khmer oor Engels


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the national language of Cambodia

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En 1177 Angkor foi saqueada polos cham, un pobo localizado no actual Vietnam e inimigo tradicional dos khmer.
In 1177 Angkor was sacked by the Chams, the traditional enemies of the Khmer.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O khmer difire de linguas veciñas como o tailandés, o birmano, o lao e o vietnamita en que non é unha lingua tonal.
Khmer differs from neighboring languages such as Thai, Burmese, Lao and Vietnamese in that it is not a tonal language.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hai case uns mil anos, a actual zona de Buri Ram estaba baixo control do Imperio Khmer, conservándose moitas ruínas da época.
About a thousand years ago, the area that makes up today's Buriram Province was under the Khmer Empire and many ruins remain from that time.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A tecnoloxía dos khmer non podería facer grande salas de aire.
The technology of the Khmer could not yet make large airy halls.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Orixinalmente os prangs khmer eran os templos para a adoración dos deuses hindús, como Shiva e Visnú.
Originally the Khmer prang temples were for the worship of the Hindu gods, such as Shiva and Vishnu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Foi fundado orixinalmente como templo hindú para o Imperio khmer, mais gradualmente transformado nun templo budista cara ao final do século XII.
Originally constructed as a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Vishnu for the Khmer Empire, it was gradually transformed into a Buddhist temple towards the end of the 12th century.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Phraya Lawaek, o rei khmer recrutou tailandeses de varias cidades, incluíndo Chachoengsao, para traballar nas súas terras.
Phraya Lawaek, the Khmer king, conscripted Thais from several towns including Chachoengsao to be in his work force.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Foi expulsado da cidade como parte do experimento socialista "Ano Cero" dos Khmeres Vermellos, e foi retido nun campo de concentración xunto coa súa esposa My-Huoy, que faleceu durante o parto estando no cativerio.
He was expelled from Phnom Penh along with the bulk of its two million inhabitants as part of the Khmer Rouge's "Year Zero" social experiment and imprisoned in a concentration camp along with his wife, My-Huoy, who subsequently died giving birth.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 1988 escribiu Haing Ngor: A Cambodian Odyssey, describindo a súa vida baixo o réxime dos Khmeres Vermellos.
In 1988, he wrote Haing Ngor: A Cambodian Odyssey, describing his life under the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O espazo dentro do prang torre, o teito, era relativamente pequeno por dúas razóns: Os rituais que foron aguantados neles foron reservados para unha elite pequena (na capital do Khmer só o rei de deus podería introducir o santuario).
The space within the prang tower, the cella, was relatively small for two reasons: The rituals which were held in them were reserved for a small elite (in the capital of the Khmer only the god king could enter the shrine).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Moitos dos templos de Angkor foron restaurados, e no seu conxunto constitúen as obras máis significativas da arquitectura Khmer.
Many of the temples at Angkor have been restored, and together, they comprise the most significant site of Khmer architecture.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A protección foi abolida polo Khmer Vermello (1975–79) pero posteriormente foi posta de novo en vigor pola Lei de pesca de 1987, que "prohibe a captura, venda e transporte de...crocodilos ..."
Protection was abolished by the Khmer Rouge (1975–79) but later reinstated under Article 18 of the Fishery Law of 1987, which "forbids the catching, selling, and transportation of... crocodiles..."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ambientado en 1975, o filme conta a vida de Ung con sete anos, que é forzada a ser unha sodado infantil mentres os seus irmáns son enviados a campos de traballo durante o réximo dos Khmers vermellos comunistas.
Set in 1975, the film depicts 7-year-old Ung, who is forced to be trained as a child soldier while her siblings are sent to labor camps during the Communist Khmer Rouge regime.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os Khmer Rouge tentaron transformar Cambodia nunha sociedade sen clases despoboando cidades e forzando á poboación urbana ("Novo Pobo") ás comunas agrícolas.
The Khmer Rouge attempted to turn Cambodia into a classless society by depopulating cities and forcing the urban population ("New People") into agricultural communes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despois de que o Imperio Khmer colapsase, os mestres construtores tailandeses de Sukhothai adaptaron a forma dos prang.
