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A hipótese do bufón da corte está construída baseándose na teoría do equilibrio interrompido (ou puntuado) de Stephen Gould (1972), xa que proporciona un mecanismo primario para ela.
The court jester hypothesis builds upon the punctuated equilibrium theory of Stephen Gould (1972) by providing a primary mechanism for it.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yoshikawa era o profesor de arte, a quen eu lle puxera o alcume de Bufón.
Yoshikawa is the teacher of drawing whom I had nicknamed Clown.Literature Literature
Esta é unha das vocalizacións que fan as tartarugas; outros ruídos son os que emiten durante os encontros agresivos, cando se esforzan para erguerse, e bufan cando se retiran nas súas coirazas debido a unha expulsión forzada de aire.
This is one of the few vocalisations the tortoise makes; other noises are made during aggressive encounters, when struggling to right themselves, and hissing as they withdraw into their shells due to the forceful expulsion of air.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Apertou unha tecla, mirou a pantalla e bufou mirando os prefixos.
She pressed a button, looked at the screen and breathed a sigh as she saw the codes.Literature Literature
Foi detido alí en 1940 pola súa pertenza ao BUF e máis tarde foi trasladado a un campamento en Suráfrica.
He was arrested there in 1940 for his BUF membership (under Defence Regulation 18B) and later transferred to a camp in South Africa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Agora só son un bufón.
Now I'm only a fool.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Memoria en búferes
Buffered MemoryKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Desde 2001, moitos investigadores da evolución, como Tracy Aze, Anthony Barnosky, Michael J. Benton, Douglas Erwin, Thomas Ezard, Sergey Gravilets, J.B.C. Jackson, Paul N. Pearson, Andy Purvis, Robert D. Westfall, e Constance I. Millar empezaron a usar o termo "hipótese do bufón da corte" para describir a idea de que a evolución a unha macroescala é impulsada principalmente por factores abióticos en vez de polos factores bióticos como a competición sinalados na hipótese da Raíña Vermella.
Since 2001, many researchers in evolution (such as Tracy Aze, Anthony Barnosky, Michael J. Benton, Douglas Erwin, Thomas Ezard, Sergey Gravilets, J.B.C. Jackson, Paul N. Pearson, Andy Purvis, Robert D. Westfall, and Constance I. Millar) have started to use the term "Court Jester hypothesis" to describe the view that evolution at a macro scale is driven by abiotic factors more than the biotic competition called the Red Queen hypothesis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" Está perfectamente correcto! " El bufou.
" You're perfectly right! " he snorted.QED QED
A hipótese da Raíña Vermella (centrada na evolución das interaccións bióticas) e a do bufón da corte (centrada na evolución por factores abióticos como as perturbacións do ambiente estocásticas) inflúen ambas nos cambios coevolutivos da interacción hóspede-parasito.
The Red Queen hypothesis (focusing on evolution by biotic interactions) and Court Jester hypothesis (focusing on evolution by abiotic factors such as stochastic environmental perturbations) both influence coevolutionary switching in host-parasite interaction.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Moitos animais, como os cánidos, gatos domésticos, bufos, aguias, pombas e peixes teñen frecuenteente ollos ámbar, pero nos humanos é menos frecuente.
Many animals such as canines, domestic cats, owls, eagles, pigeons and fish have amber eyes as a common color, whereas in humans this color occurs less frequently.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A maioría das aves son diúrnas, mais algunhas especies, sobre todo bufos e avenoiteiras, son nocturnas ou crepusculares; e moitas aves limícolas costeiras aliméntanse cando as mareas sonlles propicias xa sexa de día ou de noite.
Most birds are diurnal, but some birds, such as many species of owls and nightjars, are nocturnal or crepuscular (active during twilight hours), and many coastal waders feed when the tides are appropriate, by day or night.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Búferes de disco
Disk buffersKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Unha clase de ideas alternativas, aquí denominada hipótese do bufón da corte, comparte o principio básico de que os cambios no ambiente físico en vez das interaccións bióticas son os iniciadores dos principais cambios nos organismos e ecosistemas. . . .
A class of alternative ideas, here termed Court Jester hypotheses, share the basic tenet that changes in the physical environment rather than biotic interactions themselves are the initiators of major changes in organisms and ecosystems. . . .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As moedas de Hephaestia atópanse en número considerable, e diversos tipos incluíndo a deusa Athena cos seus bufo, os símbolos relixiosos nativos, cascos de Dioscures, Apolo, etc. Coñécense poucas moedas de Mirina.
Coins from Hephaestia are found in considerable number, and various types including the goddess Athena with her owl, native religious symbols, the caps of the Dioscuri, Apollo, etc. Few coins of Myrina are known.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No curso dun ano , o fillo de Bufo lanzadardos co nome de Yax Nuun Ayiin I (primeiro crocodilo), instalouse como o décimo quinto rei de Tikal mentres aínda era un neno, sendo entronizado o 13 de setembro do 379.
Within a year, the son of Spearthrower Owl by the name of Yax Nuun Ayiin I (First Crocodile) had been installed as the fifteenth king of Tikal while he was still a boy, being enthroned on 13 September 379.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Algúns estaban fotos de nenos - nenas con vestidos de satén de espesor que alcanzou aos seus pés e se destacou sobre eles, e os nenos con mangas bufantes e golas de renda e pelo longo, ou con golas grandes en torno dos seus pescozos.
Some were pictures of children -- little girls in thick satin frocks which reached to their feet and stood out about them, and boys with puffed sleeves and lace collars and long hair, or with big ruffs around their necks.QED QED
Varias especies son presas de diferentes predadores: mentres que os ourizos dos bosques son presa principalmente de aves (especialmente bufos) e furóns, as especies pequenas como o ourizo orelludo Hemiechinus auritus son presa de raposos, lobos e mangostas.
The various species are prey to different predators: while forest hedgehogs are prey primarily to birds (especially owls) and ferrets, smaller species like the long-eared hedgehog are prey to foxes, wolves, and mongooses.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os bufos xeralmente cazan pequenos mamíferos, insectos e outras aves, aínda que algunhas especies especialízanse na caza de peixes.
Owls hunt mostly small mammals, insects, and other birds, although a few species specialize in hunting fish.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Se escolle esta opción sincronízanse estes dous búferes
Selecting this option synchronizes these two buffersKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Non cabía a menor dúbida, era a voz de Bufón!
It was undoubtedly the voice of Clown.Literature Literature
O avión era un Boeing 747-206B, con rexistro PH-BUF, chamado Rijn.
The aircraft was a Boeing 747-206B, registration PH-BUF, named Rijn (Rhine).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Para os liberais os amigos de orixe portuguesa do emperador que formaban parte da corte imperial, incluíndo a Francisco Gomes da Silva (alcumado "o Chalaça", "o Bufón"), formaban parte destas conspiracións e tiñan formado un "gabinete secreto".
To the Liberals, the Emperor's Portuguese-born friends who were part of the Imperial court, including Francisco Gomes da Silva who was nicknamed "the Buffoon", were part of these conspiracies and formed a "secret cabinet".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nas áreas en que foron introducidos nos países da antiga Unión Soviética, os seus principais depredadores son os lobos, linces e rapaces como os bufos Bubo.
In their introduced range in the former Soviet Union, their main predators are wolves, lynxes and eagle owls.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A taxonomía de Sibley-Ahlquist une os Caprimulgiformes coa orde dos bufos; onde curuxas (titónidos) son a subfamilia Tytoninae.
The Sibley-Ahlquist taxonomy unites the Caprimulgiformes with the owl order; here, the barn owls are a subfamily Tytoninae.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
70 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.