coidar oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels

take care of

look after

bring up

Open Multilingual Wordnet

care for

Open Multilingual Wordnet

En 7 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

nurture · parent · protect · raise · rear · take · treat

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Soortgelyke frases

coidado co can
beware of the dog
con coidado
coidado co oco
mind the gap
teña coidado
be careful
ter coidado
look out · watch · watch out
care · tidy
coido que non
I don't think so
coidado médico
medical aid · medical care
eu coido que non
I don't think so


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Coidado individual, dará boa impresión.
Individual care... a good impressionOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Coidados paliativos.
Palliative care.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aínda crece a vivacious lilás unha xeración despois da porta e atado e a soleira se foron, desdobrando- se a súa doce aroma de flores cada primavera, para ser arrincado polo viaxeiro musing; plantas e coidadas unha vez polas mans dos nenos, diante curro parcelas - agora de pé por wallsides en xubilado pastos, e dando lugar a novos- crecentes bosques; - o último dos que Stirp, linguado sobrevivente da familia.
Still grows the vivacious lilac a generation after the door and lintel and the sill are gone, unfolding its sweet - scented flowers each spring, to be plucked by the musing traveller; planted and tended once by children's hands, in front- yard plots -- now standing by wallsides in retired pastures, and giving place to new- rising forests; -- the last of that stirp, sole survivor of that family.QED QED
É coma un pai sabio e amoroso que coida e aconsella ós seus fillos. Por iso, ensina a xente de todo o mundo cal é a mellor maneira de vivir.
Just as a wise and loving father instructs his children, so God teaches people everywhere the best way to live.jw2019 jw2019
Os papagaios non son mascotas que requiran un mantemento escaso; necesitan para manterse con boa saúde alimentación, aseo, coidados veterinarios, adestramento, enriquecemento ambiental mediante a provisión de xoguetes, exercicio e interacción social (con outros papagaios ou con humanos).
Parrots are not low-maintenance pets; they require feeding, grooming, veterinary care, training, environmental enrichment through the provision of toys, exercise, and social interaction (with other parrots or humans) for good health.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Senta ben coidar os detalles.
It feels good getting the details right.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
En tales casos, a efectividade médica e ética de ter que continuar alimentando ao paciente son consideracións importantes que deben tomar os coidadores e os familiares do individuo.
In such cases, the medical efficacy and ethics of continuing feeding is an important consideration of the caregivers and family members.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
e mais: Podería coidar mellor ao meu paciente humano se o vise como un paciente animal humano?
And, might I be taking better care of my human patient if I saw them as a human animal patient?ted2019 ted2019
Nalgúns lugares é parte do sistema de educación e noutros os centros de preescolar considéranse só coma centros de coidado ou gardería.
In some parts kindergarten is part of the formal school system; in others it may refer to pre-school or daycare.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non coido que haxa que se preocupar.
I don't think there's anything to worry about.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
De feito, para poñer en marcha a iniciativa " Saúde para Todos " necesitamos incluír a todos nesa estratexia particular e, no caso da saúde mental en particular, necesitamos incluír ás persoas que padecen unha doenza mental xunto aos seus coidadores.
Indeed, to implement the slogan of Health for All, we will need to involve all in that particular journey, and in the case of mental health, in particular we would need to involve people who are affected by mental illness and their caregivers.QED QED
Os homes deberían ter coidado; o celibato leva os caracteres máis débiles polo mal camiño.
Men should be careful; this very celibacy leads weaker vessels astray.Literature Literature
Dada a posible posta dun único ovo e do gran tamaño da ave, propúxose que o dodo presentaría selección K, producindo un baixo número de crías altriciais que precisarían de coidados dos seus proxenitores ata a súa maduración.
Because of the possible single-egg clutch and the bird's large size, it has been proposed that the dodo was K-selected, meaning that it produced a low number of altricial offspring, which required parental care until they matured.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unha das súas obras máis recoñecidas é Poemas y Antipoemas, onde substitúe unha sintaxe coidada e metafórica por unha linguaxe cotiá e directa.
One of his most recognised works is Poemas y Antipoemas (1954), where he replaces carefully written, metaphorical syntax with everyday, direct language.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Coloquen o pé así, coidado como se viran! Un xiro demasiado rápido pode botalos ao chan.
Place your foot just so, mind how you turn: too swift a swivel can bring you down.ted2019 ted2019
Os papagaios necesitan regularmente moita atención, coidados e estímulo intelectual para desenvolverse, similar ao que necesita un neno de tres anos, que moita xente considera que non lles pode dar a longo prazo.
Parrots invariably require an enormous amount of attention, care, and intellectual stimulation to thrive, akin to that required by a three-year-old child, which many people find themselves unable to provide in the long term.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tres mulleres xuntas, coidado: adulterio.
Three women together, be careful, it's adultery.QED QED
Os coidados de mantemento inclúen a administración de fluídos con dextrosa, vitaminas K e B, e unha dieta proteica restrinxida pero de alta calidade cun contido adecuado de carbohidratos.
Symptomatic and supportive care tailored to the severity of the liver disease may include intravenous fluids with dextrose, active vitamin K, B vitamins, and a restricted, but high-quality protein diet with adequate carbohydrate content.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Termaba do seu regalo, o seu único regalo, con coidado entre as dúas mans.
He was holding his present, his only present, very carefully in his two hands.Literature Literature
Ela usa roupa vella, apenas se coida.
She wears any old thing, hardly takes care of herself.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Coido que podo recuperar a sinatura da información da emisión encriptada.
I think I can recover the data signature of that encrypted broadcast.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Briseida cóidao e decide entón tomalo como amante, debido a que non sabe se se volverá atopar con Troilo de novo.
Briseida tends Diomedes and then decides to take him as her lover, because she does not know if she will ever meet Troilus again.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vovô vai coidar del.
Grandpa will take care of it.QED QED
Os machos proporcionan recursos ao seu harén, como protección do niño e variados niveis de coidado parental.
Males provide resources to their harem, such as nest protection and varying levels of parental care.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A partir dese momento o seu coidado recaeu sobre a ama da súa nai, Margaret Horniblow, quen lle ensinou a ler, escribir e coser.
Then she lived with her mother's mistress, Margaret Horniblow, who taught Harriet to read, write and sew.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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