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Ó longo dos séculos, Noé, Abraham, Sara, Moisés, David e outros, fóronse unindo a este gran grupo de testemuñas (Hebreos 11:4–12:1).
Throughout the centuries, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, David, and others joined this “great cloud of witnesses.”jw2019 jw2019
O libro Ge'ez Conflito de Adam e Eva con Satanás (século V) tamén contén unha versión similar a aquela da Caverna dos Tesouros, mais o fabricante de coroa é chamado Santal, e o nome do cuarto fillo de Noé que instrúe a Nimrod é Barvin.
5th century) also contains a version similar to that in the Cave of Treasures, but the crown maker is called Santal, and the name of Noah's fourth son who instructs Nimrod is Barvin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pero despois do Diluvio, Xehová díxolles a Noé e mailos seus fillos: “Todo o que vive e se move serviravos para mantenza.
After the Flood, Jehovah told Noah and his sons: “Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for you.”jw2019 jw2019
Con eles hai dúas figuras máis que poderían ser Noé (novo pai da humanidade para salvala do Diluvio) e Esaú ou Isaac e Xudá.
With them are two figures that could be Noah (new father of humanity to save from the flood) and Esau or Isaac and Judah.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Que lle mandou facer Xehová a Noé?
What instructions did Jehovah give Noah?jw2019 jw2019
Noé púxose a construír a arca deseguida.
Noah immediately started building the ark.jw2019 jw2019
Como homenaxe tardío a Fromental, Bizet tomou o manuscrito de Noé e completouno.
As a belated homage to his late father-in-law, Bizet took up the Noé manuscript and completed it.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hoxe en día, como pasou nos tempos de Noé, moitos rexeitan os consellos do noso Pai Xehová.
Today, as in Noah’s time, many reject Jehovah’s loving direction.jw2019 jw2019
Aínda que Noé avisou que pronto chegaría o Diluvio, ninguén o escoitou.
Noah warned people about the coming Flood, but they did not listen.jw2019 jw2019
As operacións (métodos) tamén son mostradas con polo menos o seu noe, e tamén pode mostrar os seus parámetros e tipo de retorno. Os igual que cos atributos, tamén pode ver a súa visibilidade
Operations (methods) are also displayed with at least their name, and can also show their parameters and return types. Operations can, just as Attributes, display their visibilityKDE40.1 KDE40.1
O mandato divino que Xehová lle dera a Noé había 800 anos de non comer o sangue dos animais aínda estaba en vigor.
(Leviticus 17:13, 14) God’s command not to eat animal blood, first given to Noah some 800 years earlier, was still in force.jw2019 jw2019
A Noé gustoulle a miña nai...
Alice doesn't like mother's idea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Neste texto é evidente que o termo psy·kheʹ refírese a persoas: Noé, a súa muller, os seus tres fillos e as súas tres noras.
(1 Peter 3:20) Here the word “souls” clearly stands for people —Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives.jw2019 jw2019
Para conseguilo, aproveitou e reutilizou partes das súas óperas moribundas Vasco da Gama e Ivan IV, mais a futura produción no Théâtre Lyrique non puido materializarse debido a que finalmente a compañía de Carvalho quebrou, e Noé non sería estreada ata 1885.
Parts of his moribund Vasco da Gama and Ivan IV were incorporated into the score, but a projected production at the Théâtre Lyrique failed to materialise when Carvalho's company finally went bankrupt, and Noé remained unperformed until 1885.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rei e armas de Galicia segundo a Historia originis et succesionis regnorum et imperiorum a Noe usque ad Carolum V, ano 1548.
Arms of the kingdom of Galicia in the Historia originis et succesionis regnorum et imperiorum a Noe usque ad Carolum V, 1548.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non moito despois da morte de Fromental Halévy en 1862, Bizet recibira a solicitude por parte da señora Halévy de completar Noé, a ópera inacabada do seu antigo mentor.
Not long after Fromental Halévy's death in 1862, Bizet had been approached on behalf of Mme. Halévy about completing his old tutor's unfinished opera Noé.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Que uso do sangue prohibiu Deus dende os días de Noé?
What use of blood has God forbidden since the days of Noah?jw2019 jw2019
Andy Gill escribiu: "«Desolation Row» é un poema épico de once minutos de entropía que toma a forma dun desfile felliniano de imaxes grotescas e extravagantes, no que aparece un enorme elenco de personaxes icónicos, algúns deles históricos (Einstein, Nerón), algúns bíblicos (Noé, Caín e Abel), algúns ficticios (Ofelia, Romeo, Cenicienta), algúns literarios (T. S. Eliot e Ezra Pound) e outros que non encaixan en ningunha das categorías anteriores, en particular o Dr. Filth e a súa dubidosa enfermeira".
For Andy Gill the song is "an 11-minute epic of entropy, which takes the form of a Fellini-esque parade of grotesques and oddities featuring a huge cast of iconic characters, some historical (Einstein, Nero), some biblical (Noah, Cain and Abel), some fictional (Ophelia, Romeo, Cinderella), some literary (T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound), and some who fit into none of the above categories, notably Dr. Filth and his dubious nurse."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Deus transmítelle a Noé unhas instrucións detalladas para construír a arca.
According to Genesis, God gave Noah instructions for building the ark.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Epiro converteuse no novo fogar de moitos refuxiados gregos de Constantinopla, Tesalia e o Peloponeso, e Miguel foi descrito como un segundo Noé, rescatando aos homes da inundación latina.
Epirus soon became the new home of many refugees from Constantinople, Thessaly, and the Peloponnese, and Michael was described as a second Noah, rescuing men from the Latin flood.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En total, Noé e maila súa familia botaron máis dun ano dentro da arca!
Altogether Noah and his family were inside the ark for more than a year.jw2019 jw2019
Noé, a súa familia e mailos animais entraron na arca.
Noah, his family, and the animals went into the ark.jw2019 jw2019
Noé entrou na arca; e de nada se decataron ata que veu o diluvio, e os enguliu a todos” (Mateo 24:38, 39)
“Noah entered into the ark, and [people] took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away.” —Matthew 24:38, 39jw2019 jw2019
Aínda que, co tempo, Noé e maila súa familia morreron, Deus lles devolverá a vida, esta vez coa oportunidade de vivir para sempre.
Though Noah and his family eventually died, God will bring them to life again with the prospect of living forever.jw2019 jw2019
Nesta versión, o tecelán é chamado Sisan, e o cuarto fillo de Noé é chamado Yonton.
In this version, the weaver is called Sisan, and the fourth son of Noah is called Yonton.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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