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Andres, alén de arelar a Rosita, a amada de Antonio, é unha vítima da cobiza de Tomás, e, ferido, volverá ao bo camiño grazas a Antonio e a Sardinilla.
Andres, plus interest in Rosita, the beloved of Antonio, is a victim of Tomás greed's, but when he is wounded, Antonio and Sardinilla return him to the good track.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rm. 8:6. En que se diferencia “a cobiza dos baixos instintos” da “arela do espírito”?
Ro 8:6 —What is the difference between “setting the mind on the flesh” and “setting the mind on the spirit”?jw2019 jw2019
Está organizado pola Asociación Cultural Arela e os veciños e veciñas de Cans, baixo a coordinación do guionista Alfonso Pato.
The festival is organized by the Arela Cultural Association and coordinated by the scriptwriter Alfonso Pato.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Porén, nunca foi capaz de deter as arelas militaristas de Italia, Xapón e Alemaña.
Ultimately, the Commission failed to halt the military build-up by Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan during the 1930s.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A miúdo as mulleres arelaban un marido que non podían ter, polo que non casaban.
Often, the women would not desire to marry, or want a husband that they couldn't have.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Humbert era perfectamente capaz de ter relacións sexuais con Eva, pero era Lilith[12] a quen arelaba.
Humbert was perfectly capable of intercourse with Eve, but it was Lilith [2] he longed for.Literature Literature
A oxitocina fai arelar o contacto físico cos amigos e familiares.
Oxytocin makes you crave physical contact with your friends and family.ted2019 ted2019
Que nos axudará a agardar arelantes malia calquera dificultade?
What will help us to wait eagerly in the face of any trial?jw2019 jw2019
A lenda presta o seu nome a un controvertido termo médico, a psicose wendigo, descrito polos psiquiatras como unha síndrome cultural con síntomas como unha arela intensa pola carne humana e o medo a converterse nun caníbal.
The legend lends its name to the controversial modern medical term Wendigo psychosis, described by psychiatrists as a culture-bound syndrome with symptoms such as an intense craving for human flesh and fear of becoming a cannibal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Por outra parte, a súa madeira é lixeira e durábel, e valorada especialmente no leste de Asia, sendo exportadas grandes cantidades ao Xapón, onde é moi arelada para facer cadaleitos e para ser utilizada na construción de templos.
The wood is light yet has great strength and rot resistance, and is particularly highly valued in east Asia, with large amounts being exported to Japan where it is in high demand for making coffins, and for shrines and temples.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tamén arelaba acordos para garantir o poder político musulmán, e así nun diálogo con B. R. Ambedkar, Iqbal expresou o seu desexo de ver as provincias indias como unidades autónomas baixo o control directo do goberno británico e sen a existencia dun goberno indio central, temía que unha unión india marxinaría politicamente os musulmáns, deixando os musulmáns sen unha entidade política separada.
He also speculated on different political arrangements to guarantee Muslim political power; in a dialogue with Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Iqbal expressed his desire to see Indian provinces as autonomous units under the direct control of the British government and with no central Indian government.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Freundlich arelaba construír un observatorio astronómico axeitado para confirmar experimentalmente a teoría da relatividade de Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
Freundlich wished to build a suitable astronomical observatory to experimentally confirm Einstein's Theory of Relativity.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O Arelato pasou entón ao Sacro Imperio Romano Xermánico cando foi herdado polo emperador Conrado II da dinastía Sálica, mentres que o ducado de Borgoña foi reinstaurado por unha rama menor dos capetos franceses.
The Arelat then passed to the Holy Roman Empire when it was inherited by Emperor Conrad II of the Salian dynasty, while the Duchy of Burgundy was re-installed by a cadet branch of the French Capetian dynasty.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 933, co colapso do Imperio carolinxio, tanto a Baixa como a Alta Borgoña foron reunidas no reino de Arlés (Arelato) baixo o rei Rodolfo II que, á súa vez, se derrubou na anarquía feudal coa extinción da súa dinastía en 1032.
In 933, with the collapse of the Carolingian Empire, both Lower and Upper Burgundy were re-united under King Rudolph II as the Kingdom of Arles (Arelat), which itself collapsed among feudal anarchy with the extinction of his line in 1032.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pero non tiña medios... tiven que abandonar as miñas arelas.
Our games were mostly about the arts.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Os homes xamais arelan o que xa posúen.
Men never crave what they already have.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Que podo facer para demostrar que agardo arelante “a revelación dos fillos de Deus”?
How can you show that you are “waiting with eager expectation for the revealing of the sons of God”?jw2019 jw2019
Como cando vén unha tormenta no horizonte e arelamos que chegue.
You know, when you see a thunderstorm on the horizon and you just find yourself rooting for the storm.ted2019 ted2019
Durante a década de 1880, Breedlove viviu nunha comunidade na que se desenvolveu o ragtime e ela cantou na St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church e comezou a arelar unha vida educada mentres vía as mulleres da igrexa.
During the 1880s, she lived in a community where Ragtime music was developed; she sang at the St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church and started to yearn for an educated life as she watched the community of women at her church.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Direi daquela, pregúntome, que arelaba cunha ansia resoluta e devoradora o pasamento de Morella?
Shall I then say that I longed with an earnest and consuming desire for the moment of Morella's decease?Literature Literature
Os suecos estaban dispostos a aceptar a arela norueguesa de separar os asuntos consulares, pero pedían que Noruega aceptase os precedentes sobre os que funcionara a unión durante noventa anos, en concreto, que o minstro de exteriores sexa sueco.
The Swedes were willing to accept the Norwegian urge for separate consular affairs, but they demanded that Norway accept the precedent under which the union had operated for 90 years, namely that the Foreign Minister be Swedish.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Agardemos arelantes con aguante
Keep Eagerly Waiting With Endurancejw2019 jw2019
En 1002, Otón Guillerme tamén foi pretendente ao ducado de Borgoña á morte do seu padrastro o duque Enrique I. Porén, o ducado foi tomado como un feudo revertido polo rei Roberto II de Francia dous anos máis tarde, e Otón só foi capaz de manter o goberno sobre o condado do Arelato coa súa residencia en Dole.
In 1002, Otto-William also claimed the Duchy of Burgundy upon the death of his stepfather Duke Henry I. However, the duchy was seized as a reverted fief by King Robert II of France two years later, and he was only able to maintain rule over the Arelat county with his residence at Dole.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A catedral románica Coa axuda da princesa Urraca de Zamora, irmá do rei, iníciase a construción dunha segunda catedral, acorde cos arelos da cristiandade románica, e dentro do seu estilo arquitectónico.
The Romanesque cathedral With the help of Princess Teresa Urraca of Navarre, sister of the king, the construction of a second cathedral, was started, and within its architecture.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Malvasia suxire que non foi envelenaba senón que sufriu unha condición que xurdiu espontaneamente no corpo dunha “muller vivaz e animosa, ocultando ata o grao máis alto a súa arela dun marido quizais cobizado mais negado a ela polo seu pai”.
Malvasia suggests that it was not poisoning but a condition that arose spontaneously in the body of a “vivacious and spirited woman, concealing to the highest degree her craving for a perhaps coveted husband denied to her by her father.”WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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