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O gabeador azur é unha ave común en Sumatra, incluíndo a zona do Kerinci, e relativamente común en Malasia e Xava.
The blue nuthatch is a common bird in Sumatra, including in the area of Kerinci Seblat National Park and relatively common in Malaysia and Java.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Estes emigrantes austronesios considéranse antepasados da maioría dos habitantes nas illas do sueste de Asia desde Sumatra e Xava ata Borneo e Sulawesi, e a costa de Nova Guinea.
These Austronesian migrants are considered the ancestors of most people in insular Southeast Asia, from Sumatra and Java to Borneo and Sulawesi, as well as coastal new Guinea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A Biblioteca do Congreso dos Estados Unidos estimou que o exército xaponés en Xava obrigou a realizar traballos forzados a entre 4 e 10 millóns de rōmusha ("traballadores manuais").
The U.S. Library of Congress estimates that in Java the Japanese military forced between four and ten million romusha (Japanese: “manual laborers”) to work.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Comezou por seguir a carreira eclesiástica, interrompéndoa para se casar aos 23 anos con Luísa Clara Xavier.
He began pursuing an ecclesiastical career, but left the seminary when he was 23 years old to marry Luísa Clara Xavier.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despois retomou o seu interese por China e fixo varias viaxes por ese país e por Xapón, Birmania, e Xava.
He then followed up his interest in China by several more trips there, and also to Japan, Burma, and Java.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sitúase no medio das illas indonesias de Borneo ao norte, Xava ao sur, Sumatra ao oeste e Célebes ao leste.
It lies between the Indonesian islands of Borneo to the north, Java to the south, Sumatra to the west, and Sulawesi to the east.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En Castro nacéronnos outros dous irmáns, Sabela e Francisco Xavier, a quen sempre chamamos Chave e Paco.
In Castro, a sister and brother were born, Sabela and Francisco Xavier, known as Chavela and Paco.Literature Literature
No sur da Península de Malaca e en Borneo, a especie pode coexistir co falso gavial (e tamén en Sumatra) e co moi relacionado pero normalmente máis pequeo crocodilo siamés (tamén en Xava).
In the southern Malaysian Peninsula as well as Borneo, it co-occurs with the relatively narrow-snouted false gharial (as well as on Sumatra) and the closely related but usually smaller Siamese crocodile (as well as in Java).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O 28 de decembro de 2014 o Airbus A320 que operaba a ruta esnafrouse no mar de Xava, matando aos seus 162 ocupantes.
On 28 December 2014, the Airbus A320 flying the route crashed into the Java Sea, killing all 162 people on board.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Deles, só Xava e Honshu son o fogar de máis do 1% da poboación do planeta.
Of those, only Java and Honshu are home to over 1% of the planet's people.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
É posiblemente o gran mamífero máis raro da terra, cunha poboación de só 40 individuos no Parque Nacional Ujung Kulon no leste de Xava, en Indonesia.
It is possibly the rarest large mammal on Earth, with a population of as few as 58 to 61 in Ujung Kulon National Park at the western tip of Java in Indonesia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tras a saída o voo 8501 estaba en contacto co centro de control aéreo da área de Iacarta, que proporciona servizo de control de tráfico aéreo (ATC) no oeste do mar de Xava, e voou pola ruta aérea M635, cando se aproximou a unha liña de tormentas eléctricas na costa suroeste de Borneo.
After departure, Flight 8501 was in contact with the Jakarta Area Control Centre (callsign: "Jakarta Centre"), which provides air traffic control (ATC) service over the western Java Sea, and flying along air route M635, when it approached a line of thunderstorms off the southwest coast of Borneo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As terras altas de Parahyangan en Xava Occidental, reciben máis de 4.000 mm anuais, mentres que a costa norte de Xava Oriental, recibe 900 mm anuais.
