de 1786 estivo, en verdade, seguido por unha serie de medidas destinadas a alixeirar as cargas do pobo, reformando o opresivo sistema francés de recolección de impostos introducido por Federico o Grande e incentivando o comercio coa diminución dos dereitos de aduana e a construción de camiños e canles.
Frederick William′s accession to the throne (17 August 1786) was, indeed, followed by a series of measures for lightening the burdens of the people, reforming the oppressive French system of tax-collecting introduced by Frederick, and encouraging trade by the diminution of customs dues and the making of roads and canals.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O famoso líder síux Cola manchada debe o seu nome ao sombreiro cunha cola de mapache que usaba, que lle comprara a un comerciante de peles.
The famous Sioux leader Spotted Tail took his name from a raccoon skin hat with the tail attached he acquired from a fur trader.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O que fixemos foi pintar a rúa, puxemos no chan pedrullo de resina e conectamos o triángulo coas tendas na Grand Avenue, creamos un marabilloso espazo público novo que está sendo moi bo para o comercio da Grand Avenue.
So what we did is we painted over the street, put down epoxy gravel, and connected the triangle to the storefronts on Grand Avenue, created a great new public space, and it's been great for businesses along Grand Avenue.ted2019 ted2019
A popularidade dos papagaios como mascotas orixinou un próspero (e ás veces ilegal) comercio destas aves, e algunhas especies están agora ameazadas de extinción.
The popularity of parrots as pets has led to a thriving—and often illegal—trade in the birds, and some species are now threatened with extinction.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Críase que estes supostos cornos tiñan poderes máxicos, entre outros, a capacidade de curar envelenamentos e a melancolía, e por isto eles e outros comerciantes de orixe nórdica ás vece cobraban por estes cornos o seu peso en ouro.
As these horns were considered to have magic powers, such as neutralising poison and curing melancholia, Vikings and other northern traders were able to sell them for many times their weight in gold.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1917) Día Internacional para a lembranza do comercio de escravos e a súa abolición.
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its AbolitionWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
De modo similar, moitos comerciantes desafortunados estabelecéronse en poboacións que desapareceron, ou foron vítimas dalgún dos moitos incendios que arrasaban as localidades .
Similarly, many unlucky merchants set up in settlements which disappeared, or which succumbed to one of the calamitous fires that swept the towns that sprang up.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ese dispositivo mellorou bastante o comercio marítimo tornando as viaxes máis seguras e máis eficientes.
They also made transport of goods far easier and safer.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Foi reelixido nas eleccións de 2000 e exerceu como ministro na sombra para Servizos de Comercio, industria, turismo e servizos financeiros ata 2003.
He was re-elected at the 2000 election and served as Shadow Minister for Trade, Industry, Tourism and Financial Services until 2003.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O seu irmán maior, Manoússos Theotokópoulos (1531 – 13 de decembro de 1604), era un rico comerciante e pasou os seus últimos días (1603–1604) na casa toledana do Greco.
El Greco's older brother, Manoússos Theotokópoulos (1531 – 13 December 1604), was a wealthy merchant and spent the last years of his life (1603–1604) in El Greco's Toledo home.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ademais, os sasánidas estableceron unha base no sur de Arabia para controlar o comercio marítimo co leste.
Thus, the Sassanids were able to establish a base in South Arabia to control the sea trade with the east.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A maioría dos habitantes eran descendentes dos primeiros colonos puritanos, aínda que había tamén unha pequena elite de Anglicanos "respectables" que non estiveron implicados na vida da cidade, preocupados das súas facendas, dos seus investimentos e do comercio, vivindo ao longo do camiño a Watertown (actual Brattle Street).
Most inhabitants were descendants of the original Puritan colonists, but there was also a small elite of Anglican "worthies" who were not involved in village life, made their livings from estates, investments, and trade, and lived in mansions along "the Road to Watertown" (today's Brattle Street, still known as Tory Row).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mentres que o comercio de azucre trouxera prosperidade aos cidadáns libres da illa, a principios do século XIX Santo Tomé estaba en declive.
While the sugar trade had brought prosperity to the island's free citizens, by the early 19th century Saint Thomas was in decline.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despois de 1802, os comerciantes de peles e exploradores americanos marcaron o comezo da presenza xeneralizada de homes de raza caucásica nas Rochosas ao sur do paralelo 49.
