Tratado de Roma oor Engels

Tratado de Roma

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Treaty of Rome

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Tratado de Roma, en Roma, o 25 de marzo de 1957, foi asinado o tratado que institúe a Comunidade Económica Europea.
The conference led to the signature, on 25 March 1957, of the Treaty of Rome establishing a European Economic Community.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 2007 puxéronse por fin formalmente de acordo os líderes europeos, asinándose a Declaración de Berlín o 25 de marzo (que era o 50o aniversario dos Tratados de Roma).
This period ending with the Berlin Declaration on 25 March 2007 (which was the 50th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
É asinante do Tratado de Roma, e constituíu unha unión monetaria con Bélxica (Benelux en 1948), e unha unión económica con Bélxica e os Países Baixos, tamén chamada BeNeLux.
It is a signatory of the Treaty of Rome, and constituted a monetary union with Belgium (Benelux Customs Union in 1948), and an economic union with Belgium and the Netherlands, the so-called BeNeLux.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O peculiar sistema de iluminación do edificio, bautizado polo seu creador Yann Kersalé como Diffraction e definido polo mesmo como "unha vaporosa nube de cor que busca o efecto Moiré", pódese ver diariamente durante varias horas e é ademais empregado con frecuencia na celebración de distintos acontecementos, como a celebración do nomeamento de Barcelona como capital da Unión para o Mediterráneo, a do 50 aniversario do Tratado de Roma ou a conmemoración do día do autismo entre outros.
The unique lighting system of the building, dubbed by its creator Yann Kersalé as diffraction, who defined it as "a vaporous cloud of colour that seeks moiré", is often used in the celebration of various events such as the naming of Barcelona as the capital of the Union for the Mediterranean or the 50th anniversary of Treaty of Rome.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O clero desa cidade, que tiña moitos dos seus membros encarcerados, en 177 enviouno cunha carta para Eleuterio, o bispo de Roma, na que pedía tratar con suavidade aos montanistas de Frixia.
The clergy of that city, many of whom were suffering imprisonment for the faith, sent him in 177 to Rome with a letter to Pope Eleutherius concerning the heresy Montanism, and that occasion bore emphatic testimony to his merits.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No ano 581 o rei visigodo Leovixildo fundou a cidade de Victoriacum, tratando de emular as fundacións romanas, como celebración da vitoria contra os vascóns, sobre o que, por razóns etimolóxicas, suponse o outeiro ocupado polo primitivo poboado de Gasteiz.
In 581 AD, the Visigoth king Liuvigild founded the city of Victoriacum, trying to emulate the Roman foundations, as a celebration of the victory against the Vascones near what is assumed to be the hill occupied by the primitive village of Gasteiz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Moito máis tarde, na Antiga Roma, Plinio o Vello tratou de forma máis extensa de moitos máis minerais e metais que se usaban daquela para propósitos prácticos.
Much later in the Roman period, Pliny the Elder produced a very extensive discussion of many more minerals and metals then widely used for practical ends.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A obra anónima The Troublesome Reign of King John retrataba ao rei como un "mártir proto-protestante", similar ao mostrado na obra moral de John Bale, Kynge Johan, na cal Xoán trata de salvar a Inglaterra dos "malvados axentes da Igrexa de Roma".
The anonymous play The Troublesome Reign of King John portrayed the king as a "proto-Protestant martyr", similar to that shown in John Bale's morality play Kynge Johan, in which John attempts to save England from the "evil agents of the Roman Church".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tamén tiña poderes que, na república, estaban reservados ao senado e ás asembleas romanas, inclusive o dereito de declarar guerra, ratificar tratados e negociar con líderes estranxeiros.
Eventually, he was given powers that, under the republic, had been reserved for the Roman Senate and the Roman assemblies including the right to declare war, to ratify treaties, and to negotiate with foreign leaders.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Na Historia Natural de Plinio, publicada circa 77 d.C. en Roma, afirmábase que as chinches das camas tiñan un valor medicinal para tratar afeccións como as trabadas de serpes e infeccións de oídos.
Pliny's Natural History, first published circa AD 77 in Rome, claimed bed bugs had medicinal value in treating ailments such as snake bites and ear infections.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despois dunha segunda invasión en 1798, o novo rei Carlos Manuel IV escapou a Roma, pero nunca aceptou asinar un novo tratado de paz, esperando a aprobación dun acordo final sobre os territorios continentais segundo o dereito internacional.
After a second invasion in 1798, King Charles Emmanuel IV escaped to Rome, but he never agreed to sign a new peace treaty, approving a final arrangement of its continental territories according to international law.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unha fonte posterior, do século XI, Vita Ecgwini, afirma que Ecgwine de Worcester acompañou a Coenred e Offa a Roma, pero os historiadores trataron esta afirmación con escepticismo.
A later source, the 11th-century Vita Ecgwini, claims that Ecgwine accompanied Coenred and Offa to Rome, but historians have treated this with scepticism.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jean de Mailly, pola súa banda, di: Trátase de certo papa ou mellor devandito papisa que non figura na lista de papas ou bispos de Roma, porque era unha muller que se disfrazou como un home e converteuse, polo seu carácter e os seus talentos, en secretario da curia, despois en cardeal e finalmente en papa.
According to Jean: Query: Concerning a certain Pope or rather female Pope, who is not set down in the list of popes or Bishops of Rome, because she was a woman who disguised herself as a man and became, by her character and talents, a curial secretary, then a Cardinal and finally Pope.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
De Medicina trata sobre dieta, farmacia, cirurxía e outros eidos relacionados, e é un dos mellores exemplos no que se refire a coñecemento médico na Roma antiga.
The De Medicina is a primary source on diet, pharmacy, surgery and related fields, and it is one of the best sources concerning medical knowledge in the Roman world.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
De feito, as paredes que conectan o coro gótico e a nave románica son aínda máis finos que os do resto da igrexa, indicando que estes só se trataban dun arranxo provisional e que o edificio quedara sen rematar dende a década de 1330.
There have been no major alterations to the church since - in fact, the walls connecting the Gothic choir and the Romanesque nave are still much thinner than those of the rest of the church, indicating that they were intended only as a temporary arrangement and the church has essentially been left unfinished since the 1330s.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A pesar diso, ao longo dos séculos II e I a. C., Roma tivo aos territorios da Hispania aínda non conquistada como un lugar propicio para o saqueo e a rapina, rachando con frecuencia os tratados de paz que, como os acordados en tempos de Sempronio Graco, permitiran períodos prolongados de paz.
Despite this, throughout the 2nd and 1st centuries BC, Rome took the unconquered lands of Hispania as an opportunity to pillage and plunder, frequently breaking peace treaties, like the accords from the times of Graccus Sempronius, which had allowed long periods of peace.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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