Ovella negra oor Engels

Ovella negra

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black sheep


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ovella negra

Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels

black sheep


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# Ovella negra, quédache la? #
♪ Baa-baa black sheep, have you any wool?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Porén, Baiza describiu a Saccharine Trust como a "ovella negra" do grupo de SST.
However, Baiza described Saccharine Trust as the "black sheep" of the SST roster.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Arrestou aos maiores líderes do PPT, incluíndo a Malloum, baixo acusacións de practicar a bruxaría para derrocalo, no que foi coñecido como a "conxura das ovellas negras", polos animais que supostamente sacrificaban os conspiradores.
Tombalbaye arrested major PPT leaders, including Malloum, for allegedly using witchcraft to overthrow him in what was known as the "Black Sheep Plot," for the animals they allegedly sacrificed.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En Inglaterra durante os séculos XVIII e XIX, a cor negra das ovellas era vista como unha marca do diabo.
In 18th and 19th century England, the black color of the sheep was seen as the mark of the devil.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Por outro lado, en Norteamérica, moitos pobos indíxenas relacionaron tamén Sirio cos cánidos; os seri e os tohono O'odham tomaron a estrela como un can que perseguía ovellas polas montañas, mentres que os pés negros chamárona «Cara-can».
Many nations among the indigenous peoples of North America also associated Sirius with canines; the Seri and Tohono O'odham of the southwest note the star as a dog that follows mountain sheep, while the Blackfoot called it "Dog-face".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Outras características que se empregan para clasificar as ovellas inclúen a cor da cara (xeralmente branca ou negra), a lonxitude da cola, a presenza ou ausencia de cornos e a topografía na que se desenvolveu a raza.
Other features used when classifying sheep include face color (generally white or black), tail length, presence or lack of horns, and the topography for which the breed has been developed.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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