Mozárabe oor Engels


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Mozarabic language

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É posible que este "Hepes" sexa un topónimo mozárabe.
It is possible that Hepes be a mozarabic toponym.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Segundo Ibn Khaldun, celebrouse unha audiencia e o substituto de al-Muzaffar, o qadi da comunidade mozárabe de Córdoba, Asbag bin Abd Allah bin Nabil, estivo a favor de Mendo.
According to Ibn Khaldun, a hearing took place and al-Muzaffar's deputy, the qadi of the Mozarabic community of Córdoba, Asbag bin Abd Allah bin Nabil, found in favour of Menendo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eran principalmente católicos de rito visigótico ou mozárabe.
They were mostly Roman Catholics of the Visigothic or Mozarabic Rite.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cara o ano 846, un grupo de mozárabes tentou repoboa-la cidade, máis un ataque musulmán rematou con aquela iniciativa.
Towards the year 846, a group of Mozarabs (Christians who did not flee from the Muslims and lived under the Muslim regime) tried to repopulate the city, but a Muslim attack prevented that initiative.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os mozárabes eran tratados de forma aínda peor, así como os xudeus, sufrindo por veces persecucións que, a pesar de seren lamentábeis aos ollos modernos, eran unha pálida imaxe do que farían os católicos contra non só musulmáns e xudeus, senón incluso contra os propios cristiáns non católicos das terras reconquistadas.
The Mozarabs and the Jews were treated even worse, sometimes suffering persecution that, although regrettable in modern eyes, was a pale reflection of what the Catholics would do not only against Muslims and Jews, but even against fellow Christians themselves when they reconquered the land.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Contén 24 tentos, 101 versetos litúrxicos para órgano, catro variacións dunha versión hispano-mozárabe de Pange lingua e catro intabulacións de Susanne ung jour de Lassus'.
It contains 24 tientos, 101 liturgical organ versets (kyries and hymn settings), four settings of the Spanish/Mozarabic version of Pange lingua, and four intabulations of Lassus' Susanne ung jour.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O templo estaba custodiado e rexido por monxes da orde de San Bieito, e é moi probábel que a súa estrutura fose moi semellante á de tantos outros existentes durante a época mozárabe leonesa.
The temple was guarded and governed by monks of the Order of St. Benedict, and it is likely that its structure was very similar to many others existing during the Leonese Mozarabic period.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Antes do Concilio existían, a carón do rito romano, o rito ambrosiano, o rito mozárabe de Toledo, o rito de Braga, o rito cartuxo, o rito carmelita e o máis coñecido deles, o rito dominico, e seica aínda outrosritos dos que non teño coñecemento.
Before the Council there existed side by side with the Roman rite, the Ambrosian rite, the Mozarabic rite of Toledo, the rite of Braga, the Carthusian rite, the Carmelite rite, and best known of all, the Dominican rite, and perhaps still other rites of which I am not aware.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No ano 1000, como rexente, Mendo confirmou o testamento de Hilal ou Hilaf, chamado Salvatus, o abade mozárabe de San Cipriano de Valdesalce, ante a raíña rexente Elvira e o mozo rei, amais de cinco bispos do reino.
In 1000, as regent, Menendo confirmed the testament of Hilal, called Salvatus, the Mozarabic abbot of San Cipriano de Valdesalce, after the queen-regent Elvira and the young king and before five bishops of the realm.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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