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Foron construídos tres coches oficiais con 16 válvulas Motores twin cam para a competición e para lograr marcas: o número de chasis 1914, máis tarde desenvolveuse como o Green Pea (guísante verde), o número de chasis 1915, o Razor Blade (navalla de afeitar) logrou as marcas e o número de chasis 1916, máis tarde desenvolveuse como o Halford Especial.
Three works Team Cars with 16-valve twin cam engines were built for racing and record breaking: chassis number 1914, later developed as the Green Pea; chassis number 1915, the Razor Blade record car; and chassis number 1916, later developed as the Halford Special.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Glecia Bear ou Nêhiyaw, nada o 29 de abril de 1912 en Green Lake, Saskatchewan e finada en setembro de 1998 en Flying Dust First Nation, foi unha contadora de historias tradicional canadense da nación cree.
Glecia Bear or Nêhiyaw (April 29, 1912 in Green Lake, Saskatchewan - September 1998, Flying Dust First Nation) was a Saskatchewan-born Cree elder, traditional tale teller and a children’s writer with Freda Ahenakew from Canada.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A comezos de 1942, Lee conseguiu o seu primeiro número 1, "Somebody Else Is Taking My Place," seguido en 1943 por "Why Don't You Do Right?" (orixinalmente cantado por Lil Green), canción que vendeu máis dun millón de copias e a fixo famosa.
In 1942 Lee had her first No. 1 hit, "Somebody Else Is Taking My Place", followed by 1943's "Why Don't You Do Right?" which sold over 1 million copies and made her famous.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O British Racing Green pronto desapareceu dos coches dos equipos privados británicos.
British Racing Green soon vanished from the cars of British teams.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Porén, ten a Green Card (tarxeta de Residencia Permanente nos Estados Unidos).
"I have U.S. residency (Green Card).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O SYBR Green, GelRed e outros produtos comerciais similares véndense como alternativas máis seguras que o bromuro de etidio, xa que este demostrou ser mutaxénico no test de Ames, aínda que a carcinoxenicidade do bromuro de etidio non foi realmente establecida polo momento.
SYBR Green, GelRed and other similar commercial products are sold as safer alternatives to ethidium bromide as it has been shown to be mutagenic in Ames test, although the carcinogenicity of ethidium bromide has not actually been established.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dende que William Shakespeare usou termos como "green-eyed monster" (mostro de ollos verdes), a cor verde foi asociada cos celos e a envexa, creando así expresións como "verde de envexa".
Since William Shakespeare's use of terms like "green-eyed monster", the color green has been associated with jealousy and envy, from which the expressions "green with envy", are derived.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aínda que a tinguidura SYBR Green emite o seu sinal fluorescente simplemente ao unirse ao ADN bicatenario en solución, a xeración de fluorescencia das sondas TaqMan, Molecular Beacons e Scorpions dependen do acoplamento por transferencia de enerxía de resonancia de Förster (FRET) da molécula da tinguidura e un residuo amortecedor da fluorescencia (quencher) nos substratos oligonucleotídicos.
While the SYBR Green dye emits its fluorescent signal simply by binding to the double-stranded DNA in solution, the TaqMan probes, Molecular Beacons and Scorpions generation of fluorescence depend on Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) coupling of the dye molecule and a quencher moiety to the oligonucleotide substrates.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Warning é tamén o primeiro disco de Green Day dende Kerplunk (1992) que non foi producido por Rob Cavallo, aínda que botou unha man na súa produción e foi acreditado como produtor executivo.
Warning was also Green Day's first album since Kerplunk (1991) that was not produced by Rob Cavallo, although he did have a hand in its production and was credited as executive producer.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A Forza Aérea tiña un gran inventario deses motores para a súa frota dos helicópteros de rescate HH-3 Jolly Green Giant e usar o mesmo motor para ámbolos dous aparellos aforraría custos.
