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Cando chegaba a ese límite, o ton da súa voz picaba como aguillón.
When he reached this limit, the tone of his voice would prick like a needle:Literature Literature
Cando o aguilloei, o romano tomou a molestia de pescudar se recibira algunha conferencia.
Upon my stinging him, the Rom an took the trouble to find out if there had been a long distance cal .Literature Literature
Os insectos con aguillóns velenosos son primeiro golpeados contra unha rama, despois, cos ollos das aves pechados, fretan o insecto para que descargue o saco do veleno e o aguillón.
Insects with poisonous stings are first smacked on the branch, then, with the bird's eyes closed, rubbed to discharge the venom sac and stinger.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A conciencia empeza a me aguilloar outra vez.
-- my conscience is getting to be troublesome again.Literature Literature
As raíñas e obreiras teñen un ovipositor modificado, transformado en aguillón, co cal defenden a colmea.
Queens and workers have a modified ovipositor, a stinger, with which they defend the hive.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Como non teñen ovopositores, tampouco teñen aguillóns.
Since they do not have ovipositors, they do not have stingers.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Irwin morreu o 4 setembro de 2006 despois de ser apuñalado no peito polo aguillón dunha raia mentres filmaba un filme documental submarino titulado Ocean's Deadliest.
Irwin died at 44, after being pierced in the heart by a stingray barb while filming an underwater documentary film titled Ocean's Deadliest.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os aguillóns das abellas, púas de porco espiños e mordeduras de animais raramente penetran a súa pel.
Bee stings, porcupine quills, and animal bites rarely penetrate their skin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cal era o aguillón de «Catagela»?
What was the sting in “Catagela”?Literature Literature
Trileukon: Un promontorio, actual Punta dos Aguillóns ou Cabo Ortegal.
Trileukon: A promontory, modern Punta dos Aguillóns or Cabo Ortegal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Colla a aguillada e faga coma min.
Take your spear and do as I do.”Literature Literature
Menciona algúns exemplos peculiares dos insectos, como as antenas, élitros (ás protectoras), ovipositores (que el chama subelas) para poñer ovos na profundidade das plantas ou madeira, aguillóns, as probóscides das abellas, os órganos produtores de luz do vagalume e outros.
He mentions insects for some examples unique to them, as the antennae, elytra (scaly wing-cases), ovipositors (he calls them 'awls') for laying eggs deep in plants or wood, stings, the proboscis of bees, the light-producing organ of the glow-worm and so on.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Por exemplo, mentres que nun episodio dise que a tripulación de Planet Express morreu por culpa das abellas asasinas, máis tarde o episodio "O aguillón" trama sobre un dos membros da nova tripulación morre polas abellas asasinas.
For example, while the pilot episode implies that the previous Planet Express crew was killed by a space wasp, the later episode "The Sting" is based on the crew having been killed by space bees instead.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A estes insectos a Natureza negoulle ter un aguillón; pero nunha gran clase deles encontramos que teñen cornos de singular lonxitude, con dous dentes nos extremos, formando pinzas, que o animal pecha cando ten a intención de trabar."
To these insects a sting has been denied by Nature; but in one large kind we find horns of a remarkable length, two-pronged at the extremities, and forming pincers, which the animal closes when it is its intention to bite."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Algúns insectos como as maruxiñas ou as avelaíñas Arctiidae conteñen compostos químicos amargos, mentres que a mofeta produce un cheiro noxento, e as glándulas de veleno das ras dardo de fogo, o aguillón dunha vespa Mutillidae ou a neurotoxina dunha araña Latrodectus fainos perigosos ou dorosos de atacar.
Some insects such as the ladybird or tiger moth contain bitter-tasting chemicals, while the skunk produces a noxious odour, and the poison glands of the poison dart frog, the sting of a velvet ant or neurotoxin in a black widow spider make them dangerous or painful to attack.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non teñen aguillón.
Has no hole.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aguilloado pola dor e ardendo coa indignación, violentei cun único esforzo as ligaduras e a venda.
Aroused by the pain, and burning with indignation, I burst, at a single effort, the fastenings and the bandage.Literature Literature
Colla a aguillada e faga coma min.
Take your spear and do as I do.""Literature Literature
18 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.