After the Khmer Empire collapsed, the Thai building masters of the Sukhothai Kingdom adapted the Prang form.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(Ringis, 1990) O primeiro prangs en Tailandia era incorporada Phimai e Khao Phnom Rung e Lopburi entre comezos do século X e o tardío século XII, cando o Khmer o reino era dominante.
The first prangs in Thailand were built in Phimai and Khao Phnom Rung and Lopburi between the early 10th century and the late 12th century, when the Khmer kingdom was dominant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O khmer está considerablemente influído polo sánscrito e o pali, especialmente nos rexistros lingüísticos reais e relixiosos, a través do hinduísmo e o budismo.
Khmer has been influenced considerably by Sanskrit and Pali, especially in the royal and religious registers, through Hinduism and Buddhism.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nas súas cancións e poemas trata da vida cotiá: o traballo no agro, a elección de esposa, a pobreza e as súas causas, a ignorancia, mais tamén do dominio dos estranxeiros sobre o pobo khmer, a perda da soberanía, e a decadencia da cultura e literatura khmer.
They include: working in the farm to earn a living, choosing a spouse, poverty and its causes, ignorance of the people, consequences of laziness and inactiveness, dominance of foreigners on Khmer people, the loss of sovereignty, and the decline of the Khmer culture and literature.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Porén, as miñas primeiras experiencias viñeron de Camboxa e das lembranzas da miña primeira visita a Camboxa, cando había, en 1994, aínda menos de 10 avogados no país porque o Khmer Vermello matáraos a todos.
My first experiences, though, did come from Cambodia, and at the time I remember first coming to Cambodia and there were, in 1994, still less than 10 attorneys in the country because the Khmer Rouge had killed them all.QED QED
A liorta tamén tivo como escenario parte de Camboxa e Laos, entre o goberno apoiado polos norteamericanos, o NVA e o comunista Khmer Rouge (coñecido pola guerra civil de Camboxa, entre 1967–1975) e Pathet Lao (coñecido pola guerra civil de Laos 1962–1975).
Fighting also occurred during this time in Cambodia between the US-backed government, the NVA, and the Communist-backed Khmer Rouge (known as the Cambodian Civil War, 1968–1975) and in Laos between the US-backed government, the NVA, and the Communist-backed Pathet Lao (known as the Laotian Civil War or Secret War, 1959–1975).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A maioría dos khmer practican o budismo nunha versión moi sincrética, que inclúe elementos budistas Theravada, o hinduísmo, animismo e culto aos devanceiros.
The majority of the Khmer are followers of the Khmer style of Buddhism, a highly syncretic version that blends elements of Theravada Buddhism, Hinduism, animism, and veneration of the dead.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Está ambientado no réxime do Khmer vermello en Camboxa, e está baseado nas experiencias de dous xornalistas, o camboxano Dith Pran e o estadounidense Sydney Schanberg.
The Killing Fields is a 1984 British biographical drama film about the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia, which is based on the experiences of two journalists: Cambodian Dith Pran and American Sydney Schanberg.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 2001, todo isto deu como resultado o concepto da "Cidade Turística de Angkor", que habería de ser desenvolvida seguindo as características da arquitectura tradicional khmer, debería contar con instalacións de ocio e turísticas, así como hoteis de luxo nos que se puidesen aloxar grandes cantidades de turistas.
In 2001, this incentive resulted in the concept of the "Angkor Tourist City" which would be developed with regard to traditional Khmer architecture, contain leisure and tourist facilities, and provide luxurious hotels capable of accommodating large numbers of tourists.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nationalencyklopedin "Världens 100 största språk 2007" The World's 100 Largest Languages in 2007 Definicións no Dicionario da Real Academia Galega e no Portal das Palabras para khmer.
Nationalencyklopedin "Världens 100 största språk 2007" The World's 100 Largest Languages in 2007 "Amharic".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eran un elemento común da arquitectura en santuarios hindús e budistas no Imperio Khmer.
They were a common shrine element of Hindu and Buddhist architecture in the Khmer Empire.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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