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Hans Beck di que, ao contrario do que pasara con Esparta e a liga do Peloponeso ou con Atenas e a liga de Delos, Tebas non tentou de ningún modo crear un imperio ou atar aos seus aliados nalgún tipo de organización permanente e estábel.
Hans Beck asserts that, unlike Sparta in the Peloponnesian League and Athens in the Delian League, Thebes made no effort either to create an empire or to bind its allies in any sort of permanent and stable organization.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For Your Love ten tres cancións da primeira sesión de gravación de Jeff Beck con The Yardbirds: "I'm Not Talking", "I Ain't Done Wrong" e "My Girl Sloopy" (posteriormente sería eitadas no Reino Unido no EP Five Yardbirds).
For Your Love features three songs from Jeff Beck's first recording sessions with the Yardbirds: "I'm Not Talking", "I Ain't Done Wrong", and "My Girl Sloopy" (these songs were later released in the UK on the Five Yardbirds EP).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O lo-fi evitaba as pulidas écnicas de gravación cunha ética D.I.Y. e foi encabezado por Beck Sebadoh e Pavement.
Lo-fi eschewed polished recording techniques for a D.I.Y. ethos and was spearheaded by Beck, Sebadoh and Pavement.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Beck molestouse xa que o fixeron sen o seu permiso e, despois de coñecer o seu enfado, Sonic Enemy parou de facer máis copias.
Beck was upset that they did so without his permission, and after he made his displeasure known, Sonic Enemy ceased to press any more copies.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aparentamente foi unha colonización procedente da illa de Santiago a que deu lugar a esta especie do volcán Wolf (C. becki), mentres que as catro poboacións meridionais crese que descenden dunha segunda colonización desde a illa de Santa Cruz situada máis ao sur.
A colonization from the island of Santiago apparently gave rise to the Volcan Wolf species (C. becki) while the four southern populations are believed to be descended from a second colonization from the more southerly island of Santa Cruz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Golden Feelings é o álbum de estrea do músico estadounidense de rock alternativo Beck, editado en 1993 polo selo Sonic Enemy.
Golden Feelings is the debut studio album by American musician Beck, released in 1993 by Sonic Enemy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"It's All in Your Mind" é unha canción do músico estadounidense Beck.
"Up All Night" is a song by the American musician Beck.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Todos os temas por Beck Hansen.
"He prefers to go by Beck Hansen now.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aínda que o disco foi orixinelmente programado para ser lanzado polo selo Bong Load Records, Geffen interviu e publicouno en contra dos desexos de Beck.
Though the album was originally slated for release by Bong Load Records, Geffen intervened and issued the record against Beck's wishes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A pesar de ser gravado principalmente na habitación de Dieterich e de ser mesturado no ordenador da banda en hoteis durante as súas xiras con Radiohead, The Flaming Lips e Beck, Friend Opportunity ten un son pulido e cinemático.
Despite being recorded mostly in Dieterich's bedroom and being mixed on the band's laptop in hotel rooms during tours with Radiohead, The Flaming Lips, and Beck, 2007's Friend Opportunity had a polished, cinematic sound.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Information é o décimo álbum de estudio do músico estadounidense de rock alternativo Beck, editado o 3 de outubro do 2006 polo selo Interscope Records.
The Information is the tenth studio album by American musician Beck, released on October 3, 2006 by Interscope Records.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Good Bye, Lenin! é un filme alemán dirixido por Wolfgang Becker que foi estreado no 2003.
Good Bye, Lenin! is a 2003 German tragicomedy film, directed by Wolfgang Becker.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Durante todo un ano, a partir de setembro de 1904, unha expedición da Academia de Ciencias de California, ao mando de Rollo Beck, estivo nas illas recompilando material científico en áreas de xeoloxía, entomoloxía, ornitoloxía, botánica, zooloxía e herpetoloxía.
Over the course of a whole year, from September 1904, an expedition of the Academy of Sciences of California, led by Rollo Beck, stayed in the Galápagos collecting scientific material on geology, entomology, ornithology, botany, zoology and herpetology.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Filmes como Lola rennt de Tom Tykwer, Good Bye Lenin! de Wolfgang Becker, Gegen die Wand de Fatih Akin e Das Leben der Anderen de Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, mantiveron unha natureza provocativa e innovadora.
