mova oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels

third-person singular present subjunctive of mover
first-person singular present subjunctive of mover

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases



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As especies de Magnetospirillum son aerotácticas, xa que se moven para situarse nos lugares onde haxa a concentración de O2 máis favorable para elas.
Magnetospirillum species also resort to aerotaxis, to remain in favorable O2 concentration conditions.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Erro crítico: Imposíbel procesar o correo enviado (carente de espazo?) Fallo ao mover a mensaxe ao cartafol de " enviado "
Critical error: Unable to process sent mail (out of space?)Moving failing message to " sent-mail " folderKDE40.1 KDE40.1
A inercia destas pequenas partículas fai que estimulen as células ciliadas ou pilosas do utrículo e sáculo cando se move a cabeza.
The inertia of these small particles causes them to stimulate hair cells when the head moves.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eu non vou mover o pracer de ninguén, I.
I will not budge for no man's pleasure, I.QED QED
O transporte axonal é tamén responsable de mover moléculas destinadas á degradación desde o axón ao corpo celular, onde serían degradadas polos lisosomas.
Axonal transport is also responsible for moving molecules destined for degradation from the axon back to the cell body, where they are broken down by lysosomes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cada cambio sucesivo move a célula máis preto do tipo celular final e limita a súa potencialidade de converterse noutro tipo de célula diferente.
Each successive change moves the cell closer to the final cell type and further limits its potential to become a different cell type.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mover un Vector
Move a VectorKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Que ninguén se mova.
Nobody move!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hai novas mensaxes neste cartafol (% #), que aínda non se subiron ao servidor, mais eliminouse o cartafol do servidor ou non ten permisos de acceso suficientes o cartafol para o que os quere subir. Por favor, contacte co seu administrador para lle permita subir mensaxes novas, ou sáqueas deste cartafol. Quere mover agora estas mensaxes a outro cartafol?
There are new messages in this folder (%#), which have not been uploaded to the server yet, but the folder has been deleted on the server or you do not have sufficient access rights on the folder now to upload them. Please contact your administrator to allow upload of new messages to you, or move them out of this folder. Do you want to move these messages to another folder now?KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Move-la páxina escollida cara a arriba
Move selected page upKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Non se mova.
Do not move.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A carreira móvese desde a súa data habitual en marzo a outubro para permitir aos organizadores a oportunidade de mellorar o circuíto.
The race was moved from its March date to October to allow organisers the opportunity to upgrade the circuit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Dillards foron, excepcionalmente, unha banda de country que se moveu cara a música rock.
The Dillards were, unusually, a country act, who moved towards rock music.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Se un obxecto é movido en sentido oposto a unha forza conservativa neta, a enerxía potencial incrementarase e se a celeridade do obxecto cambia, a a enerxía cinética do obxecto cambia asemade.
If an object is moved in the opposite direction of a conservative net force, the potential energy will increase and if the speed (not the velocity) of the object is changed, the kinetic energy of the object is changed as well.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os poros polos que pasa a auga son grandes dabondo como para permitir que tamén pasen todas as pequenas moléculas (ata o tamaño de pequenas proteínas, como a insulina), polo que tamén se moven libremente a través da prede dos capilares.
The pores through which this water moves are large enough to allow all the smaller molecules (up to the size of small proteins such as insulin) to move freely through the capillary wall as well.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Por exemplo, os patos reman pola auga coas patas estendendo as membranas palmadas dos pés a medida que a auga se move cara atrás, e despois cando os pés regresan a diante xuntan as membranas para reducir o empuxe da auga cara adiante.
For example, ducks paddle through the water spreading the webs of their feet as they move water back, and then when they return their feet to the front they pull their webs together to reduce the subsequent pull of water forward.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mover ao directorio final
Move to final directoryKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Turing non tiña en mente unha máquina física, senón unha persoa a que el chamaba unha "computadora", que actuaba segundo as instrucións fornecidas por unha cinta na que se podían ler e escribir símbolos de forma secuencial mentres que se movía baixo un transdutor de cintas.
Turing was not imagining a physical machine, but a person he called a "computer", who acted according to the instructions provided by a tape on which symbols could be read and written sequentially as the tape moved under a tape head.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O franco dereito móvese.
Sir, the right has broken forward!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A maioría do comercio dos Grandes Lagos é de material a granel, os barcos cargueiros de tamaño Seawaymax ou de menos tamaño pódense mover ao longo da totalidade dos lagos ata o Atlántico.
Most Great Lakes trade is of bulk material, and bulk freighters of Seawaymax-size or less can move throughout the entire lakes and out to the Atlantic.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Móvete, queres James?
Budge up, can't you, James?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ch. reindhardtii utilízase como organismo modelo para investigar cuestións fundamentais da bioloxía da célula e bioloxía molecular como: Como se moven as células.
Chlamydomonas is used as a model organism for research on fundamental questions in cell and molecular biology such as: How do cells move?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
E de feito, Curiosity, que se está a mover pola superficie dende hai uns tres anos, amosounos que está no antigo leito dun río, onde a auga discorría rapidamente.
And in fact, Curiosity -- which has been roving on the surface now for about three years -- has really shown us that it's sitting in an ancient river bed, where water flowed rapidly.ted2019 ted2019
Move as túas ferramentas para aló.
Balance your tools there.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
En 1553 a Praza Maior móvese cara ao sur, á situación actual (Praza Bolívar) e comeza no lado leste a construción da Catedral, e o Cabido e a Real Audiencia nos outros laterais.
In 1553, the Main Plaza—now Bolívar Plaza—was moved to its current site and the first cathedral construction on the eastern side began.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
202 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.