falaches oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels

second-person singular preterite indicative of falar

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Soortgelyke frases

falan inglés
do you speak English
non quero falar diso
I don't want to talk about it
que linguas fala?
what languages do you speak


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Ti falas de revolución, Sweetback?
You talking revolution, Sweetback!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Non lle falaron del.
No one would have talked about us.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Falarei con el mañá.
I'll speak to him tomorrow.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—Amaia, non podo crer que fales así.
‘Amaia, I can’t believe you’re saying such things.Literature Literature
Incluso a linguaxe que usamos, cando falamos sobre o matrimonio e as relaciones, ilustra isto.
Even the language we use in talking about marriage and relationships illustrates this.ted2019 ted2019
Por suposto faise sufrir a si mesma: nunca sae, nunca fala eos veciños.
Of course she makes it hard on herself—never goes out, never talks to the neighbours.Literature Literature
Pérez foi anteriormente piloto da Driver Academy de Ferrari, e considerado como o principal candidato para unirse ao equipo con base en Maranello no caso de que quedara vacante un asento, pero máis tarde aínda que admitiu que falara co equipo, nunca considerouna unha proposta realista, engadindo que McLaren era o mellor lugar para él.
Pérez was previously a member of the Ferrari Driver Academy, and was considered to be the leading candidate to join Ferrari should a vacant seat become available, but admitted that although he had talked with the team, he had never considered racing for them to be a realistic proposition, adding that McLaren was the best place for him to go.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
É o máis falado dos idiomas das Illas Banks, con preto de 2.100 falantes.
It is the most widely spoken of the languages in the Banks Islands, with about 2,100 speakers.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As linguas maias forman unha familia lingüística falada en Mesoamérica e norte de Centroamérica.
The Mayan languages form a language family spoken in Mesoamerica and northern Central America.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Querías falar comigo, eh?
Did you want to talk to me?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Un mito grego fala de dous bandidos, os Cercopes de Éfeso, que facían trasnadas a Zeus, quen os castigou converténdoos en monos e exiliándoos ás illas de Aenaria (Ischia) e Prochyta (Procida)..
A Greek myth tells of two brigands, the Cercopes of Ephesus, who played pranks on Zeus, who then punished them by turning them into monkeys and exiling them to the islands of Aenaria (Ischia) and Prochyta (Procida).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
De que tipo de coche estamos falando?
What kind of car are we talking about?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Na súa descrición da reunión, Teófanes Continuatus menciona que «os dous emperadores... falaron», o que podería indicar que os bizantinos pasarían a recoñecer novamente as súas pretensións imperiais.
In his description of this meeting, Theophanes Continuatus mentions that "the two emperors... conversed", which may indicate renewed Byzantine recognition of Simeon's imperial claims.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No seu libro de 2009, Finlayson fala sobre os neandertais e súa interacción co Homo sapiens, esténdese sobre a idea de que eramos da mesma especie e que o home moderno contén secuencias xenéticas que son compartidas cos neandertais e a posibilidade de cruzamento é probable.
Finlayson's 2009 book on Neanderthals and their interaction with Homo sapiens expands on the idea that we were the same species since modern man contains genetic sequences that are shared with neanderthals and the possibility of interbreeding is likely.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En vez de servir ó estilo familiar, onde podes comer algo sen pensar, mentres se está falando, serven a comida nunha barra, póñena lonxe e a continuación, tráena para a mesa.
Instead of serving family style, where you can sort of mindlessly eat as you're talking, they serve at the counter, put the food away, and then bring it to the table.ted2019 ted2019
Falaba dos personaxes, do sentido, da estrutura.
We're talking about characters, structure...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A señora Haydon sentíase moi desacougada, e non falaba moito cos vellos Kreder.
Haydon was very much excited, and then she could not say much to the old Kreder couple.Literature Literature
En parresia, o falante usa a súa liberdade e elixe a franqueza en vez da persuasión, a verdade en vez da falsidade ou o silencio, o risco de morte en vez da vida e a seguridade, a crítica en vez da adulación e o deber moral en vez do auto-interese e a apatía moral.
In parrhesia, the speaker uses his freedom and chooses frankness instead of persuasion, truth instead of falsehood or silence, the risk of death instead of life and security, criticism instead of flattery, and moral duty instead of self-interest and moral apathy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mariscal falaba para si e para todos.
Mariscal talked to himself and to others.Literature Literature
Algunhas fontes falan da posibilidade de que César fora o seu verdadeiro pai, aínda que probablemente non se trate máis que dun rumor sen fundamento, xa que César tiña quince anos cando naceu Bruto, e a relación coa súa nai empezou dez anos despois.
Some sources refer to the possibility of Caesar being his real father, despite Caesar's being only 15 years old when Brutus was born.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
E sei que falo por todos cando digo que non o damos por suposto.
And I know that I speak for all of us when I tell you that we don't take it for granted.QED QED
Non falaba moito.
He was never talkative.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No Taxiquistán tanto aos vakhís coma outras comunidades que falan unha das linguas do Pamir refírense a eles coma Pamirí ou Badakhxaní e existiu un movemento para separa a súa identidade dos da maioría taxica.
In Tajikistan the Wakhi and other communities that speak one of the Pamir languages refer to themselves as Pamiri or Badakhshani and there has been a movement to separate their identity from that of the majority Persian-speaking Tajiks.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
—Pois tes razón, isto si que non o agardaba... Estás falando de vivir aquí?
‘Well, you got one thing right at least: I never expected this ... Are you suggesting we move here?’Literature Literature
O 27 do mesmo mes, mentres falaba na televisión central de Bakú, o fiscal soviético Alexander Katusev mencionou a nacionalidade dos feridos.
On February 27, 1988, while speaking on Central TV, the USSR Deputy Prosecutor General A. Katusev mentioned the nationality of those killed.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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