lembranza oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels




English–Galician CLUVI Dictionary
souvenir (item of sentimental value, to remember an event or location)
memory (stored record in one’s memory)

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

álbum de lembranzas
que evoca lembranzas


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Aínda que el se aliou co pagán de Penda, Aethelwald foi un fervoroso cristián e é lembrado pola súa xenerosidade cara a Chad de Mercia, a quen lle outorgou terreo para un mosteiro.
Although he allied himself with the pagan Penda, Œthelwald was a pious Christian and was remembered for his generosity towards St. Cedd, to whom he granted land for a monastery.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1917) Día Internacional para a lembranza do comercio de escravos e a súa abolición.
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its AbolitionWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Un aspecto importante é que isto acontece antes de que o antíxeno poida estimular os linfocitos B maternos que máis tarde poderían "lembrar" o antíxeno Rh xerando linfocitos B de memoria.
It is important to note that this occurs before the antigen can stimulate maternal B cells to "remember" Rh antigen by generating memory B cells.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cóntanos unha historia de antes de nos lembrarmos.
Tell us a story from before we can remember.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Segues sen te lembrar de min, eh?
Still don't remember me, eh?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
É importante lembrar de onde ven unha.
It's important to remember where you come from.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Unha sesión de edición remátase automaticamente cando entrega o ficheiro afectado. Nese instante, envíase unha notificación unedit a toda a xente que rexistrase un vixilante no ficheiro. Por suposto, ás veces pode non querer entregar o ficheiro, senón que aborta a sesión e reverte para o estado anterior do ficheiro. Isto faise mediante Avanzado Fin de edición. Lembre que & cervisia; non lle irá pedir confirmación; isto significa que se usa este ítem do menú, todo o traballo feito desde que usase Avanzado Editar será perdido. & cervisia; usa o comando
An editing session is automatically ended when you commit the affected file. At that moment, an unedit notification gets sent out to all people who have registered a respective watch on the file. Of course, sometimes you may not want to commit the file, but abort the editing session and revert to the previous version of the file. This is done by using Advanced Unedit. Note that & cervisia; will not ask you for confirmation; that means if you use this menu item, all your work done since you used Advanced Edit will be lost. Precisely, & cervisia; uses the command lineKDE40.1 KDE40.1
E lembra, eu tamén estou aquí
# And remember, I'm here too #OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Os medios visuais captan a nosa atención e axúdannos a entender e lembrar o que aprendemos.
Visual aids capture the attention of the viewer and help him to understand and remember what he learned.jw2019 jw2019
O seu contrincante está a usar unha versión de KBattleship anterior á KDE#. Lembre que de acordo ás regras vellas, os barcos non poden tocarse
Your opponent is using pre-KDE# version of KBattleship. Note that, according to the rules enforced by old clients, ships cannot be placed adjacent to one anotherKDE40.1 KDE40.1
A palabra refinadura non debe acordar no espírito dos lectores a lembranza de fábricas cheas de maquinaria e obreiros.
Do not let the word refining summon up images of complicated factories teeming with workers and machines.Literature Literature
Plutarco, na súa Vida do Xeneral romano Lucio Emilio Paulo, na lembra a súa vitoria sobre os macedonios, conta que cando viu a estatua, "conmoveu á súa alma, coma estivese vendo ao deus en persoa", mentres que no século I o orador grego Dión Crisóstomo declarou que unha pequena ollada á estatua facía que un home esquézase tódolos seus problemas terreais.
According to the Roman historian Livy, the Roman general Aemilius Paulus (the victor over Macedon) saw the statue and "was moved to his soul, as if he had seen the god in person," while the 1st-century AD Greek orator Dio Chrysostom declared that a single glimpse of the statue would make a man forget all his earthly troubles.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Posteriormente lembraba ter pensado que "Conner era guapo.
She later remembered thinking, "Conner was cute.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Esta clasificación foi reforzada en 2005 polo descubrimento dunha caixa cranial ben conservada de Deinosuchus na Formación Blufftown de Alabama, que mostraba algunhas características que lembraban as dos modernos aligátores do Mississippi, Porén, Deinosuchus, non foi un devanceiro directo dos modernos aligátores.
This classification was bolstered in 2005 by the discovery of a well-preserved Deinosuchus brain case from the Blufftown Formation of Alabama, which shows some features reminiscent of those in the modern American alligator, Deinosuchus however, was not a direct ancestor of modern alligators.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Perdido na fin do mundo, na miña Illa de Sal, en compañía dos meus argalleiros cans, lembro aquel mes de xaneiro en Toquio, ou máis ben, lembro as imaxes que filmei do mes de xaneiro en Tokquio.
Stranded at the end of the world, on my Island of Sal, in the company of my prancing dogs, I remember that January in Tokyo, or rather I remember the images I filmed that January in Tokyo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lembra que é inútil que te poñas fermosa e que es unha catiga no deserto, abandonada dos teus.
You make up your eyes with kohl, don't you remember that it is useless to become beautiful you are a song in the desert, abandoned of yours.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Se o especifica, só se atoparán ficheiros que conteñan este texto. Lembre que non están soportados todos os tipos de ficheiro da lista de riba. Por favor, consulte a documentación para unha lista dos tipos de ficheiro soportados
If specified, only files that contain this text are found. Note that not all file types from the list above are supported. Please refer to the documentation for a list of supported file typesKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Lembremos, entón, esta data
We keep this Memorial occasionjw2019 jw2019
Martha deu un comezo pouco, como se se lembrou de algo.
Martha gave a little start, as if she remembered something.QED QED
Non lembro ter nese momento especial interese en demostrar que era home.
I don’t recall at that moment having any particular interest in showing that I was a man.Literature Literature
Nas lembranzas posteriores de Nannerl, describiu que Wolfgang permaneceu en pé sobre unha cadeira para ser examinado por Madame de Pompadour, que non lle permitiría bicala.
In Nannerl's later recollections, Wolfgang was made to stand on a chair to be examined by the Madame, who would not allow him to kiss her.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non lembro quen.
I forget who.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Mais non lembro todas as cabezas que vendeu en 6 anos.
Course, I can't remember every head he sold in six years.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lembro a magnífica copa do ano pasado.
I remember a superb cup from last year.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
O cazador que me dixo que isto podería me lembro dun Sam Nutting, que adoitaba cazar osos no
The hunter who told me this could remember one Sam Nutting, who used to hunt bears onQED QED
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