Sexismo oor Engels


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prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender

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O Colectivo Combahee River argumentou en 1974 que a liberación das mulleres negras implica a liberdade para todas as persoas, xa que suporía o fin do racismo, o sexismo e a opresión de clases.
The Combahee River Collective argued in 1974 that the liberation of black women entails freedom for all people, since it would require the end of racism, sexism, and class oppression.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Isto é semellante ao racismo ou sexismo.
Speciesism is very much the same as racism or sexism.QED QED
A súa flexibilidade «permítenos ser agresivos ou tranquilos, dominantes ou submisos, rancorosos ou xenerosos A violencia, o sexismo e a maldade xeneralizada son biolóxicos, xa que representan un subconxunto dun posible rango de comportamentos.
Its flexibility "permits us to be aggressive or peaceful, dominant or submissive, spiteful or generous... Violence, sexism, and general nastiness are biological since they represent one subset of a possible range of behaviors.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"A pexa do sexismo".
"When Men Experience Sexism".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O sexismo é a discriminación baseada no xénero ou sexo.
Sexism is discrimination based on a person's sex or gender.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Este concepto, chamado obxectualización, é a base do sexismo, e vémolo reforzado en cada aspecto das nosas vidas.
This concept, called objectification, is the foundation of sexism, and we see it reinforced through every aspect of our lives.ted2019 ted2019
Non hai sexismo, racismo ou especismo no termo.
There is no sexism, no racism or speciesism in the term earthling.QED QED
No seu libro de 1977 Ontogeny and Phylogeny (Ontoxenia e filoxenia), Stephen Jay Gould sinalou que o relato de Bolk constituíu un intento de xustificación do racismo e o sexismo "científicos", pero estaba de acordo en que Bolk estivera no certo na idea central de que os humanos se diferenciaron doutros primates ao ser sexualmente maduros en estadios infantís do desenvolvemento corporal.
In his 1977 book Ontogeny and Phylogeny, Steven Jay Gould noted that Bolk's account constituted an attempted justification for "scientific" racism and sexism, but acknowledged that Bolk had been right in the core idea that humans differ from other primates in becoming sexually mature in an infantile stage of body development.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Estas críticas crearon novas teorías sociais feministas sobre as interseccións de racismo, clasismo e sexismo e novos feminismos, como o feminismo negro e o feminismo latino.
These criticisms created new feminist social theories about the intersections of racism, classism, and sexism, and new feminisms, such as black feminism and Chicana feminism.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ao longo da súa carreira e nos seus escritos denunciou a opresión cultural en todas as súas formas, sobre todo o que el vía como pseudociencia usada ao servizo do racismo e o sexismo.
Throughout his career and writings, he spoke out against cultural oppression in all its forms, especially what he saw as the pseudoscience used in the service of racism and sexism.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A organización ten unha postura aberta contra o racismo, o fascismo, o sexismo, e a homofobia e incorporou esta posición nos seus estatutos.
The organization has adopted an outspoken stance against racism, fascism, sexism, and homophobia and has embodied this position in its constitution.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O movemento de xustiza ambiental busca unha ligazón social e ecolóxica para os problemas ambientais, ó mesmo tempo mantendo ós ecoloxistas conscientes da dinámica no seu propio movemento, por exemplo racismo, sexismo, homofobia, clasismo, e outros males da cultura dominante.
The Environmental Justice movement seeks to link "social" and "ecological" environmental concerns, while at the same time keeping environmentalists conscious of the dynamics in their own movement, i.e. racism, sexism, homophobia, classicism, and other malaises of dominant culture.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Teóricas feministas como Juliet Mitchell, Nancy Chodorow, Jessica Benjamin, Jane Gallop, Bracha Ettinger, Shoshana Felman, Griselda Pollock e Jane Flax argumentaron que a teoría psicanalítica é vital para o proxecto feminista e debe, do mesmo xeito que outras disciplinas, ser reformulada desde o feminismo para liberala dos vestixios do sexismo.
Feminist theorists such as Juliet Mitchell, Nancy Chodorow, Jessica Benjamin, Jane Gallop, Bracha L. Ettinger, Shoshana Felman, Griselda Pollock, Luce Irigaray and Jane Flax have developed a Feminist psychoanalysis and argued that psychoanalytic theory is vital to the feminist project and must, like other theoretical traditions, be criticized by women as well as transformed to free it from vestiges of sexism (i.e. being censored).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O movemento do feminismo ateo comezou a enfocarse en loitar contra o sexismo e o acoso sexuall.
The atheist feminist movement has also become increasingly focused on fighting sexism and sexual harassment within the atheist movement itself.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En agosto de 2012, Jennifer McCreight (a organizadora do Boobquake) fundou un movemento ateo coñecido como Atheism Plus ou A+, que «aplica o escepticismo a todo, incluíndo os problemas sociais como o sexismo, racismo, política, pobreza e crime».
In August 2012, Jennifer McCreight (the organizer of Boobquake) founded a movement within atheism known as Atheism Plus, or A+, that "applies skepticism to everything, including social issues like sexism, racism, politics, poverty, and crime".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A organización fíxose internacionalmente coñecida por realizar protestas controvertidas espidas contra o turismo sexual, as institucións relixiosas, o sexismo, a homofobia e outros temas sociais.
The organization became internationally known for organizing controversial topless protests against sex tourism, religious institutions, sexism, homophobia and other social, national and international topics.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Por analoxía co racismo e co sexismo, o termo " especismo " é un preconcepto ou unha actitude tendenciosa en favor dos intereses dos membros da súa propia especie e contra os membros doutras especies.
By analogy with racism and sexism, the term " speciesism " is a prejudice or attitude of bias in favor of the interests of members of one's own species and against those of members of other species.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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