ovella oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels




female sheep
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Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels


domesticated animal

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Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

pel de ovella
fleece · sheepskin
Mal das ovellas tolas
ovella negra
black sheep
desinfectante para ovellas
sheep dip
Lingua de ovella
Ribwort Plantain
mal das ovellas tolas
Ovella das Shetland
Ovella negra
black sheep


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Que fixo David cando un león e un oso atacaron as súas ovellas?
What did David do when a lion and a bear attacked his sheep?jw2019 jw2019
Os iogures, especialmente algunhas variedades de labneh, tamén se poden producir a partir de leite de ovella.
Yogurts, especially some forms of strained yogurt, may also be made from sheep's milk.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
¿Pra qué queres a ovella se non tes cortella? .
What do you need the notes for, if you have no soul?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
22 de febreiro - Anúnciase que en Roslin, Escocia, unha ovella adulta, Dolly, fora clonada con éxito en xullo de 1996.
February 22 – In Roslin, Scotland, scientists announce that an adult sheep named Dolly had been successfully cloned, and was born in July 1996.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Onde están as ovellas?
Where are the sheep?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Non te afastes das ovellas.
Don't leave the sheep alone.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Unha minoría de ovellas presentan unha preferencia pola homosexualidade (un 8% de termo medio) e un pequeno número de femias poden sufrir a síndrome Freemartin e ser conductualmente masculinas.
A minority of rams (8% on average) display a preference for homosexuality and a small number of the females that were accompanied by a male fetus in utero are freemartins (female animals that are behaviorally masculine and lack functioning ovaries).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Paradoxalmente, as ovellas poden tanto causar como solucionar a propagación de especies de plantas invasoras.
Paradoxically, sheep can both cause and solve the spread of invasive plant species.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Xesús contestou: “Coida das miñas ovellas”.
Jesus said: “Shepherd my little sheep.”jw2019 jw2019
A morte de 600 ovellas por "aire viciado" nos arredores de Pompeia reportado por Séneca levou a Haraldur Sigurdsson a comparalas coas mortes similares de ovellas en Islandia polo dióxido de carbono das piscinas volcánicas e para especular que o terremoto do 62 estaba relacionada coa nova actividade polo Vesuvio.
The deaths of 600 sheep from "tainted air" in the vicinity of Pompeii, reported by Seneca the Younger, leads volcanologist Haraldur Sigurðsson to compare them to similar deaths of sheep in Iceland from pools of volcanic carbon dioxide and to speculate that the earthquake of AD 62 was related to new activity by Mount Vesuvius.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As ovellas seguen un patrón de actividade diúrno, alimentándose desde o amencer ata que se pon o sol, parando esporadicamente para descansar e masticar o bolo regurxitado.
Sheep follow a diurnal pattern of activity, feeding from dawn to dusk, stopping sporadically to rest and chew their cud.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
protexer as súas ovellas?
protecting his sheep?jw2019 jw2019
Se se lles fornecen concentrados deben ser formulados especialmente, pois a maioría dos utilizados con vacas, porcos, aves e mesmo algúns para cabras conteñen uns niveis de cobre que son letais para as ovellas.
Feed provided to sheep must be specially formulated, as most cattle, poultry, pig, and even some goat feeds contain levels of copper that are lethal to sheep.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A ovella transxénica clonada Polly, que levaba o xene humano do factor IX, foi producida polo Dr Ian Wilmut no Instituto Roslin en 1997.
Polly, a transgenic cloned Poll Dorset sheep carrying the gene for factor IX, was produced by Dr Ian Wilmut at the Roslin Institute in 1997.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A partir de finais do século XIX, os europeos comezaron a instalarse na rexión, desenvolvendo grandes ranchos de ovellas na illa principal.
Beginning in the late 19th century, Europeans began to settle in the region, developing large sheep ranches on the main island.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Xa non temos ovellas.
We don't have any sheep any more.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Non hai unha liña divisoria entre ambos os grupos, senón un continuuum que vai desde os seraus (xénero Capricornis nun extremo do espectro até as ovellas, as cabras e o boi almiscreiro no outro.
No sharp line divides the groups, but a continuum varies from the serows at one end of the spectrum to sheep, true goats, and musk oxen at the other.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Incitaron aos seus xefes a perder interese neles, a expropialos, e a reemprazalos pola ovella, máis lucrativa.
They then encouraged his chief to lose interest in him, to evict him and to replace him by the more profitable sheep.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Os suecos do continente adoitan a malinterpretar o nome ao pensar que deriva de får, a palabra estándar do sueco para ovella, debido á gran cantidade destes animais que hai na illa.
Mainland Swedes might misinterpret the name Fårö to be derived from får, the (standard) Swedish word for sheep, due to the many sheep on the island.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No caso deste tipo de dificultades durante o parto, os gandeiros poden axudar á ovella mediante a extracción ou o reposicionamento dos cordeiros.
In the case of any such problems, those present at lambing may assist the ewe by extracting or repositioning lambs.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En países como Estados Unidos, as ovellas non teñen a suficiente importancia económica para as compañías farmacéuticas como para levar a cabo os custosos ensaios clínicos necesarios para obter só un número relativamente limitado de medicamentos para uso ovino.
In some developed countries, including the United States, sheep lack the economic importance for drug companies to perform expensive clinical trials required to approve more than a relatively limited number of drugs for ovine use.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Na antigüidade, eran outeiros arborados e a Biblia rexistra que a agricultura e a cría da ovella era practicada na área.
In ancient times the hills were forested, and the Bible records agriculture and sheep farming being practiced in the area.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Da mesma maneira que un pastor coida con xeito de cada unha das súas ovellas, os anciáns esfórzanse por coñecer persoalmente a cada un dos membros da congregación (Proverbios 27:23).
(2 Corinthians 1:24) Just as a shepherd diligently cares for each one of his sheep, the elders try to get to know every member of the congregation individually. —Proverbs 27:23.jw2019 jw2019
As ovellas domésticas proporcionan unha gran variedade de materias primas.
Domestic sheep provide a wide array of raw materials.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Recentemente, esta hipótese foi posta en dúbida ao hipotetizar Sawyer et al. que nas ovellas a maioría das células da granulosa se desenvolven a partir de células do mesotelio (é dicir, células epiteliais da suposta superficie do epitelio do ovario).
Sawyer et al. hypothesized that in sheep most of the granulosa cells develop from cells of the mesothelium (i.e., epithelial cells from the presumptive surface epithelium of the ovary).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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