The Air Force had a large inventory of these engines on hand for its fleet of HH-3 Jolly Green Giant rescue helicopters and using the same engine for both helicopters would save costs.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O número de exposicións continuou a aumentar; e el finalizou Knife Edge Two Piece en 1962, para o Green College (Londres), localizado ao lado do Palacio de Westminster.
The number of commissions continued to increase; he completed Knife Edge Two Piece in 1962 for College Green near the Houses of Parliament in London.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mire —gritou con entusiasmo— para a fonte do Bowling Green de Nova York!
“Look,” he cried with enthusiasm, “at the Bowling-Green Fountain in New York!Literature Literature
Ealing Studios é unha compañía británica de produción de cinema e televisión situada en Ealing Green en West London.
Ealing Studios is a television and film production company and facilities provider at Ealing Green in west London.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A película ten o nome de The Black Motorist Green Book , unha guía a mediados do século XX para viaxeiros afroamericanos escrita por Victor Hugo Green , para axudalos a atopar moteles e restaurantes nos que sexan aceptados.
The film is named after The Negro Motorist Green Book, a mid-20th century guidebook for African-American travelers written by Victor Hugo Green.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Prescott naceu en Palmers Green, Londres, seis segundos despois que a súa irmá xemelga Kathryn Prescott, quen tamén é actriz.
Prescott was born in Palmers Green, London, and is six minutes younger than her twin sister Kathryn Prescott, who is also an actress.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O vehículo de Green Bay foi máis rápido, pero veuse abaixo antes de terminar a carreira.
The vehicle from Green Bay was faster, but broke down before completing the race.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O crítico Greil Marcus sinalou que "o canto de John no último verso de 'Deus' probabelmente sexa do máis fino de todo o rock".
Critic Greil Marcus remarked, "John's singing in the last verse of 'God' may be the finest in all of rock."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pouco despois, en 1896, trasladáronse a Sarehole (hoxe en Hall Green), entón unha vila de Worcestershire, máis tarde unida a Birmingham.
Soon after, in 1896, they moved to Sarehole (now in Hall Green), then a Worcestershire village, later annexed to Birmingham.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No bar no que tentaba repousar, un descoñecido fálalle, e cun sorriso, dille que no século XVIII, erguérase unha forca fronte a Green Man.
In the bar, where he had tried to calm himself... a grinning stranger told him that in the 18th century... the Green Man stood opposite a gibbet.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Os franceses de Green Bay referíanse a ela como Le Bey (A Baía), mentres que os comerciantes británicos dábanlle o nome de Green Bay (Baía Verde), pola cor verdosa das augas na primavera.
The French residents at the trading post in what is now Green Bay, referred to the town as "La Bey", however British fur traders referred to it as "Green Bay", because the water and the shore assumed green tints in early spring.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As fotografías foran feitas por John Kennedy, Green Studio, Dublín.
The reproductions were all in full colour, with photography by John Kennedy, Green Studio, Dublin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O 16 de febreiro de 2006 anunciouse a escolla da actriz francesa Eva Green.
It was announced on 16 February 2006 French actress Eva Green would play the part.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tras graduarse traballou nunha axencia de publicidade, onda a secretaria e entón aspirante a actriz Greer Garson lle suxeriu que intentase ser actor.
He worked at an advertising agency, where the company secretary, the aspiring actress Greer Garson, suggested that he take up a career in acting.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Alien: Covenant é un filme estadounidense de ciencia ficción dirixido por Ridley Scott e escrito por John Logan e Dante Harper, baseado nunha historia de Michael Green e Jack Paglen.
Alien: Covenant is a 2017 science fiction horror film directed and produced by Ridley Scott and written by John Logan and Dante Harper, from a story by Michael Green and Jack Paglen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Non teñas medo, miña grea pequena, que o teu Pai compraceuse en darche o Reino” (Lucas 12:32)
“Have no fear, little flock, for your Father has approved of giving you the Kingdom.” —Luke 12:32jw2019 jw2019
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