canto lle debo? oor Engels

canto lle debo?

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how much do I owe you

how much do I owe you?

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Canto lle debo?
What do I owe you?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Canto máis traballo lles dá obter o ferro, maior é o prezo metabólico que deben pagar.
The harder they have to work to get iron, the greater a metabolic price they must pay.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Un prioritario podería afirmar que a cantidade de peso que se lle debe dar ao benestar dos máis desfavorecidos é algo que debe ser calculado en equilibrio reflexivo, ou que se os pesos non poden ser determinados con exactitude, existe un rango de pesos que é aceptábel ou xustificábel.
A prioritarian might claim that how much weight should be given to the well-being of the worse off is something to be worked out in reflective equilibrium, or that if weights cannot be determined exactly, there is a range of weights that is acceptable or justifiable.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Desde 1924 ata 1931, o presidente da National Trust foi John Bailey, de quen The Times dixo en 1931 que "a posición forte que a National Trust agora ocupa é en gran parte debido a el, a nación nunca saberá cantos xenerosos agasallos de beleza rural e interese histórico lle debe, directamente ou indirectamente, ao seu persuasivo entusiasmo".
From 1924 to 1931, the trust's chairman was John Bailey, of whom The Times said in 1931, "The strong position which the National Trust now occupies is largely due to him, and it will perhaps never be known how many generous gifts of rural beauty and historic interest the nation owes, directly or indirectly, to his persuasive enthusiasm."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" A nai dixo que eu debo dicir- lle para manterse fóra de portas o ́tanto canto pode, mesmo cando choivas un pouco, así como wrap tha " warm up ".
" Mother said I must tell you to keep out o'doors as much as you could, even when it rains a bit, so as tha'wrap up warm. "QED QED
Debido a que a listaxe de cancións non lle daba o seu correspondente número ao resto dos temas, pensouse erroneamente que que os cortes 3-9 eran realmente os 4-10, polo que "Alvin Row" non tiña título.
Since the track listing gave no corresponding track numbers to the rest of the songs, it was incorrectly assumed that tracks #3-9 were actually titled as tracks #4-10 are here, and that "Alvin Row" had no title.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Por exemplo, o cantante David Bowie parece ter ollos de diferente cor debido a un dano ocular que lle causa que teña unha pupila permanentemente dilatada.
David Bowie, on the other hand, had the appearance of different eye colors due to an injury that caused one pupil to be permanently dilated.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Debido ás presións do seu avó, ela ten unha mala actitude en xeral acerca do judo, eludíndoo canto lle sexa posíbel.
Because of the pressure from her grandfather she has a generally bad attitude about judo, avoiding it as much as she can.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tanto os líderes como os homes carecían por completo de experiencia, o avance viuse demorado por inundacións na rexión, deberon abandonar numerosas provisións, e o grupo dividiuse numerosas veces a pesar da presenza de gran cantidade de aborixes que lles eran hostís.
Leaders and men were totally inexperienced, progress was delayed by flooded country, many stores were abandoned, and the party was constantly split up despite the presence of large numbers of hostile Aboriginals.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As presas deben aparecer en gran cantidade para que teñan interese para a balea, estar dentro de certo tamaño para que as barbas da balea a poidan filtrar, e ser o suficientemente lentas para que non lles dea tempo a escapar.
Prey must occur in sufficient numbers to trigger the whale's interest, be large enough that the baleen plates can filter it, and be slow enough that it cannot escape.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Era tan grande a casa dun, que non lle gustaba ir máis preto ata que ela tiña mordiscado algunhas máis bits da esquerda do cogumelo, e levantouse a uns dous metros de altura: mesmo entón ela subiu cara a ela, no canto timidamente, dicindo para si mesma " Supoñamos que debe ser raving tolo despois de todo!
It was so large a house, that she did not like to go nearer till she had nibbled some more of the lefthand bit of mushroom, and raised herself to about two feet high: even then she walked up towards it rather timidly, saying to herself'Suppose it should be raving mad after all!QED QED
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