correu oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels

third-person singular preterite indicative of correr

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corrida de touros
race · run · rush


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Durante o programa soviético Venera, as sondas Venera 11 e Venera 12 detectaron unha corrente constante de lóstregos, e a Venera 12 gravou un potente trono pouco despois da súa aterraxe.
During the Soviet Venera program, the Venera 9 orbiter obtained spectroscopic evidence of lightning on Venus, and the Venera 12 descent probe obtained additional evidence of lightning and thunder.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Logo de anunciar a súa retirada da Fórmula Un en 1995, decidiu intentar unha carreira en política, tamén fixo de comentarista de televisión e competiu nas carreiras de xeo e no Rally de París-Dakar, pero terminou correndo co seu propio equipo de GT. (key) (carreiras en grosa indican pole position) (Carreiras enn itálica indican volta rápida) (key) (Carreiras en letra grosa indican pole position; carreiras en itálica indican volta rápida) (key) (Carreiras en letra grosa indican pole position) (carreiras en itálica indican volta rápida) (Chave) As carreiras en letra grosa indican pole position; as carreiras en cursiva indican volta rápida.
After announcing his retirement from Formula One in 1995, he decided to try a career in politics, also did some TV commentary and competed in ice racing and the Paris–Dakar Rally, but ended running his own GT racing team. (key) (Races in bold indicate pole position) (Races in italics indicate fastest lap) (key) (Races in bold indicate pole position; races in italics indicate fastest lap) (key) (Races in bold indicate pole position) (Races in italics indicate fastest lap) (key) Driver Database entry for Philippe AlliotWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unha turbidita é o depósito xeolóxico producido por unha corrente de turbidez, que consiste nun tipo de fluxo gravitatorio de sedimentos responsable de distribuír unha vasta cantidade de sedimentos clásticos no océano profundo.
A turbidite is the geologic deposit of a turbidity current, which is a type of sediment gravity flow responsible for distributing vast amounts of clastic sediment into the deep ocean.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Finalmente decidiuse que o equipo correría baixo o nome de Honda Racing F1 Team.
It was decided that the team would race under the name Honda Racing F1 Team from 2006.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Logo de recuperarse Hill seguiu correndo na F1 durante varios anos máis, pero nunca máis co mesmo nivel de éxito.
Upon recovery Hill continued to race in F1 for several more years, but never again with the same level of success.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eu pulei atrás cun grito alto de angustia, e caeu para o corredor só como Jeeves saíu da súa toca para ver cal era o problema.
I jumped backward with a loud yell of anguish, and tumbled out into the hall just as Jeeves came out of his den to see what the matter was.QED QED
No seu uso corrente, fai referencia máis a unha rexión xeográfica que a unha rexión política.
In current usage, it applies largely to a geographic region, rather than to a political area.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Do mesmo xeito que outras illas do arquipélago, São Miguel está influenciado polas correntes e ventos oceánicos e, en particular, pola corrente ciclónica Gulf Stream.
Similar to other islands in the archipelago, São Miguel is influenced by ocean currents and winds, and, in particular, the cyclonic Gulf Stream.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Logo de facer algunhas probas para Tyrrell en 1986, Campos correu nas tempadas 1987 e 1988 de F1 para o equipo Minardi, primeiro xunto a Alessandro Nannini e logo co seu compatriota Luís Pérez-Sala.
Having done some testing for Tyrrell in 1986, Campos raced in the 1987 and 1988 F1 seasons for the Minardi team, alongside first Alessandro Nannini and then compatriot Luis Pérez-Sala.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tiña grandes oportunidades de repetir a fazaña ao ano seguinte, pero unha relación moi competitiva co piloto Carlos Reutemann levou a unha rivalidade moi intensa que probablemente lles custou a ambos os corredores o campionato dese ano.
He had a good chance to repeat his success in 1981, but a very combative relationship with Carlos Reutemann led to an intense rivalry that possibly cost both drivers a chance at the championship.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Isto resultou decepcionante para o corredor que anteriormente vencera na proba dos 10.000 m en Oslo nunhas condicións adversas para el, converténdose nun dos favoritos para Toquio.
This was a disappointing outcome for Skah as, earlier in the season, he had won the 10000 m race in Oslo against a very strong field and had emerged as one of the favourites for the finals in Tokyo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A FIA anunciou a súa intención de apelar esa decisión e Renault anunciou que non correría co sistema por temor a un castigo retroactivo se estímabase o recurso.
