lle oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels

(to) him, her (masculine and feminine singular third-person personal pronoun)
(to) him, her ( masculine and feminine singular third-person personal pronoun)

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Soortgelyke frases

canto lle debo?
how much do I owe you


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Non lle falaron del.
No one would have talked about us.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
O seu novo patrón é un tratante de gando que lle presta libros.
A cheerful librarian gives them documents.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
E un home de certa idade que non está casado, só pensamos que non lle chegou o tempo de facer a súa elección.
And a man at a certain age who is unmarried, we just think he hasn't come around to making his pick.ted2019 ted2019
O trío gravou un demo de catro temas, o que lles permitiu abrir concertos de artistas como Johnny Thunders e Warren Zevon.
The trio recorded a four-song demo tape, which won them supporting roles at the concerts of artists such as Johnny Thunders and Warren Zevon.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aínda que el se aliou co pagán de Penda, Aethelwald foi un fervoroso cristián e é lembrado pola súa xenerosidade cara a Chad de Mercia, a quen lle outorgou terreo para un mosteiro.
Although he allied himself with the pagan Penda, Œthelwald was a pious Christian and was remembered for his generosity towards St. Cedd, to whom he granted land for a monastery.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cando a primeira marcha foi interpretada en 1901 nun London Promenade Concert, foi dirixida por Henry J. Wood, que despois escribiu que o público «ergueuse e berrou a primeira e única vez na historia dos concertos que se lle concedeu un dobre bis a unha obra orquestral».
When the first march was played in 1901 at a London Promenade Concert, it was conducted by Henry J. Wood, who later wrote that the audience "rose and yelled ... the one and only time in the history of the Promenade concerts that an orchestral item was accorded a double encore."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O feito de que unha persoa que cometeu un acto que constitúe un crime baixo as leis internacionais sexa Xefe do Estado ou un oficial responsable do goberno non lle exime da responsabilidade baixo as leis internacionais.
The fact that a person who committed an act which constitutes a crime under international law, acted as Head of State or responsible government official, does not relieve him from responsibility under international law.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O famoso líder síux Cola manchada debe o seu nome ao sombreiro cunha cola de mapache que usaba, que lle comprara a un comerciante de peles.
The famous Sioux leader Spotted Tail took his name from a raccoon skin hat with the tail attached he acquired from a fur trader.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sabía que lle favorecía e que a James lle encantaba, e volver poñelo fixo que se sentise ben.
She knew she looked good in it and that James loved it; wearing the dress again made her feel good.Literature Literature
Isto coincidirá con un só caracter pertencente a un rango predefinido. Cando insira este elemento ha aparecer un diálogo, que lle permitirá especificar os caracteres do rango deste elemento de regexp
This will match a single character from a predefined range. When you insert this widget a dialog box will appear, which lets you specify which characters this regexp item will matchKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Aínda que Beethoven obtiña ingresos da publicación das súas obras e de interpretacións públicas, tamén dependía da xenerosidade de mecenas, aos cales lle facía concertos privados e dába copias de traballos que encargaban durante un período exclusivo antes da súa publicación.
While Beethoven earned income from publication of his works and from public performances, he also depended on the generosity of patrons for income, for whom he gave private performances and copies of works they commissioned for an exclusive period prior to their publication.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No sétimo encontro, os Bucks lideraban 34-25 no segundo cuarto, ata que un suplente que de cando en cando xogaba, Raja Bell, anotou 10 puntos para lograr un parcial de 23-4 que lle deu o liderado a Philadelphia.
In Game Seven, the Bucks jumped out to a 34–25 second quarter advantage before seldom-used reserve Raja Bell scored 10 points to spark a 23–4 run that gave Philadelphia the lead for good.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
lle restan uns poucos meses.
She's only got a few months left.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
E a quen non lle gusta isto?
And who wouldn't want that?ted2019 ted2019
Por iso lles damos primas aos banqueiros e pagamos de moitas maneiras.
This is why we give bonuses to bankers and pay in all kinds of ways.ted2019 ted2019
Conquistador e "bon vivant", ao primo non lle leva moito tempo conquistar o amor de Luísa (el xa lle tiña feito as beiras antes de que Luísa coñecese a Jorge).
A womanizer and a "bon vivant", he doesn't take long to win the love of Luisa (they had date before Luisa meet Jorge).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Oín que lle cortaches unha man ao Matarreis.
I hear you took a hand from the Kingslayer.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A pura verdade é que o señor Bates, aínda que non sexa culpa súa, non é capaz de levar a cabo os deberes extraordinarios que lle corresponden.
The plain fact is Mr Bates, through no fault of his own, is not able to fulfill the extra duties expected of him.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Xehová nunca lle vira as costas a quen se arrepinte dos seus pecados.
Jehovah does not abandon repentant sinners.jw2019 jw2019
Para saber o que lle pode interesar a unha persoa, observa o que está a facer ou o que ten ó seu arredor.
To determine what a person might be interested in, observe his or her activities or surroundings.jw2019 jw2019
Con todo, o sábado desa semana, o 14 de decembro, a data do aniversario da morte do seu pai, enfermou gravemente de difteria que o seu fillo lle contaxiara.
However, by Saturday, 14 December, the anniversary of her father's death, she became seriously ill with the diphtheria caught from her son.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 2005 nun grupo de 58 suxeitos, as mulleres estaban máis indecisas cando se lles presentaba a homes con MHCs iguais aos seus, aínda que se tomaban contraceptivos orais as mulleres mostraron preferencia polos MHC similares aos seus, e se non os tomaban non mostraban ningunha preferencia especial.
In 2005 in a group of 58 subjects, women were more indecisive when presented with MHCs like their own, although with oral contraceptives, the women showed no particular preference.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sen secuelas físicas, Haberá case inevitabelmente miles de persoas que sufrirán moitos estados complexos de medo e de conmoción, causados polas cousas que viron e as cousas que lles pasaron.
Physically unmarked, there will almost inevitably be thousands of people suffering from many complex states of fear and shock, due to the things they've seen and the things that have happened to them.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lotterer foi piloto de probas do equipo Jaguar de Fórmula 1 2002, pero isto non lle proporcionou un posto de carreira.
Lotterer was a test driver for the Jaguar Formula One team in 2002, but this did not lead to a race seat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tiña grandes oportunidades de repetir a fazaña ao ano seguinte, pero unha relación moi competitiva co piloto Carlos Reutemann levou a unha rivalidade moi intensa que probablemente lles custou a ambos os corredores o campionato dese ano.
He had a good chance to repeat his success in 1981, but a very combative relationship with Carlos Reutemann led to an intense rivalry that possibly cost both drivers a chance at the championship.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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