fixesen oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels

third-person plural preterite subjunctive of facer

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facer reverencias


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Rudbeck, por exemplo, deixou de dar conferencias ao público, e permitía que outras persoas menos preparadas o fixesen por el.
Rudbeck no longer gave public lectures, and had others stand in for him.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Historiadores como Michael Prestwich e Seymour Phillips indicaron que a natureza pública da corte real inglesa faría que calquera relación homosexual permanecese en segredo; non semella que nin a Igrexa da época, nin o pai de Eduardo nin o seu sogro fixesen comentario adverso ningún sobre o comportamento sexual de Eduardo II.
Such historians as Michael Prestwich and Seymour Phillips have argued that the public nature of the English royal court would have made it unlikely that any homosexual affairs would have remained discreet; neither the contemporary Church, Edward's father nor his father-in-law appear to have made any adverse comments about Edward's sexual behaviour.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Que mal podería facer o fantasma de Lyanna Stark a calquera de nós que non nos fixesemos cen veces máis?
What harm could Lyanna Stark's ghost do to either of us that we haven't done to each other a hundred times over?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Non dixen que o fixeses ti.
I didn't say you did.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
E non lles pedín que fixesen viñetas bonitas.
And I didn't ask them to do nice cartoons.ted2019 ted2019
Era práctica común durante a Idade Media que tanto cristiáns como musulmáns fixesen descender a súa liñaxe dalgunha figura importante da historia da súa fe.
It was common practice during the Middle Ages for both Christian and Muslim rulers to tie their bloodline back to a pivotal figure in their faith's history.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os guepardos evolucionaron para correr máis rápido xa que, se non o fixesen, non obterían comida ningunha.
Cheetahs have evolved to run faster, because if they didn't run faster, they wouldn't get any lunch.ted2019 ted2019
A nai dixéralles que fixesen algúns traballos.
And the mother gave them specific chores to do.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
En xullo de -404, pediron a Lisandro que volvese a Atenas, onde supervisou o cambio de goberno; un político oligarca, Dracóntides, propuxo no consello depositar o goberno en mans de trinta homes escollidos; Terámenes apoiou esta moción, e, con Lisandro ameazando con castigar aos atenienses pola deixar de desmantelar os muros rápida e suficientemente a menos que o fixesen, pasouno á asemblea.
In July 404 BC, they summoned Lysander back to Athens, where he supervised the change of government; an oligarchic politician, Dracontides, proposed in the council to place the government in the hands of thirty chosen men; Theramenes supported this motion, and, with Lysander threatening to punish the Athenians for failing to dismantle the walls quickly enough unless they assented, it passed the assembly.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O problema de determinar o límite das especies na taxonomía dos procariotas levou a que se fixesen diversas recomendacións para a clasificación dos procariotas, como a do Comité ad hoc sobre a reconciliación dos enfoques en sistemática bacteriana, que recomenda utilizar o contido GC para a clasificación dos niveis taxonómicos superiores.
The species problem in prokaryotic taxonomy has led to various suggestions in classifying bacteria, and the ad hoc committee on reconciliation of approaches to bacterial systematics has recommended use of GC ratios in higher level hierarchical classification.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Segundo Beda, Aethelberht foi o bastante desconfiado dos que acaban de chegar para insistir en coñecelos baixo o ceo aberto, para evitar que fixesen bruxarías.
According to Bede, Æthelberht was sufficiently distrustful of the newcomers to insist on meeting them under the open sky, to prevent them from performing sorcery.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os procesos de gasificación do carbón para crear gas de síntese foron utilizados durante moitos anos para fabricar gas de alumado para iluminar rúas e casas, cociñar e, ata certo punto, para a calefacción, antes de que a iluminación eléctrica e as infraestruturas de gas natural se fixesen amplamente dispoñibles.
Coal gasification processes to create syngas were used for many years to manufacture illuminating gas (coal gas) for gas lighting, cooking and to some extent, heating, before electric lighting and the natural gas infrastructure became widely available.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Faleciches antes que nós o fixésemos, pero nunca te esqueceremos.
You passed away before we did, but we will never forget you.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
E se te puxeses á fronte e lle fixeses saber á xente que es un heroe?
