cancelar oor Engels


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To revoke an action. To quit an action without saving any changes that the action would result in.

call off

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Debido á caída de Tyler, Aerosmith viuse obrigado a cancelar o resto da súa xira de 2009, agás dous concertos en Hawai en outubro.
Aerosmith was forced to cancel the rest of their 2009 tour, except for two shows in Hawaii in October.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A neve e o clima xeado forzaron a cancelación de 1.200 voos en Jeju, varando aproximadamente a 90.300 pasaxeiros.
Snow and frigid weather forced the cancellation of 1,200 flights on Jejudo, stranding approximately 90,300 passengers.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No isómero trans isto non ocorre porque os momentos de enlace dos dous C-Cl se cancelan e a molécula ten un dipolo neto de cero (pero ten un cuadrupolo que non é cero).
In the trans isomer on the other hand, this does not occur because the two C−Cl bond moments cancel and the molecule has a net zero dipole (it does however have a non-zero quadrupole).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O calendario inicial constaba de vinte carreiras, incluído o novo Gran Premio da India, antes da cancelación do Gran Premio de Bahrain.
The original calendar for the 2011 Formula One World Championship consisted of twenty rounds, including the inaugural running of the Indian Grand Prix before the cancellation of the Bahrain Grand Prix.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Partida cancelada
Game abortedKDE40.1 KDE40.1
A saída foi cancelada por " % # "
Logout canceled by '%# 'KDE40.1 KDE40.1
O trato con Wallenberg cancélase!
The deal with Wallenberg is off!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Escolleu sincronizarse co ficheiro " % # ", que non se pode abrir. Asegúrese de fornecer un nome de ficheiro válido no diálogo de configuración do conduto. Cancélase o conduto
You chose to sync with the file " %# ", which cannot be opened. Please make sure to supply a valid file name in the conduit 's configuration dialog. Aborting the conduitKDE40.1 KDE40.1
A Iniciativa Vingadores foi cancelada.
The Avengers Initiative was shut down.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Todos os compromisos inmediatos foron cancelados; entre eles estaba planeada unha serie de representacións de The Rape of Lucretia polo English Opera Group, previstas como parte do Festival of Britain de 1951.
All immediate engagements were cancelled; among these was a planned series of performances of The Rape of Lucretia by the English Opera Group, scheduled as part of the 1951 Festival of Britain.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Un accidente fatal e problemas técnicos afectaron ao rendemento atrasando o desenvolvemento fo Cheyenne e levando á cancelación do contrato de produción o 19 de maio de 1969.
A fatal crash and technical problems affecting performance put Cheyenne development behind schedule, resulting in the cancellation of the production contract on 19 May 1969.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Só días despois de que cancelara todos os seus contratos para as representacións dunha nova produción de Faust durante a tempada 2011-12.
Only days later she cancelled all her performances in the scheduled new production of Faust during the Met's 2011/2012 season.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
P proxecto demostrou ser demasiado sofisticado e foi cancelado en 1972, despoois de 10 anos de desenvolvemento.
It proved to be too sophisticated, and was canceled in 1972, after ten years of development.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Isto trouxo un maior risco xa que DRS reduce a resistencia ao cancelar o agarre aerodinámico nun momento en que o agarre aerodinámico mellora a capacidade do automóbil para tomar curvas a gran velocidade.
This brought increased risk as DRS reduces drag by cancelling out aerodynamic grip at a time when aerodynamic grip improves the car's ability to take corners at speed.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O A318 crese que xurdiu do proxecto AE31X aínda que Airbus comezara un proxecto exclusivo chamado A319M5 en 1995, antes da cancelación do AE31X.
The A318 is believed to have emerged from the AE31X project though an Airbus-only project, named the A319M5 in 1995, began before the AE31X cancellation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Webroot % # non existe! Cancelando
Webroot %# does not exist! AbortingKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Os comisarios eventualmente cancelaron a penalización por completo.
The stewards eventually rescinded the penalty altogether.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tras a cancelación do programa, a estación Almaz foi reconfigurada como satélite de recoñecemento por radar pesado e non tripulado.
Following cancellation of the program, the Almaz station was reconfigured as an unmanned heavy radar-carrying reconnaissance satellite.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 1944, despois da cancelación do programa, os prototipos das series A e C supervivintes equipáronse apresuradamente con armamento defensivo e fixeron labores de recoñecemento na fronte leste.
In 1944, following the cancellation of the 288 programme, the surviving A and C series prototypes were hurriedly fitted with defensive armament and equipment and deployed as reconnaissance bombers on the Western Front.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Obtención cancelada
Fetch abortedKDE40.1 KDE40.1
A pista foi pensada para recibir a súa carreira inaugural en agosto de 1921, pero, tivo que ser cancelada xa que só había un participante.
The track was intended to have hosted its inaugural race in August 1921, but this event had to be cancelled as there was only one entrant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O inmenso xentío de 200.000 persoas resultou case incontrolable e case obrigou á cancelación da carreira.
The immense crowd of 200,000 proved almost uncontrollable and almost forced the cancellation of the race.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Debido a isto, o Gran Premio dos Países Baixos foi cancelado o ano seguinte, o circuíto regresou en 1973, cun deseño modificado.
Because of this the Dutch Grand Prix was canceled the next year, but the circuit came back in 1973; and the layout had been modified.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eurocopter afirmou que os desacordos sobre a integración dos sistemas de armas foron o motivo da cancelación.
Eurocopter claimed that disagreements over the integration of weapons systems on the helicopter were the reason for the cancellation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Activistas de dereitos humanos pediron a cancelación do Gran Premio de Bahrain de 2012, que tivo lugar o 22 de abril, debido a informes sobre o uso continuo de forza excesiva polas autoridades e o uso da tortura durante as detencións.
Human rights activists called for a cancellation of the 2012 Bahrain Grand Prix, which took place on 22 April, because of reports of ongoing use of excessive force by authorities and torture in detention.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
202 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.