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Mais naquela cámara, e só nela, a cor das fiestras non coincidía coa da decoración.
But in this chamber only, the color of the windows failed to correspond with the decorations.Literature Literature
Isto coincidirá con un só caracter pertencente a un rango predefinido. Cando insira este elemento ha aparecer un diálogo, que lle permitirá especificar os caracteres do rango deste elemento de regexp
This will match a single character from a predefined range. When you insert this widget a dialog box will appear, which lets you specify which characters this regexp item will matchKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Máis raramente, o quimerismo é un exemplo de casos nos que se pode producir unha falta de coincidencia que exclúa a un sospeitoso que era culpable.
More rarely, chimerism is one such instance where the lack of a genetic match may unfairly exclude a suspect.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O certificado emitido ao fabricante do avión leva as designacións do modelo exactamente tal e como aparecen na solicitude do mesmo, incluíndo o uso de guións ou puntos decimais, e debe coincidir co que está gravado nos datos ou na placa de identificación do avión.
The type certificate issued to the aircraft manufacturer carries the aircraft model designations exactly as it appears on the manufacturer's application, including use of hyphens or decimal points, and should match what is stamped on the aircraft's data or nameplate.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Segundo unha teoría propugnada por Koch (1995), estes cambios coinciden coa conversión ao cristianismo e a introdución da aprendizaxe do latín.
According to one theory given by John T. Koch, these changes coincide with the conversion to Christianity and the introduction of Latin learning.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A fase de desenvolvemento coincidiu co programa de substitución de United dos seus modelos DC-10.
The development phase coincided with United's replacement program for its aging DC-10s.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A marcha da súa filla da familia coincidiu coa ruptura do matrimonio de Constantino.
The start of his daughter's family coincided with the breaking up of Konstantin's marriage.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Deseñado como unha mostra para oíntes casuais, e enfocada na carreira da banda e non só nos seus éxitos, é a segunda retrospectiva de Blur, despois de Blur: The Best Of e coincidindo coa súa reunión no ano 2009.
Designed as a sampler for casual listeners, and with a greater focus on the band's career highlights rather than their hit singles, it is Blur's second retrospective collection, succeeding 2000's Blur: The Best Of and coincides with the band's 2009 reunion performances.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Durante o inicio do Silúrico, desenvolveron células especializadas, que estaban lignificadas (ou tiñan compostos similares á lignina) para evitar a súa implosión; este proceso coincidiu coa morte celular, o que permitiu que o seu interior se baleirase e a auga pasase a través deles.
During the early Silurian, they developed specialized cells, which were lignified (or bore similar chemical compounds) to avoid implosion; this process coincided with cell death, allowing their innards to be emptied and water to be passed through them.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Event Horizon tivo un produción dificultosa, cunha gravación e edición apreurada por parte de Paramount para asegurar que a data de estrea prevista non coincidise con Titanic.
The film had a troubled production history, with filming and editing rushed by Paramount when it became clear that Titanic would not meet its projected release date.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Segundo Harrison, a inspiración veulle da lectura do libro I Ching, que como el expresou: "Pareceume estar baseado no concepto oriental de que todo está relacionado entre si, a diferenza da opinión occidental de que todo é unha mera coincidencia".
As Harrison put it, " seemed to me to be based on the Eastern concept that everything is relative to everything else, as opposed to the Western view that things are merely coincidental."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eliminar entradas que coincidan cos datos de entrada
Remove entries matching the input dataKDE40.1 KDE40.1
As primeiras dúas cantatas que Bach compuxo en Weimar baseadas en textos de Franck foron Himmelskönig, willkommen sei, BWV 182, para o Domingo de Ramos, que coincidiu coa Anunciación ese ano, e Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, BWV 12 para o Jubilate.
