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Init é o pai de todos os outros procesos e non pode ser matado
Init is the parent of all other processes and cannot be killedKDE40.1 KDE40.1
En Gylfaginning, o antigo Asgard estaba rexido por un deus maior, o pai de todo, que tiña doce nomes.
In Gylfi's delusion, ancient Asgard was ruled by the senior god, the all-father, who had twelve names.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aínda que ser o único pai de toda a descendencia é moi beneficioso para a fitness do macho, isto incrementa a probabilidade de endogamia e a transmisión de trastornos xenéticos.
While being the only father to all offspring is extremely beneficial to a male's fitness, it increases the chance of inbreeding and the passing on of genetic disorders.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A maior vantaxe para os machos nun sistema de apareamento políxino é o incremento de fitness e o éxito reprodutivo do macho simplemente porque será pai de toda a descendencia.
The largest advantage for males in a polygynous mating system is the increased fitness and reproductive success of the lone male because he will father all the offspring.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os meus propios pais tiñan de todo menos baixas expectativas para a miña irmá e máis eu.
My own parents had anything but low expectations for me and my sister.QED QED
—Meu pai sabe o nome de todas estas pedras –dixo Fins, tentando desatarse do curso das cousas–.
‘My dad knows the names of all these rocks,’ said Fins in an attempt to detach himself from the course of events.Literature Literature
O seu pai sempre tivera man de todos os seus cartos e facía negocios con eles.
His father had always kept all the money for them and he always was doing business with it.Literature Literature
1086-1130), conde, esposo de Toda Pérez de Trava e pai do conde Vela Gutiérrez.
1086–1130), a count, husband of Toda Pérez de Traba and the father of Count Vela Gutiérrez.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mentres traballaba no negocio do seu pai, compuxo obras de todos os tipos: sinfónicas e corais, lieder, música de cámara e partiturass para o cine e o teatro.
While still working in his father's business, he wrote musical works of all kinds, including symphonic and choral works, lieder, chamber music, and scores for cinema and theatre.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sentía especial afecto polos animais e meus pais permitíanme ter todo tipo de mascotas.
I was especially fond of animals, and was indulged by my parents with a great variety of pets.Literature Literature
Foron pais de catro fillos, todos eles nacidos entre 1218, o ano en que comezou a relación, e 1230, o ano en que morreu o rei: Sancha Afonso de León (m.
They had four children, all of them born between 1218 and 1230: Sancha (d.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sempre te apañas pa chegar cuando tou facendo pasteles, e todo pa traguer tres ou cuatro feixiños de leña.
Al'ays manage to come callin'on baking'day, and toting'in three or four measley little piece of fire wood.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sobre todo agora... cando o pai de Eugen... parece que está endebedado.
Especially now... when eugen's father... apparently has liquidity problems.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Á morte do seu pai en outubro de 1448, Leonardo sucedeuno en todos os seus títulos e posesións.
On his father's death in October 1448, Leonardo succeeded as a minor to all his titles and possessions.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lir é unha figura clave, coñecido sobre todo como o pai de Manannan mac Lir, que aparece repetidas veces na literatura medieval irlandesa.
Lir is chiefly an ancestor figure, and is the father of the god Manannán mac Lir, who appears frequently in medieval Irish literature.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Temos que ir buscar o resto da familia decontado, o pai e a nai de Charlie e todos os que vivan na casa.
'We must go at once and fetch the rest of the family – Charlie's father and his mother and anyone else that's around!Literature Literature
Cando comezou todo no xardín de teu pai tiña vinte e un, creo.
I was twenty-one, I believe, when the whole thing began in your father's garden.Literature Literature
Os seus pais, con todo, rexeitaron a idea de que o seu fillo casase cunha parente pobre, e Kazimierz foi incapaz de opoñerse a eles.
His parents rejected the idea of his marrying the penniless relative, and Kazimierz was unable to oppose them.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O biógrafo de Mozart, Wolfgang Hildesheimer, suxeriu que, canto menos no caso de Wolfgang, esta empresa era prematura: «demasiado pronto, o pai arrastrou o fillo por todas partes de Europa Occidental durante anos.
Mozart biographer Wolfgang Hildesheimer has suggested that, at least in the case of Wolfgang, this venture was premature: "Too soon, father dragged son all over Western Europe for years.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A Encyclopedia of World Biography afirma que Barrymore estaba constantemente preocupado pola situación do seu pai, e o seu amigo achegado Gene Fowler afirmou que "o sombrío matiz da perda da razón do seu pai nunca morreu de todo na mente de Barrymore, perseguido polo medo de que podería sufrir o mesmo destino".
The Encyclopedia of World Biography states that Barrymore was constantly "haunted by the bright and dark spell of his father", and his close friend Gene Fowler reported that "the bleak overtone of this breaking of his parent's reason never quite died away in Barrymore's mind, and he was haunted by fears he would suffer the same fate".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ademais da rivalidade entre as dúas irmás, Anna tivo outras dificultadas no crecemento: "unha moza en certa forma con problemas que se queixaba ao seu pai en cartas inocentes de todas as clases de pensamentos irracionais e sentimentos que a acosaban".
As well as this rivalry between the two sisters, Anna had other difficulties growing up – 'a somewhat troubled youngster who complained to her father in candid letters how all sorts of unreasonable thoughts and feelings plagued her'.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Converteuse en rei logo de que Heracles matara ó seu pai e a tódolos seus irmáns.
She remembers with terror the day Achilles killed her father and brothers.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Se as cousas eran como Jonan suxería, o único obxectivo de todo aquilo sería enganar o seu pai.
If Jonan was right, the sole aim would have been to deceive her father.Literature Literature
Barlow afirma que despois de que o pai de Jacquard morrese, este iniciou un negocio de teas, mais fracasou e perdeu toda a súa riqueza.
Barlow claims that after Jacquard's father died, Jacquard started a figure-weaving business but failed and lost all his wealth.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Durante varios anos, a súa nai traballou como a provedora oficial de comida en todas as producións de Scorsese, mentres o seu pai traballaba no departamento de vestiario.
For years, his mother worked as the official caterer for all of Scorsese's films and his father helped in the wardrobe department.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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