The FIA announced its intention to appeal that decision and Renault announced they would not race with the system for fear of retrospective punishment if the appeal was upheld.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 1968 correu nas 24 Horas de Le Mans co equipo oficial de Porsche pilotando un 907/6 Langheck e un ano máis tarde nas 24 Horas de Daytona, onde chegou a liderar á súa clase ata que o seu compañeiro Rudy Lins tivo un accidente.
In 1968 raced the 24 Hours of Le Mans with team Porsche driving a 907/6 Langheck and a year later in the 24 Hours of Daytona, where he led his class until his co-driver Rudy Lins had an accident.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Alí impresionou, comezando 11o (dous lugares por diante de Johansson) e correu nos puntos ata que problemas na batería fixérono caer ata o décimo terceiro e último posto.
He started 11th (two places ahead of Johansson) and ran in the points until battery problems dropped him to an eventual 13th and last.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Agarrouno pola roupa, pero el botou a correr.
She grabbed him by his clothes, but he ran away.jw2019 jw2019
Fixo saídas ocasionais en Grandes Premios de 1957 cun Connaught e un Maserati correndo para Gilby Engineering.
He made occasional starts in Grands Prix in 1957 with a Connaught and a Maserati run by Gilby Engineering.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A transcritase inversa úsase correntemente en investigación para aplicar a técnica da reacción en cadea da polimerase ao ARN, o que se denomina reacción en cadea da polimerase con transcritase inversa (RT-PCR).
Reverse transcriptase is commonly used in research to apply the polymerase chain reaction technique to RNA in a technique called reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ela podía correr máis rápido, e máis, e ela podería ir ata cen.
She could run faster, and longer, and she could skip up to a hundred.QED QED
Moitos coches Porsche de carreiras participan en equipos privados dos clientes, fináncianse e corren sen ningún apoio da fábrica, gañando frecuentemente aos da propia fábrica.
Many Porsche race cars are run successfully by customer teams, financed and run without any factory support; often they have beaten the factory itself.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Só co seu ollar finais que entenda como a porta do seu cuarto foi levado aberto e como, mesmo en fronte da súa irmá - que estaba gritando - súa nai saíu correndo na súa íntimas, á súa irmá tiña espido ela, co fin de darlle algunha liberdade para respirar no seu desmaio, e como a súa nai, entón, foi ata o seu pai, a camiño dela amarre saias esvarou cara a chan un tras outro, e como, tropezar nas súas saias, ela lanzouse para seu pai e, xogando o seu brazos ao redor del, en completa unión con el - pero neste momento poderes de Gregor vista cedeu lugar - como chegou ás súas mans para o de atrás da cabeza do seu pai e ela pediulle para aforrar a vida de Gregor.
Only with his final glance did he notice how the door of his room was pulled open and how, right in front of his sister -- who was yelling -- his mother ran out in her undergarments, for his sister had undressed her in order to give her some freedom to breathe in her fainting spell, and how his mother then ran up to his father, on the way her tied up skirts slipped toward the floor one after the other, and how, tripping over her skirts, she hurled herself onto his father and, throwing her arms around him, in complete union with him -- but at this moment Gregor's powers of sight gave way -- as her hands reached to the back of his father's head and she begged him to spare Gregor's life.QED QED
1987 Team Lotus firmou un novo acordo para fornecerse de motores en 1987, correu cos mesmos motores Honda V6 turboalimentados que Williams utilizara para gañar o Campionato de Construtores do ano anterior, e con eles chegou un novo compañeiro de equipo, de 34 anos de idade, o piloto xaponés, Satoru Nakajima.
1987 Team Lotus had a new engine deal in 1987, running the same turbocharged Honda V6 engines as Williams had used to win the previous year's Constructors' Championship, and with them came a new teammate, 34-year-old Japanese driver, Satoru Nakajima.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Correu nunha ocasión, no Gran Premio do Canadá de 1971, para o equipo oficial de March.
He raced on one occasion, at the 1971 Canadian Grand Prix, for the works March team.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Agarrou a Santiago polo brazo e correron descalzos pola area.
She grabbed Santiago by the arm and they ran barefoot across the sand.Literature Literature
Acordei, abriron a porta, e saín para tomar un pouco de ar fresco, e vin que había un home correndo pola pista.
I woke up, they opened the door, I went out to get some fresh air, and I looked, and there was a man running across the runway.ted2019 ted2019
Se vou a traballar polas noites, outra vez a correr.
If I work nights, it's a rush.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
203 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.