What if you got in front of this And let people know that you're a hero?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Por mor da deterioración das condicións da obra orixinal de Géricault, o Louvre encargoulle en 1859-1860 a dous artistas franceses, Pierre-Désiré Guillemet e Étienne-Antoine-Eugène Ronjat, que fixesen unha copia a tamaño completo da obra orixinal para exhibicións en préstamo.
Because of deterioration in the condition of Géricault's original, the Louvre in 1859–60 commissioned two French artists, Pierre-Désiré Guillemet and Étienne-Antoine-Eugène Ronjat, to make a full size copy of the original for loan exhibitions.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Isto permitiu que Fernando Alonso fixésese co segundo posto detrás de Kimi Räikkönen, un evento que tivo unha grande influencia na súa batalla polo Campionato Mundial que se dirixía cara ao seu fin.
This allowed Fernando Alonso to take second place behind Kimi Räikkönen, an event which had a significant bearing on their battle for the World Championship headed towards its culmination.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 1956 estableceu a Coupe Hélène Dutrieu-Mortier cun premio de 200,000 francos para as mulleres piloto francesas ou belgas que fixesen o voo sen escala máis longo cada ano.
In 1956 she created the Coupe Hélène Dutrieu-Mortier (Hélène Dutrieu-Mortier Cup) with a prize of 200,000 francs for the French or Belgian woman pilot who made the longest non-stop flight each year.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O día 14 a asemblea de Connecticut deu instrucións aos seus delegados para que fixesen a proposta, e o día seguinte as lexislaturas de New Hampshire e Delaware autorizaron aos seus a que votasen a favor.
On June 14, the Connecticut Assembly instructed its delegates to propose independence and, the following day, the legislatures of New Hampshire and Delaware authorized their delegates to declare independence.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Naquela época Holanda era un dos lugares máis venerados para estudar historia natural e un lugar habitual para que os suecos fixesen o seu doutoramento.
At the time, it was common for Swedes to pursue doctoral degrees in the Netherlands, then a highly revered place to study natural history.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Que sería sensato que fixeses?
What would it be wise for you to do?jw2019 jw2019
Ao recibir un guión para unha adaptación proposta d'O Señor dos Aneis por parte de Morton Grady Zimmerman, Tolkien escribiu: Pediríalles que fixesen o esforzo imaxinativo suficiente para comprender a irritación (en ocasións resentimento) dun autor que atopa, incrementalmente segundo avanza, a súa obra tratada xeralmente sen coidado, puntualmente de forma neglixente, e sen signos evidentes de apreciación sobre o que trata.
On receiving a screenplay for a proposed film adaptation of The Lord of the Rings by Morton Grady Zimmerman, Tolkien wrote: I would ask them to make an effort of imagination sufficient to understand the irritation (and on occasion the resentment) of an author, who finds, increasingly as he proceeds, his work treated as it would seem carelessly in general, in places recklessly, and with no evident signs of any appreciation of what it is all about.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tamén, pero de xeito reservado, o monarca mostrábase favorable a concederlles plena liberdade profesional e participación na mariña e o exército, pero ordenou que estas disposicións non se fixesen efectivas ata que, pasado un tempo, se calmasen os ánimos.
Also, with reservations, the king showed himself to be favorable to the establishment of outright professional liberty and the participation of the Xuetes in the navy and army, but gave instructions that these dispositions would not take effect until some time had passed in order to allow the controversy to ease.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
E pedinlles que fixesen un proxecto xuntos abordando os temas que afectaban ao seu país, en viñetas, si, en viñetas.
And I asked them to do a project together, tackle the issues affecting their country in cartoons, yes, in cartoons.QED QED
O seu plan era traballar con Curt Stern, investigador que demostrou o entrecruzamiento en Drosophila semanas despois de que ela e Creighton fixesen o propio en millo; no entanto, Stern emigrou a Estados Unidos xusto entón.
She had planned to work with Curt Stern, who had demonstrated crossing-over in Drosophila just weeks after McClintock and Creighton had done so; however, Stern emigrated to the United States.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Entre 30.000 e 40.000 persoas desafiaron unha infinidade de dificultades para alcanzar os campos de ouro de Klondike no inverno e a primavera de 1897-1898, logo de que o achado fixésese oficial en 1897.
An estimated 30,000 to 40,000 people braved numerous hardships to reach the Klondike gold fields in the winter and spring of 1897-1898 after the discovery became known in 1897.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
69 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.