The Parahyangan highlands of West Java receive over 4,000 millimetres (160 in) annually, while the north coast of East Java receives 900 millimetres (35 in) annually.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O récord de catro ouros nun ano na NCAA só foi igualado por Xavier Carter, en 2006, pero os seus títulos inclúen medallas das carreiras por relevos.
(The record of four gold medals at the NCAA was equaled only by Xavier Carter in 2006, although his many titles also included relay medals.)WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O río nace na súa fonte no centro de Xava no volcán Lawu, e logo flúe cara ao norte e cara ao leste ata a súa desembocadura no mar de Xava preto da cidade de Surabaia.
The river rises from its source in central Java at the Lawu volcano, then flows north and eastward to its mouth in the Java Sea near the city of Surabaya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Catro principados en Sumbawa occidental eran dependencias do Imperio de Majapahit no oriente de Xava.
Four principalities in western Sumbawa were dependencies of the Majapahit Empire of eastern Java.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Madura é unha illa indonesia da costa nordés da illa de Xava.
Madura is an Indonesian island off the northeastern coast of Java.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Antes de que o nivel do mar subira ao final da última Idade do xeo, Borneo formaba parte do continente asiático, formando, con Xava e Sumatra, as rexións montañosas da península que se estendía ao leste de Indochina.
Before sea levels rose at the end of the last Ice Age, Borneo was part of the mainland of Asia, forming, with Java and Sumatra, the upland regions of a peninsula that extended east from present day Indochina.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tras a batalla producíronse varios enfrontamentos máis pequenos ao redor de Xava, incluído a menor pero tamén significativa batalla do estreito de Sunda.
The aftermath of the battle included several smaller actions around Java, including the smaller but also significant Battle of Sunda Strait.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Entre os xéneros asiáticos os trogon de Sumatra (Apalharpactes) teñen as chamadas máis atípicas de toda a familia, pero as investigacións non estableceron aínda se o trogon moi emparentado de Xava ten unha chamada similar.
Among the Asian genera the Sumatran trogon (Apalharpactes) has the most atypical call of any trogon, research has not yet established whether the closely related Javan trogon has a similar call.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O ornitólogo John MacKinnon informou dun raro avistamento en altitudes máis baixas nas chairas de Xava.
Ornithologist John MacKinnon has reported some rare sighting at lower altitudes on the plains of Java.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O banyumasan, coloquialmente coñocido como Basa Ngapak, é un dialecto da lingua xavanesa falada en tres áreas da illa de Xava, na parte máis occidental da provincia de Xava Central e arredor do monte Slamet e do río Serayu; na área veciña da provincia de Xava Occidental, e na rexión norte de Banten.
Banyumasan, colloquially known as Basa Ngapak, is a dialect of Javanese spoken mainly in three areas of Java that is the Banyumasan, located in westernmost Central Java Province and surrounding the Slamet mountain and Serayu River; a neighboring area inside West Java Province; and northern region of Banten Province.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 1962, Everett aceptou unha invitación para presentar a formulación do estado relativo (como aínda se chamaba) nunha conferencia sobre os fundamentos da mecánica cuántica realizada na Universidade Xavier de Cincinnati.
In 1962 Everett accepted an invitation to present the relative-state formulation (as it was still called) at a conference on the foundations of quantum mechanics held at Xavier University in Cincinnati.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Xavier Constenla é un pianista ourensán de jazz.
Hakan Binbaşgil is an avid jazz piano player.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O 23 de xaneiro de 2013, Xavier García Albiol, co apoio de dous supermercados da cidade, lanzou a campaña A Badalona no es llença el menjar (En Badalona non se tira a comida), co fin de reducir nun 50% o prezo dos alimentos próximos á data de caducidade.
On 23 January 2013, Albiol, with the support of the city's supermarkets, launched a campaign titled "A Badalona no es llença el menjar" (In Badalona, we don't waste food) which sought to reduce the price of food nearing its expiration date by 50%.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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