escritura oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels




Open Multilingual Wordnet

writing system

Open Multilingual Wordnet
(countable) document, deed
(uncountable) writing (system of symbols)
document, deed
writing (system of symbols)

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das Escrituras
sistema de escritura
orthography · writing system
escritura itálica
italic type
Escritura itálica
caderno de escritura
message pad · writing pad
sagradas escrituras
religious text · religious writing · sacred text · sacred writing
Historia da escritura
history of writing
Escritura especular
mirror writing
Santas Escrituras
Holy Writ


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No momento da escritura do antigo mapa xeográfico de Thana en 1882, estas illas podían ser alcanzadas durante as mareas baixas camiñando a través das rias intermedias, fóra diso a illa de Dharavi (non debe confundirse co barrio pobre preto de Mahim), tíñase que chegar en bote.
At the time of writing of the old Gazetteer of Thana in 1882, these islands could be reached during low tides by walking across the tidal inlets in between, except for the island of Dharavi in present-day Gorai (not to be confused with the slum near Mahim), which had to be reached by a boat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non foi posíbel abrir % # para a escritura
Unable to open %# for writingKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Determinando a velocidade máxima de escritura
Determining maximum writing speedKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Máis adiante, fai ao redor de 7000 ou 9000 anos comezaron a aparecer outros sistemas de escritura como a pictografía e os ideogramas.
Around 7,000 to 9,000 years ago, other precursors of writing systems, such as pictographs and ideograms, began to appear.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A partir do século XX, os lexicógrafos empregaron o texto para establecer o vocabulario da nova lingua estándar e os reformadores usaron a novela para promover a escritura vernácula.
In the early 20th century, lexicographers used the text to establish the vocabulary of the new standardized language and reformers used the novel to promote the written vernacular.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A miña organización Rising Stargirls, ensínalles astronomía a nenas negras de secundaria, usando o teatro, a escritura e as artes visuais.
My organization, Rising Stargirls, teaches astronomy to middle-school girls of color, using theater, writing and visual art.ted2019 ted2019
Colabou tamén na escritura de Histoire céleste française escrito por Lalande e publicado en 1801.
She also collaborated to the writing of l'Histoire céleste française written by Lalande and published in 1801.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A escritora de Minnesota Cass Dalglish publicou "unha adaptación poética contemporánea" de Nin-me-sar-ra en 2008.
Minnesota author Cass Dalglish published a "contemporary poetic adaptation" of Nin-me-sar-ra in 2008.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nimrod é tamén mencionado nunha das escrituras máis temperás do Báb (o emisario da fe baha'i).
Nimrod is also mentioned in one of the earliest writings of the Báb (the herald of the Baha'i Faith).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vostede non ten permisos de lectura/escritura no cartafol %
You do not have read/write permission to your %# folderKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Cara a finais de 1918 Holst pedíralle a Joseph que lle proporcionase un libreto para a súa ópera The Perfect Fool, considerando que ela podía dar o toque de luz requirida que el cría que non tiña a súa propia escritura.
Towards the end of 1918 Holst had asked Joseph to provide a libretto for his opera The Perfect Fool, feeling that she might possess the required light touch that he thought his own writing lacked.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Actualmente, en Malaisia están a emprenderse esforzos para preservar a escritura jawi e restablecer o seu uso entre os malaios.
Rumi is official while efforts are currently being undertaken to preserve Jawi script and to revive its use in Malaysia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Do mesmo xeito que o IPA, SAMPA adoita pecharse entre corchetes cadrados, que non pertencen ao alfabeto propiamente devandito e tan só cumpren unha función diferenciadora para indicar que son caracteres fonéticos e non texto de escritura regular.
Like IPA, SAMPA is usually enclosed in square brackets or slashes, which are not part of the alphabet proper and merely signify that it is phonetic as opposed to regular text.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En Mongolia, o dialecto khalkha, escrito en cirílico (e outrora en alfabeto latino), é o predominante, mentres que en Mongolia Interior, a lingua é máis diversa dialectalmente e escríbese na escritura mongol.
In Mongolia, the Khalkha dialect, written in Cyrillic (and at times in Latin for social networking), is predominant, while in Inner Mongolia, the language is dialectally more diverse and is written in the traditional Mongolian script.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aceso negado. Non foi posíbel escreber en % #. O disco no dispositivo % # probabelmente estexa protexido contra escritura
Access denied. Could not write to %#. The disk in drive %# is probably write-protectedKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Introduciron a escritura brāhmī, a lingua india chamada prácrito para a administración e expandiron a influencia da arte grecobúdica que evolucionou na arte serindia.
They introduced the Brahmi script, the Indian Prakrit language for administration, and expanded the influence of Greco-Buddhist art which developed into Serindian art.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Como escritora sufriu persecución política.
As a writer, she has been the target of political persecution.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Se desexas máis información sobre a data da caída de Xerusalén no ano 607 a. n. e. podes consultar o artigo “Cronología” na obra Perspicacia para comprender las Escrituras, publicada polas Testemuñas de Xehová.
For information on Jerusalem’s fall in 607 B.C.E., see the article “Chronology” in Insight on the Scriptures, published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.jw2019 jw2019
El estaba disposto a traballar cos estudios, e o a súa escritura creativa levouno a ser contratado pola Fox.
He was more willing to work with the studios, and his creative writing skills led to his hiring at Fox.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A escritura do ficheiro " % # " produciu un erro: %
Writing file " %# " resulted in an error: %KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Escrituras filipinasKCharSelect section name
Philippine ScriptsKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Son escritora.
I'm a storyteller.QED QED
A bandeira de Escritura permite modificar o contido do ficheiro. Enter folder
The Write flag allows modifying the content of the fileKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Esta proba convenceu ós cherokees occidentais de que creara un sistema de escritura práctico.
This test convinced the western Cherokee that he had created a practical writing system.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No modo de escritura raw só poderá copiar a primeira sesión. Desexa continuar?
You will only be able to copy the first session in raw writing mode. Continue anyway?KDE40.1 KDE40.1
201 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.