cocede oor Engels



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Non che dixen que non te quería ver na miña cociña?
Ain't I done tol'you'bout messin''roun'my kitchen?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A saliña de estar e os dous cuartos e a cociña estaban coma atorados na parte de atrás.
This tiny sitting room and two bedrooms and the kitchen sort of tacked on the back.Literature Literature
O caio é un lugar popular para os observadores de aves, pero pola contra está subdesarrollado, en comparación co desenvolvemento do complexo intensivo do próximo Caio Coco.
The cay is a popular for birdwatchers but is otherwise undeveloped, compared to the intensive resort developments on nearby Cayo Coco.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ademais destes tipos de bodegón, os artistas holandeses identificaron e desenvolveron separadamente pinturas de «cociña e mercado», almorzo e comida, vanitas e coleccións alegóricas.
In addition to these types of still life, Dutch artists identified and separately developed "kitchen and market" paintings, breakfast and food table still life, vanitas paintings, and allegorical collection paintings.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O chan de madeira estaba inclinado, unha pequena bóla de aceiro arrolaría ata a cociña.
The wooden floor slanted, a little steel ball would have rolled into the kitchen.Literature Literature
A pista do aeroporto foi incorporada á nova estrada que conecta Cayo Coco con Cayo Guillermo, aínda que algunhas marcas de pista permanecen visibles.
The former runway of the airport was incorporated as the new route of a highway heading west connecting Cayo Coco with Cayo Guillermo, although some runway markings and taxiways remain visible.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cocora era o nome dunha princesa quimbaya, filla do cacique Acaime, e cuxo significado é estrela de auga.
"Cocora" was the name of a Quimbayan princess, daughter of the local chief Acaime, and means "star of water" (Spanish: estrella de agua).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Como hacer leche de coco en casa.
"Sago Pudding in Coconut Milk Recipe".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os biodixestores, que producen as bacterias necesarias para a descomposición, xeran gas que se pode usar para cociñar.
By using a bio-digester, which produces the bacteria required for decomposing, cooking gas is generated.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A industria consiste principalmente en pequenas fábricas para tratar a froita de paixón, o petróleo, mel, e crema de coco.
Industry consists primarily of small factories to process passion fruit, lime oil, honey, and coconut cream.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As figuras notables de Sifnos nos tempos modernos inclúen ao educador e líder revolucionario Nikolaos Chrysogelos (1780-1858), que serviu como Ministro de Educación de Grecia, e o chef Nikolaos Tselementes (1878-1958), que escribiu un libro de cociña clásica aínda se usa hoxe en Grecia.
Notable figures from Sifnos in modern times include the educator and revolutionary leader Nikolaos Chrysogelos (1780–1858), who served as Greece's Minister of Education, and the chef Nikolaos Tselementes (1878–1958), who wrote a classic cookery book still used in Greece today.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As cociñas solares son axeitadas para varias situacións, en función do clima e do estilo de cociñado.
Solar cookers are appropriate to some settings, depending on climate and cooking style.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" Ten cocido min tamén marrón, debo azucre o pelo. "
" You have baked me too brown, I must sugar my hair. "QED QED
Darwin encontrou alí unha economía baseada nos cocos, que servía tanto ao pequeno asentamento coma á vida silvestre.
Darwin found a coconut economy, serving both the small settlement and wildlife.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As esposas dos traballadores abriron unha cociña na cantina na que xa non se serve o de sempre, salchichas e café.
The worker's wives have set up a kitchen in the canteen there where they don't serve the usual sausages and coffee.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A maioría dos cultivos alimentarios importantes en Kiribati como o coco, taro xigante, pandanus e árbores do pan danse ben en Abemama.
Most of the important food crops in Kiribati such as coconut, giant taro, pandanus and breadfruit grow well in Abemama.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 1771 os mariñeiros prenderon lume á illa, coa intención de facer a colleita de cocos do mar e noces máis doada.
In 1771 sailors set fire to the island, intending to make harvesting of the coco de mer nuts easier.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Á señora Patmore preocupáballe que preferisen a cociña da señora Bird e que non a quixesen de volta.
Mrs Patmore was worried that they'd prefer Mrs Bird's cooking, and they wouldn't want her to come back.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
O cuarto libro de Child, From Julia Child's Kitchen, foi ilustrado con fotografías do seu esposo e documentaba a serie a cor de The French Chef, así como unha extensa listaxe de notas de cociña compiladas por Child durante o curso do programa.
Child's fourth book, From Julia Child's Kitchen, was illustrated with her husband's photographs and documented the color series of The French Chef, as well as provided an extensive library of kitchen notes compiled by Child during the course of the show.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Entón ela foi a través da cociña- xardíns de novo e saíu para a camiña fóra da
Then she ran through the kitchen- gardens again and out into the walk outside theQED QED
A propia familia comía na cociña.
The family itself ate in the kitchen.QED QED
Por outra banda, crese que os humanos xa empregaban o lume como recurso para preparar e cocer a comida dende os tempos nos que se diferenciaron do Homo erectus.
It has been proposed that humans have used fire to prepare and cook food since the time of Homo erectus.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sabes quen matou a Sloan cun coitelo, na cociña?
Do you know who killed Sloan with a butcher knife in the kitchen?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"¿Qué es la leche de coco?".
"How about a cookie?"WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non podo investigar sobre o cancro no mesado da cociña.
I can't really do cancer research on my kitchen countertop.ted2019 ted2019
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