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Antes de enfrontarvos á seguinte situación onde vos avalíen, durante dous minutos, intentade isto, no ascensor, no cuarto de baño, no despacho coa porta pechada.
Before you go into the next stressful evaluative situation, for two minutes, try doing this, in the elevator, in a bathroom stall, at your desk behind closed doors.ted2019 ted2019
Kvyat correu para Red Bull na tempada 2015, xunto a Daniel Ricciardo, logo de ser promovido despoís da marcha do catro veces campión do mundo Sebastián Vettel a Ferrari.
Kvyat raced for Red Bull for the 2015 season, alongside Daniel Ricciardo, after being promoted following the departure of four-time World Champion Sebastian Vettel to Ferrari.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pronto nomeou a dous dos caudillos albaneses de Epiro, Gjin Bua Shpata e Pedro Losha, déspotas de Arta e Angelokastro.
He soon recognized two of the Albanian leaders in Epirus, John Spata and Peter Losha, as despotes of Arta and Angelokastron.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
É unha especie próxima ao ser humano, con moitas vantaxes sobre os ratos: son libres, non os tes que afeitar nin alimentar, e ninguén se manifesta diante do despacho dicindo
It's a species close to human, with several advantages over mice: They're free, you don't shave them, they feed themselves, and nobody pickets your office saying,QED QED
Unha crise política en torno á posible eliminación da súa cidadanía holandesa levona a renunciar ó parlamento, e supuxo indirectamente a caída do segundo despacho Balkenende en 2006.
A political crisis related to the validity of her Dutch citizenship—namely the accusation that she had lied on her application for political asylum—led to her resignation from parliament, and indirectly to the fall of the second Balkenende cabinet in 2006.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
E aquela noite o garda Herbal entrou no despacho do director e remexeu nos papeis até encontrar os partes de traslado.
That night, Herbal went to the governor’s office and sifted through the files until he found the transfer papers.Literature Literature
Ela non estaba alí; con todo, o despacho aparecía tan ordenado e correcto como a propia Flora.
She wasn’t there, but the whole place seemed as ordered and correct as Flora herself.Literature Literature
No despacho de Emilie, enfrontábame a miña paisaxe favorita, a praia.
As for Emilie's desk, it faced my favorite landscape, the beach.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Na súa primeira chamada ao despacho da Comisión de Bombeiros do Condado de Nassau solicitou toda a axuda dispoñible.
In his first call to the Nassau County Fire Commission dispatch, he requested all the help available.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Esta breve estadía (de xullo a setembro) rematou tristemente, co despido de Mahler logo dun arrebato durante un ensaio.
This short stay (July–September) ended unhappily, with Mahler's dismissal following his outburst during a rehearsal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mais os déspotas non teñen ningún sentido do humor.
But despots don’t have a sense of humour.Literature Literature
Despos do accidente xurdiron preguntas sobre o futuro da planta e o seu eventual destino.
Following the accident, questions arose about the future of the plant and its eventual fate.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Recórdolle, señor Martin que onte tróuxomo ao meu despacho.
I'll remind you Mr. Marin... you brought him to me yesterday.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
O primeiro ministro vietnamita Diem aínda estaba no seu despacho no momento de recibirmos estas imaxes.
Vietnam Premier Diem was still in office... when we received these pictures.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cousa singular, Ayrton non anunciou o recibo do despacho como tiña costume.
Singularly enough, Ayrton did not acknowledge the receipt of the despatch, as he was accustomed to do.Literature Literature
Tralo despido de Andrew Shives en 1994, encontraron a Christian Olde Wolbers a través do cantante/guitarrista Evan Seinfeld de Biohazard.
In November the same year, the band met Belgian Christian Olde Wolbers through Evan Seinfeld of Biohazard.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Se unha lévate ao despeito, diríxeste á outra.
Disappointed by one, they turn to the other.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
En 1907, coñeceu a Lilian Steichen (1883-1977) no despacho do Partido Socialdemócrata e casaron o ano seguinte.
Sandburg met Lilian Steichen (1883-1977) at the Social Democratic Party office in 1907, and they married the next year.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A flor despide un forte cheiro que atrae ás moscas.
The flower gives off a pungent smell that attracts flies.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A gran carreira do alemán mellorou a relación con Williams, mentres que o segundo de Irvine significou que a prensa italiana xa non pedira o seu despido.
A strong performance from the German improved the relationship with Williams, while the second from Irvine meant the Italian press no longer called for his sacking.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Varias horas despoís da conclusión da carreira, Schumacher e Coulthard foron excluídos do resultado da carreira cando a "pegada digital" química das mostras de combustible dos seus automóbiles tomadas logo da cualificación e a carreira non coincidiu coa mostra especificada presentada na Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) antes do evento.
Several hours after the conclusion of the race, Schumacher and Coulthard were excluded from the race result as the chemical "fingerprint" of fuel samples from their cars taken after qualifying and the race did not match the specified sample lodged with the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) prior to the event.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 1255 viuse envolvido na Guerra de Sucesión eubeota, e en 1259 aliouse con Miguel II, déspota de Epiro, contra Miguel VIII Paleólogo de Nicea.
In 1255 he became embroiled in the War of the Euboeote Succession, and in 1259 he allied with Michael II, despot of Epirus, against Michael VIII Palaeologus of Nicaea.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O obxectivo do coche de seguridade é permitir despexar a pista de calquera obstáculo baixo condicións máis seguras, especialmente para os comisarios e/ou esperar condicións máis favorables para a pista.
The aim of the safety car is to enable the clearance of any obstruction under safer conditions, especially for marshals and/or await more favourable track conditions weather-wise.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unha pequena porcentaxe de HSC abandona regularmente a medula ósea para entrar na circulación sanguínea e despos torna aos seus nichos na medula ósea.
A small percentage of HSCs regularly leave the bone marrow to enter circulation and then return to their niche in the bone marrow.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O proxecto foi logo recreado por Kanye West e Mike Dean, e logo atrasouse novamente por problemas de despacho de mostras.
The project was later re-created by Kanye West and Mike Dean, and was then again delayed for sample clearance issues.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
205 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.