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Grecia antiga

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Ancient Greece


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grecia antiga

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antiga Grecia
Ancient Greece
Xeografía da Grecia Antiga
Geography of Greece


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O uso de protección nas mans na loita deportiva data da Grecia antiga.
The use of hand protection in fighting contests undertaken for sport has been known since Ancient Greece.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rome carecía dos elaborados ritos da puberdade que se practicaban na Grecia antiga (páx.
Rome lacked the elaborate puberty rites for girls that were practiced in ancient Greece (p.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
E isto é exactamente o que sucede na tradición da Grecia antiga.
And this is exactly what happens in the ancient Greek tradition.ted2019 ted2019
Na Grecia antiga Alcibíades era unha figura polarizada.
In ancient Greece, Alcibiades was a polarizing figure.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Na Grecia antiga, a mina equivalía orixinalmente a 70 dracmas e posteriormente aumentou ata os 100 dracmas.
In ancient Greece, it originally equalled 70 drachmae and later was increased to 100 drachmae.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os primeiros resultados relacionados coa análise estaban xa implicitamente presentes nos comezos da matemática da Grecia antiga.
Early results in analysis were implicitly present in the early days of ancient Greek mathematics.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Chámase Grecia antiga ao período da historia de Grecia que durou uns mil anos e rematou coa chegada do cristianismo.
Ancient Greece is the period in Greek history lasting for close to a millennium, until the rise of Christianity.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Algunhas das primeiras civilizaciós consideraban que as barbantesas tiñan poderes sobrenaturais, como se pensaba na Antiga Grecia, Antigo Exipto e Asiria.
Mantises were considered to have supernatural powers by early civilizations, including Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, and Assyria.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Na Grecia Antiga aparecen algunhas ideas básicas do cálculo integral, mais non semella que ditas ideas desenvolvéranse dun xeito sistemático e rigoroso.
The ancient period introduced some of the ideas that led to integral calculus, but does not seem to have developed these ideas in a rigorous and systematic way.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A amfidromia (grego: τὰ Ἀμφιδρόμια) era unha celebración da Grecia antiga que se facía no quinto ou sexto día do nacemento dun neno.
The Amphidromia (Greek: τὰ Ἀμφιδρόμια), in ancient Greece, was a ceremonial feast celebrated on the fifth or seventh day after the birth of a child.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os fenicios chamárona Enosim ou Inosim, mentres que para a Grecia antiga era "Hieracon Nesos" e para os romanos Accipitrum Insula (Illa do Gavilán).
The Phoenicians called it Enosim or Inosim, while for the Greek it was Hieracon Nesos and for the Romans Accipitrum Insula (Sparrowhawk Island).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os perístilos son típicos das arquitecturas do antigo Exipto, da antiga Grecia e da antiga Roma.
Classical architecture is derived from the architecture of ancient Greece and ancient Rome.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ó pouco tempo comezou a expoñer obras nas exhibicións anuais de verán, centrándose en crear grandes cadros con escenas da vida diaria e da mitoloxía da Grecia antiga.
He soon began exhibiting at their annual summer exhibitions, focusing on the creation of large canvas works depicting scenes from the daily life and mythology of ancient Greece.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nun sentido amplo de enfrontamento ou competición, agón referíase a unha competición de atletismo, música, literatura, carreiras de cabalos ou de bigas nun festival público da Grecia antiga.
This could be a contest in athletics, in chariot or horse racing, or in music or literature at a public festival in ancient Greece.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Malia o nome, non se atopa preto do Olimpo no norte de Grecia, onde se cría que vivían os Deuses olímpicos, as principais divindades da Relixión da Grecia antiga.
Despite the name, it is nowhere near Mount Olympus in northern Greece, where the Twelve Olympians, the major deities of Ancient Greek religion, were believed to live.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unha carreira de carros (en grego antigo: ἁρματοδρομία, harmatodromia, en latín: ludi circenses) era un dos máis populares deportes na Grecia antiga, no Imperio Romano e no Imperio Bizantino.
Chariot racing (Greek: ἁρματοδρομία, translit. harmatodromia, Latin: ludi circenses) was one of the most popular Iranian, ancient Greek, Roman, and Byzantine sports.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O período micénico constitúe a derradeira fase da Idade de Bronce na Grecia Antiga e é o escenario das narrativas épicas de Homero e de boa parte da mitoloxía grega.
Mycenaean Greece is the Late Helladic Bronze Age civilization of Ancient Greece and it is the historical setting of the epics of Homer and most of Greek mythology and religion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os Xogos Olímpicos da Antigüidade eran un festival relixioso e atlético da Grecia Antiga, que se realizaba de catro en catro anos no santuario de Olimpia, en honra de Zeus.
The Ancient Olympic Games were religious and athletic festivals held every four years at the sanctuary of Zeus in Olympia, Greece.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os misterios eleusinos ou misterios de Eleusis eran ritos de iniciación anuais ó culto das deusas Deméter e Perséfone, que se celebraban en Eleusis (preto de Atenas), na Grecia antiga.
The Eleusinian Mysteries, (Greek: Ἐλευσίνια Μυστήρια) were annual initiation ceremonies in the cults of the goddesses Demeter and Persephone, held in secret at Eleusis (near Athens) in ancient Greece.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Inicialmente, na Grecia Antiga, a homofonía indicaba aquela música na que a melodía era executada por dúas ou máis voces ao unísono ou en oitavas, é dicir, monofonía con varias voces.
Initially, in Ancient Greece, homophony indicated music in which a single melody is performed by two or more voices in unison or octaves, i.e. monophony with multiple voices.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Así, despois do golpe de estado do 4 de agosto de 1936, Ioannis Metaxas proclamou o advenimiento da "Terceira Civilización Helénica", que proseguía á civilización da Grecia antiga e a civilización bizantina.
Thus, after his coup d'état of 4 August 1936, Ioannis Metaxas proclaimed the advent of the "Third Hellenic Civilization", similar to Adolf Hitler's Third Reich.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O filósofo Platón dixo dos gregos que eran coma ras sentadas arredor dunha poza, con tódalas súas cidades na costa do Mediterráneo, dende a Grecia antiga ata Asia Menor, Libia, Sicilia e o sur de Italia.
The philosopher Plato once remarked that the Greek people were like frogs sitting around a pond—their many cities hugging close to the Mediterranean coastline from the Hellenic homeland to Asia Minor, Libya, Sicily and Southern Italy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Epaminondas redibuxou o mapa político de Grecia, fragmentou antigas alianzas, creou novas e supervisou a construción de cidades enteiras.
Epaminondas reshaped the political map of Greece, fragmented old alliances, created new ones, and supervised the construction of entire cities.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aínda que as formas de estado primitivas xa existían antes de que aparecerado imperio da Grecia Antiga, os gregos foron os primeiros en formular explicitamente unha filosofía política sobre o estado, ademais, analizaron de forma racional as institucións políticas.
Although state-forms existed before the rise of the Ancient Greek empire, the Greeks were the first people known to have explicitly formulated a political philosophy of the state, and to have rationally analyzed political institutions.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A colección abrangue desde perimitivos obxectos premonetarios e monetarios da Grecia Antiga e da República Romana, a partir do ano 700 a. de C., ata unha importante representación de moedas e billetes americanos, europeos e do Oriente Medio e Extremo.
The collection includes early numismatic items from Ancient Greece and the Roman Republic, and also has a strong representation of coins of American, European, Far Eastern, and Islamic origin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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