Peyo oor Engels


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A hipertrofia das placas de Peyer tamén foi asociada coa susceptibilidade ás encefalopatías esponxiformes transmisibles orixinadas por prións.
The hypertrophy of Peyer's patches has also been associated with susceptibility to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (commonly known as prion diseases).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aínda que estas placas son importantes na resposta inmune, o excesivo crecemento do tecido linfoide nas placas de Peyer é patolóxico, xa que a hipertrofia das placas de Peyer foi asociado coa intususcepción idiopática.
Although important in the immune response, excessive growth of lymphoid tissue in Peyer's patches is pathologic, as hypertrophy of Peyer's patches has been closely associated with idiopathic intussusception.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aínda que animou ós comanches na súa cristianización, avogou pola alternativa sincrética da Igrexa Nativa Americana, e loitou polo uso legal de peyote dentro das prácticas relixiosas do movemento.
Though he encouraged Christianization of Comanche people, he also advocated the syncretic Native American Church alternative, and passionately fought for the legal use of peyote in the movement's religious practices.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O poliovirus divídese dentro das células gastrointestinais durante ó redor dunha semana, dende onde se espalla ata as tonsilas (especificamente ás células dendríticas foliculares que residen dentro dos centros xerminais tonsilares), o tecido linfoide incluíndo as células M das placas de Peyer, e os ganglios linfáticos cervicais e mesentéricos, onde se multiplica de forma abondosa.
Poliovirus divides within gastrointestinal cells for about a week, from where it spreads to the tonsils (specifically the follicular dendritic cells residing within the tonsilar germinal centers), the intestinal lymphoid tissue including the M cells of Peyer's patches, and the deep cervical and mesenteric lymph nodes, where it multiplies abundantly.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As placas de Peyer interveñen na vixilancia inmune na luz intestinal e facilitan a xeración da resposta inmune na mucosa.
Peyer's patches thus establish their importance in the immune surveillance of the intestinal lumen and in facilitating the generation of the immune response within the mucosa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As células B e os linfocitos de memoria son estimulados cando se encontran cos antíxenos nas placas de Peyer.
T cells, B-cells and memory cells are stimulated upon encountering antigen in Peyer's patches.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os factores que promoven a diferenciación das células M aínda teñen que ser caracterizados, pero pénsase que estas células se desenvolven en resposta a sinais das células inmunitarias que se atopan nas placas de Peyer.
Factors promoting the differentiation of M cells have yet to be elucidated, but they are thought to develop in response to signals from immune cells found in developing Peyer's patches.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As placas de Peyer están cubertas por un epitelio especial que contén células especializadas chamadas células micropregadas (células M), as cales coa súa actividade de endocitose toman o antíxeno directamente da luz intestinal e cédeno ás células presentadoras do antíxeno (localizadas nunha única área con forma de bolsa na súa zona basolateral)..
Peyer's patches are covered by a special follicle-associated epithelium that contains specialized cells called microfold cells (M cells) which sample antigen directly from the lumen and deliver it to antigen-presenting cells (located in a unique pocket-like structure on their basolateral side).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despois da inxestión oral, as especies de Yersinia replícanse no íleo terminal e invaden as placas de Peyer.
After oral uptake, Yersinia species replicate in the terminal ileum and invade Peyer's patches.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os microorganismos patóxenos e outros antíxenos que entran no tracto intestinal encóntranse cos macrófagos, células dendríticas, linfocitos B, e linfocitos T que se atopan nas placas de Peyer e outros tecidos linfoides asociados á mucosa.
Pathogenic microorganisms and other antigens entering the intestinal tract encounter macrophages, dendritic cells, B-lymphocytes, and T-lymphocytes found in Peyer's patches and other sites of gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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