Comercio internacional oor Engels

Comercio internacional

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international trade

exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories

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O mercantilismo inglés adoptou sobre todo formas de control do comercio internacional.
British mercantilism thus mainly took the form of efforts to control trade.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
É licenciada en Economía pola Universidade de Valencia e máster en Comercio Internacional pola Universidade de Delaware.
She graduated in Economy by the University of Valencia and has a master in International Trade by the University of Delaware.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Serviu no goberno de Italia como ministra de Comercio Internacional dende 2006 a 2008.
She served in the government of Italy as minister of international trade from 2006 to 2008.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A Revolución Industrial, que comezou en Europa Occidental, conduciu ao comercio internacional e aos imperios globais.
From this time, the industrial revolution which began in Western Europe resulted in global trade and greatly increased cultural exchange.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O comercio internacional é unha das principais razóns pola que hai un gran número de consulados na cidade.
International trade is also the reason for the large number of consulates in the city.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Está na lista de CITES no Apéndice II, para limitar a súa sobreexplotación no comercio internacional.
It is listed on Appendix II of CITES which is designed to limit overexploitation through international trade.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Utilizáronse varios instrumentos para manipular o comercio internacional.
Several common methods have been employed to combat cheating.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cada ano en Katowice celebrase a Feira Internacional de Spodek, onde se organizan ducias de feiras de comercio internacional.
Every year in Katowice International Fair and Spodek, tens of international trade fairs are organized.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 1975, incluíronse 24 especies de papagaios no Apéndice I de CITES, o que prohibía o comercio internacional desas aves.
In 1975, 24 parrot species were included on Appendix I, thus prohibiting commercial international trade in these birds.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os cambios tecnolóxicos na navegación e o crecemento dos núcleos urbanos tamén contribuíron decisivamente ao rápido incremento do comercio internacional.
Technological changes in shipping and the growth of urban centers led to a rapid increase in international trade.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A madeira, a enerxía hidráulica e o ferro constitúen a base da súa economía altamente enfocada cara ao comercio internacional.
Timber, hydropower and iron ore constitute the resource base of an economy heavily oriented toward foreign trade.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Baixo a crenza no mercantilismo, durante moitos séculos os países impuñan altos aranceis e outras restricións severas ao comercio internacional.
Under the belief in Mercantilism, most nations had high tariffs and many restrictions on international trade for centuries.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O voitre de Rüppell está listado actualmente no Apéndice II do CITES, que regula o comercio internacional de animais e plantas.
The Rüppell's vulture is currently listed as an Appendix II species under CITES, which regulates the international trade of animals and plants.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Antes do século XIX e durante case todo el, o comercio internacional estivo caracterizado polas moedas que representaban pesos de ouro.
Prior to and during most of the 19th century, international trade was denominated in terms of currencies that represented weights of gold.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As tartarugas mariñas están protexidas pola "Convención de Especies Migratorias" e pola CITES (Convención de Comercio Internacional de Fauna e Flora Silvestre).
The sea turtles are protected under the 'Migratory Species Convention' and Convention of International Trade on Wildlife Flora and Fauna (CITES).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 1793 Bjarni Sívertsen asentouse en Hafnarfjörður e fíxose influente nos negocios locais e no comercio internacional, establecendo a principal empresa de pesca comercial.
In 1793, Bjarni Sívertsen settled here and became influential in local business and international trade, setting up a major commercial fishing operation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O porto de Paphos non é importante en termos de comercio internacional xa que a maior parte dos envíos utilizan o porto de Limassol.
Paphos Harbour is not important in terms of international trade as most shipping uses the harbour at Limassol.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O comercio internacional do oso beizudo etá prohibido, xa que figura no Apéndice I de Convención sobre o Comercio Internacional de Especies en Perigo.
International trade of the sloth bear is prohibited as it is listed in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Philipsburg foi fundada en 1763 por John Philips, un capitán escocés na mariña holandesa; o asentamento pronto converteuse nun centro bulicioso de comercio internacional.
Philipsburg was founded in 1763 by John Philips, a Scottish captain in the Dutch navy; the settlement soon became a bustling centre of international trade.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os informes da Convención sobre o Comercio Internacional de Especies Ameazadas en 1977 e 1981 identificou a varias especies de baleas en perigo de extinción.
The reports of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species in 1977 and 1981 identified many species of whales as being in danger of extinction.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O comercio internacional de flor curtada ten un valor global aproximado de 11.000 millóns de Euros, o cal prové unha magnitude da importancia económica desta actividade.
International trade in cut flowers has an approximate total value of 11 billion euros, which provides an indication of the economic importance of this activity.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No mercado de divisas e no comercio internacional, coñécese como moeda global ou mundial, ou mesmo supranacional a moeda que circula internacionalmente, sen unhas Fronteiras determinadas.
In the foreign exchange market and international finance, a world currency, supranational currency, or global currency is a currency that is transacted internationally, with no set borders.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
España prohibiu ás súas colonias americanas comerciar con outras nacións ou colonias estranxeiras, e impúxose como o único comprador e provedor para o seu comercio internacional.
Spain forbade its American colonies to trade with other nations or foreign colonies, and imposed itself as the only buyer and vendor for their international trade.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 2007, C. mydas foi incluída no Apéndice I da lista da Convención sobre o Comercio Internacional en Especies en Perigo (CITES) como membro da familia Cheloniidae.
On 3 May 2007, C. mydas was listed on Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) as a member of the family Cheloniidae.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As cinco especies restantes (V. bengalensis, V. flavescens, V. griseus, V. komodoensis e V. nebulosus) están clasificadas no Apéndice I, que prohibe o comercio internacional desas especies.
The remaining five species – V. bengalensis, V. flavescens, V. griseus, V. komodoensis, and V. nebulosus – are classified under CITES Appendix I, which outlaws international commercial trade in the species.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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