Film releases such as Run Lola Run by Tom Tykwer, Good Bye Lenin! by Wolfgang Becker, Head-On by Fatih Akin, Perfume by Tom Tykwer and The Lives of Others by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, have arguably managed to recapture a provocative and innovative nature.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ademais, o tema tratouse hai pouco tempo en numerosas películas, como Sonnenallee (1999) de Leander Haußmann, a exitosa Good bye, Lenin! (2003) de Wolfgang Becker e Kleinruppin forever (2004) de Carsten Fiebeler.
Life in the GDR has also been the subject of several films, including Leander Haußmann's Sonnenallee (1999), Wolfgang Becker's internationally successful Good Bye, Lenin! (2003), Carsten Fiebeler's Kleinruppin forever (2004).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Producida por Warner Horizon Television, xunto con Alloy Entertainment e A&E Studios, a primeira tempada está baseada na novela epónima de 2008 de Caroline Kepnes, e conta a historia de Joe Goldberg, un mozo de Nova York que rexenta unha libraría (Penn Badgley) que se namora dunha clienta, Guinevere Beck (Elizabeth Lail) e axiña se obsesiona con ela.
Produced by Warner Horizon Television, in association with Alloy Entertainment and A&E Studios, the first season is based on the eponymous 2014 novel by Caroline Kepnes and follows Joe Goldberg, a New York bookstore manager (Penn Badgley) who falls in love with a customer named Guinevere Beck (Elizabeth Lail) and quickly becomes obsessed with her.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Viaxaba nun Beechcraft Bonanza pilotado polo seu cuñado o Dr. Jörg Becker-Hohensee de Mannheim á súa casa de vacacións en Sylt no norte de Alemaña para unhas vacacións de Pascua.
He was travelling in a Beechcraft Bonanza flown by his brother-in-law Dr. Jörg Becker-Hohensee from Mannheim to their holiday home in Sylt in Northern Germany for an Easter vacation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nun artigo escrito para Grove Music Online, Walser afirmou que "os anos 1980 suscitaron a adaptación xeral de progresións de acordes e prácticas virtuosas dende modelos europeos do século XVIII, especialmente Bach e Vivaldi, por parte de guitarristas influentes como Ritchie Blackmore, Marty Friedman, Jason Becker, Uli Jon Roth, Eddie Van Halen, Randy Rhoads e Yngwie Malmsteen".
In an article written for Grove Music Online, Walser stated that the "1980s brought on ... the widespread adaptation of chord progressions and virtuosic practices from 18th-century European models, especially Bach and Antonio Vivaldi, by influential guitarists such as Ritchie Blackmore, Marty Friedman, Jason Becker, Uli Jon Roth, Eddie Van Halen, Randy Rhoads and Yngwie Malmsteen".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os guitarristas Dave Davies de The Kinks, Pete Townshend de The Who e Jeff Beck de The Yardbirds comezaron tamén a experimentar cos sons acoplados.
In addition to The Kinks' Dave Davies, other guitarists such as The Who's Pete Townshend and The Yardbirds' Jeff Beck were experimenting with feedback.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O pai mercou almorzo para os funcionarios miserentos na base, a nai sacrificouse para a roupa íntimas de estraños, a irmá foi detrás da súa mesa no Beck e chamada de clientes, pero a enerxías familia non se estendeu aínda máis.
The father bought breakfast to the petty officials at the bank, the mother sacrificed herself for the undergarments of strangers, the sister behind her desk was at the beck and call of customers, but the family's energies did not extend any further.QED QED
Colors é o décimo terceiro álbum do músico estadounidense Beck, publicado o 13 de outubro de 2017 a través do selo Capitol Records.
Colors is the thirteenth overall studio album by American musician Beck, released on October 13, 2017, by Capitol Records.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despois da morte da súa querida amiga Simone Beck, Child cedeu La Pitchoune despois dunha estadía dun mes de duración en xuño de 1992 coa súa familia, a súa sobriña Phila e o seu bo amigo e biógrafo Noël Riley Fitch.
After the death of her beloved friend Simone Beck, Child relinquished La Pitchoune after a month long stay in June 1992 with her family, her niece, Phila, and close friend and biographer Noël Riley Fitch.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O disco gravouse entre 2013 e 2017 e foi producido por Beck xunto con Greg Kurstin.
The album was recorded between 2013 and 2017, with Beck producing alongside Greg Kurstin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tódolos temas escritos e compostos por Beck Hansen.
All songs written and composed by Beck Hansen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O fabricante de pianos Franz Becker realizaba visitas de cando en vez á Escola como profesor de música simbólico.
Piano manufacturer Franz Becker made occasional visits to the School as a token music teacher.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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