The first two cantatas Bach composed in Weimar based on Franck's texts were Himmelskönig, sei willkommen, BWV 182, for Palm Sunday, which coincided with the Annunciation that year, and Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, BWV 12 for Jubilate Sunday.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A pesar de que a data real da súa morte é descoñecida, o ano do seu pasamento marca o final da súa contribución, ademais de coincidir cun ano clave, en que os árabes deixaron de habitar a península Ibérica logo de 781 anos.
Although, the actual date of his death is somewhat unknown the year of his death marks an end of both his greater poetry and contribution, but also a pivotal year of political changed where Spain was no longer inhabited by the Arabs after 781 years.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tadashi Kobayshi refinou aínda máis a análise de Takahashi identificando que o declive coincidía cos desesperados intentos sen éxito do shogunato de manter o poder aprobando leis draconianas, culminando na restauración Meiji de 1868.
Tadashi Kobayashi further refined Takahashi's analysis by identifying the decline as coinciding with the desperate attempts of the shogunate to hold on to power through the passing of draconian laws as its hold on the country continued to break down, culminating in the Meiji Restoration in 1868.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Parecen existir diferentes patróns (como ataques epilépticos coincidentes co momento da menstruación, ou co momento da ovulación), mais a frecuencia coa que ocorren non foi aínda firmemente establecida.
Different patterns seem to exist (such as seizures coinciding with the time of menstruation, or coinciding with the time of ovulation), and the frequency with which they occur has not been firmly established.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Asia central é responsable do 82% da poboación global en risco con áreas moi endémicas coincidindo con altas densidades de poboación especialmente en India e Birmania.
Central Asia is responsible for 82% of global population at risk with high endemic areas coinciding with dense populations particularly in India and Myanmar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A regulación do ciclo celular inclúe sinais de retroalimentación que axustan o ritmo da progresión do motor do ciclo celular para facelo coincidir co progreso dos eventos a nivel do subsistema regulatorio en cada célula particular.
Cell cycle regulation includes feedback signals that pace progression of the cell cycle engine to match progress of events at the regulatory subsystem level in each particular cell.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non é unha coincidencia que a bandeira ibérica teña as mesmas cores (nunha diferente orde) que as da bandeira da Provincia Marítima de Barcelona.
It is not a coincidence that the Iberian flag has the same colours (in a different order) as the flag of the Maritime Province of Barcelona.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Alonso admitiu que o sétimo posto fora unha mera "coincidencia" debido a retirada dos coches máis rápidos e que McLaren tiña moito traballo por diante.
Alonso also admitted seventh was a mere "coincidence" due to faster cars retiring and that McLaren had a lot of work ahead.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Antes diso, os pobos da rexión parece que estiveran sometidos aos medos, e textos asirios do século VII mencionan un país chamado Partakka ou Partukka (aínda que pode que non coincidira topograficamente co que logo foi Partia).
Prior to this, the people of the region seem to have been subjects of the Medes, and 7th century BC Assyrian texts mention a country named Partakka or Partukka (though this "need not have coincided topographically with the later Parthia").WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Foi lanzado en 2003 coma sinxelo, coincidindo coa saída do Greatest Hits.
It was released in 2003 as a single, to coincide with the release of their Greatest Hits album.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O retrato de Raphael é, probablemente, "unha adaptación posterior a semellanza do autorretrato feito por el mesmo no cuadro da A Escola de Atenas e na que todos coinciden", avalada por Vasari.
The portrait of Raphael is probably "a later adaptation of the one likeness which all agree on": that in The School of Athens, vouched for by Vasari.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Necesitamos entender este tipo de prexuízos implícitos se queremos superalos e aspirar a unha sociedade na cal tratemos ás persoas xustamente, baseándonos no seu comportamento e non na coincidencia da súa aparencia física.
We need to understand these kinds of implicit biases if we are to overcome them and aim for a society in which we treat people fairly, based on their behavior and not on the happenstance of their looks.ted2019 ted2019
" Que coincidencia, pensaba en ti.
" What a coincidence, I was just thinking about you.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
201 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.