feito á medida oor Engels

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Grazas ós seus abraiantes escudos: un potente campo magnético e mais unha atmosfera feita a medida.
Because earth is protected by amazing armor —a powerful magnetic field and a custom-made atmosphere.jw2019 jw2019
Parece feita á medida da miña man.
Feels like the right fit for my hand.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Feito a medida, o coche presentaba unha carrozaría máis elegante que os seus predecesores.
Made to order, the car featured a sleeker bodywork than its predecessors.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
É o que chamamos un axuste perfecto, unha forma complementaria, un feito a medida.
It's what we call a perfect fit of shape complementarity, or hand in glove.ted2019 ted2019
Parece feita á medida da miña.
Feels like the right fit for my hand.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sen este satélite feito a medida, a Terra abanearíase descontrolada coma unha buxaina, chegando quizais a xirar coma se estivese deitada.
Without its tailor-made moon, our planet would wobble like a spinning top, perhaps even tipping right over and turning on its side, as it were!jw2019 jw2019
Os coches a medida para Porsche tomaron as designacións 89P e 90P; os coches feitos a medida para Alfa Romeo tomaron a designación 89CE .
Bespoke cars for Porsche took the 89P and 90P designations; bespoke cars for Alfa Romeo took the 89CE designation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Como era unha proba dun prototipo conceptual non había certificación de ningún tipo: liña de produción e a maioría das partes foron feitas a medida.
As a proof of concept prototype there was no certification and no production line and most of the parts were custom built.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Numerosos paquetes de HMI/SCADA de terceiros ofrecen compatibilidade incorporada coa maioría de PLC, incluíndo a entrada no mercado de enxeñeiros mecánicos, eléctricos e técnicos para configurar estas interfaces por si mesmos, sen a necesidade dun programa feito a medida por un programador de software.
Numerous specialized third-party HMI/SCADA packages, offering built-in compatibility with most major PLCs, have also entered the market, allowing mechanical engineers, electrical engineers and technicians to configure HMIs themselves, without the need for a custom-made program written by a software programmer.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
É un feito, en igual medida que a Terra xira arredor do Sol".
It is a fact, as fully as the fact of the earth's revolution about the sun."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O feito de tomar medidas preventivas axeitadas reduciu a frecuencia destas infeccións á metade entre 1992 e 1997.
Appropriate preventive measures have reduced the rate of these infections by 50% between 1992 and 1997.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O primeiro cambio no deseño da pista levouse a cabo en 1989, cando a chicana logo da actual curva tres (unha medida temporal feita durante a construción debido ao descubrimento dun manancial) eliminouse.
The first change in the track's layout was carried out in 1989, when the chicane after the actual turn three (a temporary measure put in during construction due to the discovery of a spring where the direct route was due to run) was removed by culverting the stream.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O rango de morfoespazo ocupado polo amonoideos, que é o rango de formas, feituras e estruturas posibles, restrinxiuse máis a medida que avanzaba o Permiano.
The range of morphospace occupied by the ammonoids, that is, their range of possible forms, shapes or structures, became more restricted as the Permian progressed.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Atendede,... podo tomar unha medida provisional,... diante da gravidade dos feitos,... prohibirémoslle a entrada no colexio durante 48 horas.
Well... what I can do is take a protective measure... since this is so serious... by suspending Souleymane for 48 hours.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
En Rusia, a distribución das martas cibelinas é en gran medida o resultado de reintroducións en masa de 19.000 animais feita de 1940 a 1965.
In Russia, the sable's distribution is largely the result of mass re-introductions involving 19,000 animals between 1940 and 1965.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Isto débese en gran medida ao feito de que a IgY non se pode unir coa proteína A nin coa proteína G. Así, non pode separarse doutros compoñentes do ensaio, por exemplo, doutras proteínas.
This is due in large part to the fact that IgY cannot be bound with Protein A and Protein G. Thus, it cannot be separated from other components of the assay, for example from other proteins.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
De feito, no mundo occidental, o GBS (en ausencia de medidas de prevención efectivas) é a principal causa de infeccións bacterianas graves de neonatos: septicemias, pneumonia e menixite, que poden causar a morte ou secuelas a longo prazo.
In the western world, GBS (in the absence of effective prevention measures) is the main cause of bacterial infections in newborns, such as septicemia, pneumonia, and meningitis, which can lead to death or long-term after effects.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unha consecuencia foi a suxestión feita por Romer da orde alternativa Younginiformes, que se aplicaría estritamente a aquelas formas coa primitiva forma diápsida, en concreto, co arco máis inferior completo a medida que os ósos cuadratoxugal e xugal do cranio se encontran.
One consequence has been Romer's suggestion of the alternative order Younginiformes to be applied strictly to those forms with the primitive diapsid form, in particular, a complete lowermost arch as the quadratojugal and jugal bones of the skull meet.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Se vostede quere, entón, garantireille que nun senso absoluto a evolución non é un feito, ou máis ben, que non é un feito en maior medida de que vostede está oíndo ou lendo estas palabras."
If you like, then, I will grant you that in an absolute sense evolution is not a fact, or rather, that it is no more a fact than that you are hearing or reading these words."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Como Planck escribiu na conferencia do premio Nobel no 1918: “Esta constante refírese acotío como constante de Boltzmann, aínda que, no que eu coñezo, Boltzmann mesmo nunca a introduciu - unha situación peculiar, que pode explicarse polo feito de que Boltzmann, como resulta de paroladas ocasionais, nunca tivo no pensamento a posibilidade de realizar unha medida exacta da constante.
In 1920, Planck wrote in his Nobel Prize lecture: This constant is often referred to as Boltzmann's constant, although, to my knowledge, Boltzmann himself never introduced it — a peculiar state of affairs, which can be explained by the fact that Boltzmann, as appears from his occasional utterances, never gave thought to the possibility of carrying out an exact measurement of the constant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Henrique rescatou a Alexandre e Margarida do Castelo de Edimburgo cando foron feitos prisioneiros polos baróns rebeldes escoceses en 1255 e tomou medidas adicionais para manexar o goberno escocés durante o resto da minoría de idade de Alexandre.
Henry had Alexander and Margaret rescued from Edinburgh Castle when they were imprisoned there by a rebellious Scottish baron in 1255 and took additional measures to manage Alexander's government during the rest of his minority years.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Malia que se empregan nomes de persoas reais, a historia de Joyce Hooper Corrington e John William Corrington non está baseada en ningún feito histórico, e de feito é ficticia en gran medida.
Although names of real people are used, the story by Joyce Hooper Corrington and John William Corrington makes no claim to be historically accurate, and in fact is largely fictional.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
De feito, os estudos de mutacións dos xenes que codifican a proteína A indican unha menor virulencia de S. aureus medida como supervivencia no sangue, o que levou a especular que a virulencia á que contribúe a proteína A require a unión ás rexións Fc dos anticorpos.
In fact, studies involving mutation of genes coding for protein A resulted in a lowered virulence of S. aureus as measured by survival in blood, which has led to speculation that protein A-contributed virulence requires binding of antibody Fc regions.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Por exemplo, a comparación do Produto Interior Bruto per capita de varios países feita en dólares internacionais, no canto de baseándose simplemente nos tipos de cambio, prové dunha medida con máis validez para comparar estándares de vida.
For example, comparing per capita gross domestic product (GDP) of various countries in international dollars, rather than based simply on exchange rates, provides a more valid measure to compare standards of living.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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