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Rowling comentou na súa páxina web que resistiu a proposta do seu editor de retirar a escena do troll alegando que "Hermione é tan insufrible na primeira parte da pedra filosofal que sentín que necesitaba algo (literalmente) grande que a fixese unirse a Harry e Ron".
Rowling said on her website that she resisted her editor's requests to remove the troll scene, stating "Hermione is so very arrogant and annoying in the early part of Philosopher's Stone that I really felt it needed something (literally) huge to bring her together with Harry and Ron."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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O daquela director de deportes do IFK Göteborg, Håkan Mild comentou que o club esixía uns 3.000.000 € por este talentoso defensa.
IFK Göteborg's sports director, Håkan Mild commented that the club could get a transfer fee around €3 million for the talented defender.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Flight International comentou que o accidente provocaría un aumento do malestar sentido tras o sinistro do voo 610 de Lion Air en outubro de 2018, que de forma semellante ocorreu pouco despois da engalaxe.
Flight International commented that the accident would likely increase unease about the Boeing 737 MAX felt in the aftermath of the Lion Air Flight 610 accident in October 2018, which similarly occurred shortly after take-off and killed everyone aboard.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pídelle a quen estuda a Biblia contigo que che axude a preparar un comentario que poderías facer na próxima reunión.
With your Bible teacher’s help, prepare a comment that you might make at the next meeting.jw2019 jw2019
House adoita chegar ó diagnóstico correcto aparentemente da nada, habitualmente inspirado por un comentario ou observación superficial doutra das personaxes.
House often tends to arrive at the correct diagnosis seemingly out of the blue, often inspired by a passing remark made by another character.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Benton permaneceu activo outros trinta anos, pero a súa obra centrouse menos no comentario social e máis en crear estilizadas imaxes bucólicas das granxas preindustriais.
Benton remained active for another 30 years, but his work included less contemporary social commentary and portrayed pre-industrial farmlands.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os seus resultados máis importantes resultados foron descritos en versos en sánscrito no libro de Neelakanta chamado Tantrasangraha, e nun comentario desta obra denominado Tantrasangraha-vakhya, de autoría descoñecida.
Their most important results-series expansion for trigonometric functions-were described in Sanskrit verse in a book by Neelakanta called Tantrasangraha, and again in a commentary on this work, called Tantrasangraha-vakhya, of unknown authorship.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O primeiro DVD contén o documental, co son opcional de comentarios do manager da banda, mentres que o segundo DVD ten unha versión externdida das cancións.
The first DVD contains the documentary, with optional audio commentary from the band's manager, while the second DVD features full-length versions of the songs.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O libro recolle a literatura manx dende os seus primeiros rexistros ata a época actual, comentando os extractos bilingües para situalos no contexto da historia da illa.
The book traces Manx literature from its earliest appearances through to the present day, connecting the bilingual extracts with a commentary that places them in the context of Manx history.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Que é un comentario?
A legend?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Para explicar esta decisión, a banda comentou que as súas «metas orixinais non se distorsionarían cun selo independente».
Explaining the decision, the band said that " original goals don't get distorted with an independent label."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Volvendo ao exemplo dos peixes cíclidos africanos xa comentado, en 2015 os peixes cíclidos dun pequeno lago cráter de África foron observados no proceso de especiación simpátrica usando métodos de secuenciación do ADN.
In 2015 Cichlid fish from a tiny volcanic crater lake in Africa were observed in the act of sympatric speciation using DNA sequencing methods.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os resultados da expedición publicáronse na monumental Denkmäler aus Ägypten und Äthiopien publicada en 12 volumes entre 1849 e 1859 con case 900 láminas de inscricións exipcias antigas, así como comentarios e descricións.
The chief result of this expedition was the publication of Denkmäler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien (Monuments from Egypt and Ethiopia), a massive twelve-volume compendia of nearly 900 plates of ancient Egyptian inscriptions, as well as accompanying commentary and descriptions published in 1849.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os proxectos axeitados -- non vou comentar todos -- pero enfermidades contaxiosas, escala de servizos básicos sanitarios -- o son por pouco, simplemente porque, sí, a escala de servizos básicos de saúde é unha grande cousa.
The fair projects -- notice I'm not going to comment on all these -- but communicable diseases, scale of basic health services -- just made it, simply because, yes, scale of basic health services is a great thing.ted2019 ted2019
Gould desenvolveu máis tarde o termo «maxisterios non superpostos» (non-overlapping magisteria, NOMA, en inglés) para describir como, na súa opinión, a ciencia e a relixión non poden facer comentarios sobre o ámbito do outro.
Gould later developed the term "non-overlapping magisteria" (NOMA) to describe how, in his view, science and religion should not comment on each other's realm.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
530 d. C.), mentres que os comentarios sobre os traballos de Arquímedes escritos por Eutocio no século VI axudaron a difundir o seu traballo a un público máis amplo.
530 AD), while commentaries on the works of Archimedes written by Eutocius in the sixth century AD helped to bring his work a wider audience.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
É o tipo de letra semicursiva na que os comentarios de Rashi adoitan imprimirse tanto no Talmud como no Tanakh.
The semi-cursive typeface in which Rashi's commentaries are printed both in the Talmud and Tanakh is often referred to as "Rashi script."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Posteriormente comentou que tería competido en salto de altura se fose rexeitado polo equipo de baloncesto.
He later commented that he would have participated in the high jump if he had been snubbed by the basketball team.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jeff Jensen de Entertainment Weekly opinou que a serie tórnase máis consciente de si mesma por medio das duras críticas de Cohle á relixión, considerando isto como un vehículo para o comentario sobre o escapismo da cultura popular.
Jeff Jensen from Entertainment Weekly has opined that the show becomes more self-aware through Cohle's harsh critiques of religion, which he viewed as a vehicle for commentary about pop culture escapism.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Algúnos resultados das suúas viaxes e das súas importantes coleccións foron comentados por Humboldt en 1826.
Some results of these travels and of the important collections that had been made were reported on by Humboldt in 1826.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
E vai seguido por este comentario sobre os dereitos de adopción dos homosexuais: Cal é o problema coa adopción dos homosexuais?
And that's followed by these lines about gay adoption: What is the problem with gay adoption?ted2019 ted2019
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Anos despois Law comentou que todo isto fora unha montaxe de Busby para evitar que outros xogadores fixeran o mesmo, e que segredamente si lle concedeu o aumento.
Law later claimed that Busby had used the incident to warn other players not to do the same thing, but had secretly given him the pay rise.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No comentario incluído no DVD, Boyle e Garland explican que este foi a fin orixinal da película, pero que foi rexeitada despois de probalo con audiencias de control, por consideralo demasiado deprimente.
On the DVD commentary, Boyle and Garland explain that this was the original ending of the film's first cut, which was tested with preview audiences.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
202 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.