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Estes tobos implican que existían organismos móbiles con cabeza, que probabelmente presentaban simetría bilateral.
Such burrows have been taken to imply the presence of motile organisms with heads, which would probably have had a bilateral symmetry.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A súa base está decorada con cabezas esculpidas de humanos e bestas.
Its base is decorated with sculpted heads of humans and beasts.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Quimicamente pode considerarse como dúas moléculas de acrilamida acopladas cabeza con cabeza nos seus extremos non reactivos.
Chemically it can be thought of as two acrylamide molecules coupled head to head at their non-reactive ends.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
E ese emblema da serpe con cabeza de dragón!
That badge with the serpent and dragon’s head.Literature Literature
Hai una cova onde todos estes seres con cabeza de animal viaxan entre dous mundos.
There's a cave where all these animal-headed creatures travel between two worlds.ted2019 ted2019
Adoitaba ser representado como un cánido ou como un home con cabeza de cánido.
He was represented as a canine or a canine headed human.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tituba confesou que Sarah Osborne posuía unha criatura con cabeza de muller, dúas pernas e ás.
She confessed that Sarah Osborne possessed a creature with the head of a woman, two legs, and wings.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hai tamén exemplares con cabeza metálica destas inusuais pipas.
There are also metal-headed versions of this unusual pipe.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As larvas son longas e cilíndricas con cabezas pequenas e doce segmentos corporais.
The larvae are long and cylindrical with small heads and 12 body segments.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
É representado como falcón, ou home con cabeza de falcón, coa coroa Dobre.
He is depicted as a falcon, or with a falcon's head.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ganesha, o deus da sabedoría con cabeza de elefante.
In Hinduism, the wisdom god Ganesha is depicted with an elephant head.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Catro grandes soportes de mármore con cabezas de leóns, de panteira e dunha Gorgona atopáronse colapsados fronte á porta.
Four large marble brackets with heads of lions, of panther and of a Gorgon were found collapsed in front of the gate.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aquí están os seres con cabeza de bicho xunto ó faro, a piques de suicidarse en masa botándose ó océano.
This is where the animal-headed creatures are by the lighthouse, and they're all about to commit mass suicide into the ocean.ted2019 ted2019
Nas obras de arte do Período tardío do Antigo Exipto, Thoth representábase popularmente como un home con cabeza de ibis que está escribindo.
In artworks of the Late Period of Ancient Egypt, Thoth is popularly depicted as an ibis-headed man in the act of writing.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A orientación xénica depende da dirección de transcrición e pode ser de tres tipos: cabeza con cabeza, cabeza con cola, e cola con cola.
Gene orientation depends on the direction of transcription and can be of three types: head-to-head, head-to-tail and tail-to-tail.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Se estas escavacións son bioxénicas (feitas por seres vivos) implican a presenza de organismos móbiles con cabeza, que probablemente serían bilaterais (animais con simetría bilateral).
If these burrows are biogenic (made by organisms) they imply the presence of motile organisms with heads, which would probably have been bilaterans (bilaterally symmetrical animals).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dependendo do tipo de base de inserción, o adenoma pode ser pedunculado (con cabeza lobular e un talo longo delgado) ou sésil (de base larga).
Depending on the type of the insertion base, adenoma may be pedunculated (lobular head with a long slender stalk) or sessile (broad base).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Na exhibición de ameaza as dúas moscas póñense en fronte cabeza con cabeza, coas patas anteriores estendidas cara adiante e paralelas aos seus longos pedúnculos oculares.
In the threat display the two flies face each other head-to-head, with their forelegs spread outward and parallel to the eyestalks.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Con todo, o erudito Krishan cre que as Vinayakis no inicio, con cabeza de elefante matrika, o conxúxe de Ganesha, Brahamnaical, e o Tantric yogin son tres deuses distintos.
However, scholar Krishan believes that Vinayakis in early elephant-headed matrikas, the Brahmnaical shakti of Ganesha, and the Tantric yogini are three distinct goddesses.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Na relixión exipcia antiga, Ammit, o devorador demoníaco das almas indignas, e Sobek, o deus do poder, a protección e a fertilidade, son representados ambos con cabeza de crcocodilo.
In Ancient Egyptian religion, Ammit, the demoniac devourer of unworthy souls, and Sobek, the god of power, protection, and fertility, are both represented as having crocodile heads.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os fulmares do norte poden presentarse nun ou dous morfos de cor: un claro, con cabeza e corpo brancos e ás e cola grises, e outro escuro, que é uniformemente gris.
Fulmars come in one of two color morphs: a light one, with white head and body and gray wings and tail, and a dark one which is uniformly gray.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Estes clusters poden estar organizados nunha disposición cabeza con cabeza (diverxente) ou cola con cola (converxente), esta última con frecuencia separada por xenes de ARNt, ARNr e/ou ARN nuclear pequeno.
These clusters can be organized in head-to-head (divergent) or tail-to-tail (convergent) fashion, with the latter often separated by tRNA, rRNA and/or snRNA genes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Estaría todo ben. "'En caso de outra ", dixo, " a obxección podería ser moi grave, pero debemos estirar un punto a favor dun home con cabeza de un tal de pelo como a súa.
When shall you be able to enter upon your new duties?'"'Well, it is a little awkward, for I have a business already,'said I.QED QED
Na illa de "Buttons Land" o 23 de xaneiro de 1833 fundaron unha misión, con cabanas, xardíns, mobles e louza, pero cando regresaron nove días despois as posesións foran squeadas e repartidas equitativamente entre os nativos.
At the island of "Buttons Land" on 23 January 1833 they set up a mission post, with huts, gardens, furniture and crockery, but when they returned nine days later the possessions had been looted and divided up equally by the natives.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
" Canto máis subimos nesta xerarquía de intelixencia, " " con máis cabezas marabillosas topamos. "
The higher we ascend in this bureaucracy of intelligence, the more wondrous are the pates that we encounter.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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