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Hill e o seu fillo Damon son a única parella de pai e fillo na que ambos gañaron o Campionato Mundial de fórmula 1.
Hill and his son Damon were the first father and son pair to win Formula One World Championships.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A relación entre un pai e o seu fillo na comedia nova é moi forte, e o fillo permanece leal ao seu pai.
The father-son relationship is very strong and the son remains loyal to the father.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Algunhas escolas tamén ofrecen as aulas "Pai-bebé", nas que os pais participan cos seus fillos moi pequenos.
Some schools also offer "Parent-Infant" classes, in which parents participate with their very young children.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Xehová deu autoridade sobre os fillos tanto ó pai como á nai.
You must teach your children to respect and obey you.jw2019 jw2019
Era filla de pai obreiro e nai analfabeta emigrados desde Pego (Alacant) a Valencia onde viviu a maior parte da súa vida.
María Cambrils was the daughter of a laborer and an illiterate mother who emigrated from Pego, Alicante to Valencia, where she lived most of her life.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Como pai dun piloto de Fórmula 1 O fillo de Fittipaldi, Christian, fixo o seu debut na Fórmula Un en 1992 e acadou o seu primeiro punto no Gran Premio do Xapón de 1992, facendo de Wilson e Christian Fittipaldi os primeiros pai e fillo en puntuar na Fórmula Un.
As the father of a Formula One driver Fittipaldi's son, Christian, made his debut in Formula One in 1992 and took his first point at the 1992 Japanese Grand Prix, making Wilson and Christian Fittipaldi the first parent and child to both score points in Formula One.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os orgullosos pais conmemoraban o servizo das súas fillas facendo dedicatorias na Acrópole.
Proud parents commemorated their daughters' service by making dedications on the Acropolis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A relación entre pais e fillos é un tema prominente na novela, e nunha entrevista, Hosseini declarou: "Ámbolos dous son multixeracionais, polo que a relación entre pai e fillo, con tódalas súas complexidades e contradicións, é o tema prominente.
The relationship between parents and their children features prominently in the novel, and in an interview, Hosseini elaborated: Both are multigenerational, and so the relationship between parent and child, with all of its manifest complexities and contradictions, is a prominent theme.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Na súa acepción máis común, o termo familia nuclear refírese a un grupo doméstico conformado por un pai, unha nai e os seus fillos biolóxicos.
In its most common usage, the term nuclear family refers to a household consisting of a father, a mother and their children all in one household dwelling.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O seu pai era conselleiro en Hamburgo, a súa nai a filla dun médico rico.
His father was a doctor in Hanover, his mother the daughter of a banker.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ó igual que as seguintes novelas de Hosseini, O cazador de papaventos abrangue un período multixeracional e céntrase na relación entre pais e fillos.
As with Hosseini's subsequent novels, The Kite Runner covers a multigenerational period and focuses on the relationship between parents and their children.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Que nai rexeita casar co pai do seu propio fillo?
What mother has ever refused to marry the father of her own child?Literature Literature
O pai e os fillos traballaban alí facendo cervexa, e a nai e as rapazas fregaban e cosían e cociñaban.
The father and the sons all had their work here making beer, and the mother and her girls scoured and sewed and cooked.Literature Literature
" Na miña mocidade, " Pai William respondeu ao seu fillo,
'In my youth,'Father William replied to his son,QED QED
Meu pai, miña mai e miña avoa arrolaban, eu arrolaba na filla.
My father used to lull and I lulled my daughter.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nas memorias sobre os seus pais, a filla de Margared Mead suxeriu que entre Benedict e Mead houbo algún tipo de relación.
In her memoir about her parents, With a Daughter's Eye, Margaret Mead's daughter implies that the relationship between Benedict and Mead was partly sexual.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tras varias negociacións nas que participaron varios familiares e amigos, pai e fillo acabaron reconciliándose.
After some negotiations involving family members and friends, the two men were reconciled.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ambos os autores, a través das súas obras, reflicten unha sociedade patriarcal na que a relación pai-fillo é esencial para a función e o desenvolvemento dunha familia axeitada.
Both authors, through their plays, reflect a patriarchal society in which the father-son relationship is essential to proper function and development of the household.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non din se foi a través do seu pai, Wigmund, fillo de Wiglaf, ou a través da súa nai, Elfflaed, filla de Ceolwulf.
They do not say whether this was through Wigstan's father, Wigmund, son of Wiglaf of Mercia, or through his mother, Ælfflæd, daughter of Ceolwulf I of Mercia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os pais presentáronse na comisaría de Elizondo e insistiron en que á súa filla lle pasara algo.
The parents went down to the station in Elizondo and insisted something must have happened to their daughter.Literature Literature
En 1994 e 1995 venceu con Porsche na clásica carreira Mil Milhas fundada polo seu pai, na primeira ocasión compartindo coche co seu fillo Christian.
In 1994 and 1995 he was victorious for Porsche in the classic Mil Milhas race founded by his father, on the former occasion sharing the car with his son Christian.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Xa que unha filla pode obter un X do pai e un X da nai, o resultado queda un pouco diluído.
Because a daughter can get one X from the father, one X from the mother, it's kind of diluted out.ted2019 ted2019
A nai de Dior é a filla máis vella do meu pai.
The mother of Madior is the firstborn of my father...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Alcumada 'Kiki', era a máis nova dunha familia burguesa: o seu pai era director dunha compañía e a súa nai era filla de terratenentes.
Nicknamed 'Kiki', she was the youngest child of bourgeois parents – her father a company director, and her mother the daughter of landowners.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Peeta é fillo do panadeiro e vive con dous irmáns, un pai quedo e unha nai estrita e disciplinaria.
Peeta is the baker's son and lives with two brothers, a quiet father, and a strict disciplinarian mother.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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