After 1802, American fur traders and explorers ushered in the first widespread Caucasian presence in the Rockies south of the 49th parallel.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Para os con fame, había comidas cociñadas ou toros de melón, mentres que os augadores repartian vasos de auga gratuitamente que pagaban os comerciantes.
For the hungry, there were readily available cooked foods or slices of melon, while cups of water were handed out for free by water-carriers paid for by the shop-keepers.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Endebedados e dependentes economicamente dos comerciantes portugueses, os latifundistas pernambucanos non aceptaron a emancipación político-administrativa da cidade do Recife, ata entón subordinada a Olinda.
Economically dependent on Portuguese merchants, the landowners did not accept the Pernambuco political-administrative emancipation of Recife, before then a settlement subject to Olinda.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A maioría do comercio dos Grandes Lagos é de material a granel, os barcos cargueiros de tamaño Seawaymax ou de menos tamaño pódense mover ao longo da totalidade dos lagos ata o Atlántico.
Most Great Lakes trade is of bulk material, and bulk freighters of Seawaymax-size or less can move throughout the entire lakes and out to the Atlantic.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As torres xemelgas orixinais, c. 2000 Un Centro de Comercio Mundial baixo construción detrás do Centro Financeiro Mundial en xuño 2011 Un Centro de Comercio Mundial baixo construción (á esquerda), cando visto desde un helicóptero en abril 30, 2012 Plaudits".
One World Trade Center (to the left) and 4 World Trade Center under construction, as seen from a helicopter on April 30, 2012.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Só máis adiante, cando a Cidade levantou o seu propio comercio de escravos producíronse os rozamentos co trust exportador de Asia Menor.
Only later, when the City set up its own slave trade, was there friction with the export trust of Asia Minor.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Como rei de Portugal, o seu tratamento e título completo foi "A súa maxestade Dom Pedro IV, rei de Portugal e dos Algarves, de aquí e alén do mar en África, Señor da Guinea e da Conquista, Navegación e Comercio de Etiopía, Arabia, Persia e India, etc."
As Portuguese king his full style and title were: "His Most Faithful Majesty Dom Pedro IV, King of Portugal and the Algarves, of either side of the sea in Africa, Lord of Guinea and of Conquest, Navigation and Commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia and India, etc."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O mar de Irlanda ten unha importancia económica significativa para o comercio rexional, transporte marítimo, pesca e xeración de enerxía en forma de enerxía eólica e centrais nucleares.
The Irish Sea is of significant economic importance to regional trade, shipping and transport, fishing, and power generation in the form of wind power and nuclear power plants.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Continua a traballar actualmente nas políticas da UE e segue de preto os plans da UE para a aplicación das leis forestais de gobernanza e comercio En 2010, fundou xunto con Cath Longa organización Well Grounded, que proporciona servizos e apoios ás asociacións civís africanas que traballan para axudarlles a defender os seus dereitos e a dirección dos bosques.
In 2010, she set up with Cath Long the organisation Well Grounded, which provides services and support to African civil society organisations working with communities to help them assert their rights and to improve forest governance.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Contentábanse co comercio da Guinea e do Norte de África e temíase polo mantemento dos eventuais territorios alén mar, polo custo implicado na expedición e mantemento das rutas marítimas que de aí viñesen.
This point of view was contented with the trade with Guinea and North Africa and feared the challenges posed by the maintenance of any overseas territories, and the cost involved in the launching and maintenance of sea lanes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O mapa do xeógrafo árabe Al-Idrisi incorporou os coñecementos que os comerciantes e exploradores árabes compilaran sobre África e o océano Índico aos que xa tiñan (herdados dos xeógrafos clásicos), creando así un dos mapas do mundo máis exactos realizados ata o momento.
The Moroccan geographer, Muhammad al-Idrisi, incorporated the knowledge of Africa, the Indian Ocean and the Far East gathered by Arab merchants and explorers with the information inherited from the classical geographers to create the most accurate map of the world at the time.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" Moitos pequenos artesáns e comerciantes teñen débedas.
Many merchants and craftsmen are in debt.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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