bico oor Engels


naamwoord, werkwoordmanlike

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structure projecting from a bird's face
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touch with the lips


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forno da bica
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gralha de bico vermelho
alpine chough
con bico
bico francés
French kiss
no bico dos pés
on tiptoe


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A primeira vez que bicaron
When I first felt themOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hoxe déronme o meu primeiro bico francés.
Today I got my first French kiss.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Un documento neerlandés de 1631, redescuberto en 1887 mais posteriormente perdido, é o único rexistro escrito da dieta do dodo ademais de mencionar que utilizaba o seu bico para defenderse: Estes son soberbios e impoñentes.
A 1631 Dutch letter (long thought lost, but rediscovered in 2017) is the only account of the dodo's diet, and also mentions that it used its beak for defence.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mellor bica a túa pequena Polly e xúralle que nunca máis, óesme?
Kiss your little Polly and swear that you'll never, ever...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mentres lanzaba os zapatos, al-Zaidi gritou "este é o bico de despedida do pobo iraquí, can" en árabe.
"This is a farewell kiss from the Iraqi people, you dog," yelled al-Zaidi in Arabic as he threw his first shoe towards Bush.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pensa vostede que ningunha muller no mundo se negaría a ser bicada?
You think there is no woman in the world who would object to being kissed?Literature Literature
O bico do asasino (en inglés: Killer's Kiss) é un filme estadounidense de 1955 dirixido por Stanley Kubrick e escrito por Kubrick e Howard Sackler.
Killer's Kiss is a 1955 American crime film noir directed by Stanley Kubrick and written by Kubrick and Howard Sackler.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tres das seis especies de Pachyptila teñen bicos cheos de lamelas, que actúan como filtros pra cribar zooplancto da auga.
Three of the six prion species have bills filled with lamellae, which act as filters to sift zooplankton from the water.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O mecanismo de "bicar e correr" sábese que ocorre nas células endócrinas, aínda que non foi observado directamente en espazos sinápticos.
"Kiss and run" has been shown to occur in endocrine cells, though it has not been directly witnessed in synaptic gaps.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
De todos as mulleres que bicou... unha vai poder identificalo.
Ten o bico máis longo (en proporción ao seu tamaño) de todos os cetáceos, máis do 15 % do tamaño do corpo nos adultos.
The La Plata dolphin has the longest beak (as a proportion of body size) of any cetacean — as much as 15% in older adults.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Durmira na praia, pegárame un baño e fora en bici a través da xungla uns vintedous kms.
I’d slept on the beach, had a swim and cycled through the jungle for fifteen miles.Literature Literature
Ela vai amosar moi ben como bicados eu era cando eu che dicir que eu case como un touch publicar unha gravata branca cun smoking.
It will show you pretty well how pipped I was when I tell you that I near as a toucher put on a white tie with a dinner - jacket.QED QED
Non porque estea actuando, senón porque lle parece unha nave marabillosa cunha calandra no bico.
Not because he was acting, but because it struck him as a magnificent ship with a skylark on its lips.Literature Literature
O quiste foi descrito primeiramente por Deflandre e Cookson en 1955 a partir do microplancto fósil do Mioceno de Balcombe Bay, Victoria, Australia da seguinte maneira: "cuberta globular, subesférica ou elipsoidal cunha membrana ríxida, máis fráxil que deformable, cuberta con numerosos procesos bicudos, longos, cónicos e duros, que lembran á folla dunha daga.
This cyst was first described by Deflandre and Cookson in 1955 from the Miocene of Balcombe Bay, Victoria, Australia as: "Shell globular, subsphaerical or ellipsoidal with a rigid membrane, more brittle than deformable, covered with numerous long, stiff, conical, pointed processes resembling the blade of a dagger.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O mural fai escarnio da famosa fotografía do bico entre Leonid Brezhnev e Erich Honecker que foi tomada durante a celebración do 30 aniversario da República Democrática Alemá en 1979.
The cover art can also be seen as a parody of a famous picture with Leonid Brezhnev and Erich Honecker kissing at the celebrations of the 30th birthday of the former German Democratic Republic in 1979.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despois da Segunda Guerra Mundial algúns dos mellores clubs de Europa andaban tentando facerse cos servizos de Bican.
In the devastated Europe after the war, several of Europe's biggest clubs should have wanted Bican.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dá un bico ao teu pai.
Give your father a kiss.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
As dúas metades do bico dun colibrí teñen un solapamento pronunciado, e a metade inferior (mandíbula) encaixa moi estreitamente dentro da metade superior (maxilar).
The two halves of a hummingbird's bill have a pronounced overlap, with the lower half (mandible) fitting tightly inside the upper half (maxilla).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unha das miñas cuñadas achegouse a min e bicoume.
One of my sisters-in-law came over to me and kissed me.Literature Literature
Non poden tragar a comida collida coa punta do bico, xa que as súas linguas son demasiado curtas para manipulalo, polo que lanzan o alimento cara atrás cara á gorxa cunha sacudida da cabeza.
They cannot swallow food caught at the tip of the beak as their tongues are too short to manipulate it, so they toss it back to the throat with a jerk of the head.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O'er beizos das mulleres, que fronte soño bicos, - Cara a MAB oft con rabia de pragas burbullas,
O'er ladies'lips, who straight on kisses dream, -- Which oft the angry Mab with blisters plagues,QED QED
A liña verde é a liña de carrís bici.
The green line is the number of bike lanes.ted2019 ted2019
Devolve ti a bici a Jandos.
You'll give Jandos his bike back.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
¿Bicaba mulleres que non coñecía?
YOU MEAN HE KISSED WOMEN HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
205 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.