Pai oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels


verb noun
male parent or individual progenitor of human offspring. Avoid using with P1038: use P22 instead

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels


male parent


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En 8 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

begetter · dada · male parent · pa · papa · pappa · parent · pop

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noso pai
lord's prayer
Pai Nadal
Father Christmas · Kriss Kringle · Saint Nicholas · Saint Nick · Santa · Santa Claus · St. Nick
Día do pai
Father's Day
Pais da Igrexa
Church Fathers
Esquerra Republicana del Pais Valencià
Republican Left of the Valencian Country
Noso Pai
Lord's Prayer · Our Father
de tales pais, tales fillos
a chip off the old block
noughts and crosses · tic-tac-toe
sen pais
parentless · unparented


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Tar é o pai; supoño que iso marca unha grande diferencia no seu código.
Tar’s the father—I suppose that makes a big difference in her book.Literature Literature
Vivín sempre coa miña tía Xulia, a irmá maior de meu pai.
I lived always with Lady Julia, my father’s eldest sister, you know.Literature Literature
A súa estrela epónima, Donkey Kong Jr., tamén chamado sinxelamente Junior ou acurtado como DK Jr., tenta rescatar o seu pai Donkey Kong, que foi encarcerado.
The game's eponymous star, Donkey Kong Jr., also called simply Junior or abbreviated as DK Jr., is trying to rescue his father Donkey Kong, who has been imprisoned.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Se queriamos buscar un tesouro no Castro, tiñamos sachos, e picos e pas.
If we wanted to go hunting for treasure in Castro, we had mattocks, pickaxes and shovels.Literature Literature
Confías que o que o teu pai che pide é correcto?
Just have the confidence in what your father asks of you is right?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
É coma un pai sabio e amoroso que coida e aconsella ós seus fillos. Por iso, ensina a xente de todo o mundo cal é a mellor maneira de vivir.
Just as a wise and loving father instructs his children, so God teaches people everywhere the best way to live.jw2019 jw2019
Con todo, o sábado desa semana, o 14 de decembro, a data do aniversario da morte do seu pai, enfermou gravemente de difteria que o seu fillo lle contaxiara.
However, by Saturday, 14 December, the anniversary of her father's death, she became seriously ill with the diphtheria caught from her son.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eva namorouse de Walther a primeira vista, mais o informa de que seu pai, o orfebre e mestre cantor Veit Pogner, dispuxo entregar a súa man ao gañador do concurso de canto da confraría no día de San Xoán (Noite de San Xoán), ao día seguinte.
Eva and Walther have fallen in love at first sight, but she informs him that her father, the goldsmith and mastersinger Veit Pogner, has arranged to give her hand in marriage to the winner of the guild's song contest on St. John's Day (Midsummer's Day), tomorrow.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As dúas mulleres embárcanse nunha viaxe polas estradas do campo polaco para descubrir cal foi o final dos seus pais.
The two women embark on a road trip into the Polish countryside to learn the fate of their family.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Algunhas fontes falan da posibilidade de que César fora o seu verdadeiro pai, aínda que probablemente non se trate máis que dun rumor sen fundamento, xa que César tiña quince anos cando naceu Bruto, e a relación coa súa nai empezou dez anos despois.
Some sources refer to the possibility of Caesar being his real father, despite Caesar's being only 15 years old when Brutus was born.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non hai moito preguntoulle a seu pai:
The other day he asked his father:OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
O meu señor pai aprendeume que significaba a morte desenfundar aceiro contra o señor dun.
My lord father taught me it was death to bare steel against your liege lord.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Bahram V, obtivo a coroa tras a repentina morte (ou asasinato) do seu pai Yazdegerd I, e iso coa oposición da nobreza do reino, que contaba coa axuda da al-Mundhir, da dinastía árabe (lakhmida) da al-Hirah.
Bahram gained the crown after Yazdegerd's sudden death (or assassination), which occurred when the grandees opposed the king with the help of al-Mundhir, the Arabic dynast of al-Hirah.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Meu pai é de Tisnit.
My father's from tisnit.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Karmen naceu en Berlín Oeste, cando este aínda pertencía á República Federal Alemá, de pais eslovenos.
Karmen was born in West Berlin, at that time part of West Germany, to Slovene parents.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pai deixaráme se llo pides.
Father will let me if you ask him.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Primavera de 1989 Había días bos, case sempre domingos, o único día en que os seus pais non traballaban.
Spring 1989 There were some good days, almost always Sundays, the only day her parents didn’t work.Literature Literature
O matrimonio facilitaba a asociación entre o pai e os futuro esposos e permitiu a formación dunha alianza mutuamente beneficiosa con incentivos políticos e ecónomico basicamente.
Marriage facilitated a partnership between the father and prospective husbands, and enabled the formation of a mutually beneficial alliance with both political and economic incentives at heart.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ese era outro detalle que me chamaba a atención cando ía á obra e observaba a Xosé e mais ao meu pai.
This was another detail that caught my attention whenever I visited the site and observed Xosé and my father.Literature Literature
Durante o embarazo, a concentración plasmática do PAI-2 elévase desde niveis case indetectables a 250 ng/mL (principalmente na forma glicosilada).
Over the course of a pregnancy, PAI-2 plasma concentration rises from nearly-undetectable levels to 250 ng/mL (mostly in glycosylated form).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
E así el foi para lonxe da porta do seu cuarto e empurrou- se contra el, para que o seu pai podería ver logo que entrou no salón que Gregor totalmente intención de regresar de inmediato ao seu cuarto, que non era necesario levalo de volta, pero que só se é necesario para abrir a porta, e el desaparecería inmediatamente.
And so he rushed away to the door of his room and pushed himself against it, so that his father could see right away as he entered from the hall that Gregor fully intended to return at once to his room, that it was not necessary to drive him back, but that one only needed to open the door, and he would disappear immediately.QED QED
O contorno da familia von Breuning era menos estresante que o seu, que cada vez estaba máis dominado polo declive do seu pai.
The von Breuning family environment was less stressful than his own, which was increasingly dominated by his father's decline.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despois de dous anos Hadji volveu a Francia asinando cun dos ex-equipos do seu pai, o AS Nancy.
After two years, Hadji returned to France joining his father's former club AS Nancy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Escribiu biografías de Gabrilowitsch e do seu pai.
She wrote biographies of Gabrilowitsch and of her father.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Spock en cambio aconsellou os pais que visen os seus fillos como individuos, e non aplicarlles receitas filosóficas preconcibidas.
In contrast Spock encouraged parents to see their children as individuals, and not to apply a one-size-fits all philosophy to them.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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