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Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels




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hóckey sobre xeo
ice hockey
capa de xeo
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ice cream
Pequena Idade de Xeo
Little Ice Age
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ice cap
Hóckey sobre xeo
ice hockey


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A neve e as xeadas son raras no norte do Negev, e descoñecidas nos arredores de Eilat.
Snow and frost are rare in the northern Negev, and snow and frost are unknown in the vicinity of Eilat in the southernmost Negev.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non é raro que os nenos se tiren costa abaixo ata picar cun anaco oxidado de vía ou de gardalamas desenterrado pola xeada.
It's not uncommon for kids sliding down this hill to be impaled on a rusty piece of rail or old car fender that's been heaved up by the frost.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A instrumentación da sonda Galileo revelaron substanciais evidencias de auga líquida baixo a superficie xeada de Europa.
Several lines of evidence from Galileo support the theory that liquid oceans exist under Europa's icy surface.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nalgunhas áreas do deposito branco da pluma, a área cuberta pola xeada de SO2 incrementouse dun 60-70% ata un 100% coma resultado desta erupción.
In some areas of the white plume deposit, the areal coverage of SO 2 frost had increased from 60-70% to 100% as a result of this eruption.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No 2019 terá lugar o lanzamento de JUICE, (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, Explorador das lúas xeadas de Xúpiter).
2022 will mark the launch of JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non obstante, a industria dos cítricos terminou cando a grandes xeadas de 1894-95 e 1899 destruíron os cultivos, abandonándose na zona a produción de cítricos.
However, the citrus industry ended when the great freezes of 1894−95 and 1899 destroyed the crops, and citrus growing was largely abandoned in the area.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Segundo os Anais do Bambú, o colapso da dinastía e o auxe da dinastía Shang, que sucederon aproximadamente no 1618 a.C., foron acompañados por "néboa amarela, un tenue sol, tres soles, xeadas en xullo, a fame e a extinción dos cinco cereais"..
According to the Bamboo Annals, the collapse of the dynasty and the rise of the Shang dynasty, approximately dated to 1618 BCE, were accompanied by "yellow fog, a dim sun, then three suns, frost in July, famine, and the withering of all five cereals".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ao outro, unha arqueoloxía xeada de convois varados e alboios que semellaban panteóns de esqueletos ferroviarios.
On the other, a frozen archaeology of stranded trains and sheds that resembled pantheons of railway skeletons.Literature Literature
Concord, como se fose inquedo na súa cama e moi ben virar, se asustaron con flatulência e tiña soños, ou estaba espertado polo cracking do solo pola xeadas, como se alguén tiña dirixido un equipo contra a miña porta, e pola mañá ía atopar unha rachadura na terra dun cuarto de milla de lonxitude e un terzo de unha polgada de ancho.
Concord, as if it were restless in its bed and would fain turn over, were troubled with flatulency and had dreams; or I was waked by the cracking of the ground by the frost, as if some one had driven a team against my door, and in the morning would find a crack in the earth a quarter of a mile long and a third of an inch wide.QED QED
A penetrante xeada do inverno entrara na habitación polo que ía moito frío cando puido irse para a cama.
" By the time she went to bed the chill of winter had thoroughly penetrated the room. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Severas xeadas invernais son comúns, e a intensa seca non é común.
Severe winter frosts are common, severe drought extremely uncommon.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A alfábega é moi sensible ás xeadas.
Saigas are highly vulnerable to wolves.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vai catalizar, por unha tarde,... os medos e as risas xeadas.
He'll catalyze, temporarily... half-frights and blank laughter.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Conamara Chaos é unha paisaxe formada pola rachadura da codia xeada de Europa.
Conamara Chaos is a landscape produced by the disruption of the icy crust of Europa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pedro aínda carecía dun porto seguro nesa zona, excepto en Arjángelsk, no mar Branco, cuxas augas permanecían xeadas nove meses ao ano.
Peter still lacked a secure northern seaport, except at Archangel on the White Sea, where the harbor was frozen for nine months a year.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En canto á temperatura, non tolera as xeadas nin o frío.
It tolerates drought, but does not tolerate cold or shade.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Debiso á súa fuselaxe resistente e bo rendemento, o An-24 foi adaptado para realizar moitas misións secundarias como recoñecemento en zonas xeadas e banco de probas de motores e hélices, ademais de base para desenvolver o transporte táctico An-26, o o vión de vixilancia e mapeador fotográfico An-30, é o transporte táctico con motores máis potentes An-32.
Due to its rugged airframe and good performance, the An-24 was adapted to perform many secondary missions such as ice reconnaissance and engine/propeller test-bed, as well as further development to produce the An-26 tactical transport, An-30 photo-mapping/survey aircraft and An-32 tactical transport with more powerful engines.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Algúns individuos persisten coas follas todo o ano, a non ser que apareza unha xeada severa.
Some individuals retain their leaves all year unless a hard frost strikes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O espectrómetro observou liñas de absorción comúns co hidroxilo na luz solar reflectida, o que é evidencia de grandes cantidades de auga xeada na superficie lunar.
The spectrometer observed absorption lines common to hydroxyl, in reflected sunlight, providing evidence of large quantities of water ice, on the lunar surface.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Polo tanto, carecen de inverno e non se producen xeadas.
They are held in winter so there are no restrictions on steam operations.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A diferenza do centro e sur de Florida, a Franxa de Florida nunca tivo sido un gran produtor de cítricos debido a que a área está suxeita ás xeadas e á conxelación habitual no inverno, que destrúen os seus froitos.
Unlike central and southern Florida, the Panhandle has never been a producer of citrus crops because the area is subject to regular frosts and freezes in wintertime, which destroy citrus fruits.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
E alí no inverno vai moito frío, e hai moitas xeadas.
And in the winter there, it gets very cold and very icy.ted2019 ted2019
Auga xeada cristalina gradualmente perde a súa estrutura cristalina despois de ser arrefriada e someterse ó contorno da magnetosfera saturnina.
Crystalline water ice gradually loses its crystal structure after being cooled and subjected to the Saturnian magnetospheric environment.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cando eran novos, vivían nun casal en Nova Inglaterra... e nadaban durante o verán na piscina dun veciño... a cal estaba chea de xeada auga de manancial.
As children, they lived on a farm in New England... and went swimming during the summer at a neighbor's pool... which was fed by ice cold spring water.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Isto é probablemente debido á relaxación viscosa da codia xeada de Tetis ó longo do tempo xeolóxico.
This is most likely due to the viscous relaxation of the Tethyan icy crust over geologic time.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
58 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.