pexego oor Engels



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Léo é o meu fillo, o que non me impide ver as súas pexas.
Leo may be my son, But I'm aware of his flaws.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Segundo Schein, os alimentos menos preferidos por elas eran remolacha crúa, pexegos e apio cru.
According to Schein, the least-liked foods were raw beets, peaches, and raw celery.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Por exemplo, en 1893 inventou o Pexego Melba, en homenaxe á soprano australiana Nellie Melba.
By 1918, she was touring with Australian soprano Nellie Melba.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"A pexa do sexismo".
"When Men Experience Sexism".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O nome de Melba está asociado con catro comidas, todas creadas na súa honra polo chef francés Auguste Escoffier: Pexego Melba, sobremesa feita de pexegos, salsa de framboesa e xeado de vainilla Salsa Melba, puré doce de framboesas e froitos vermellos Torrada Melba, unha torrada seca crocante Melba Garniture, polo, trufas e cogomelos recheados con tomates e salsa velouté.
Melba's name is associated with four foods, all of which were created in her honour by the French chef Auguste Escoffier: Peach Melba, a dessert made of peaches, raspberry sauce, and vanilla ice cream Melba sauce, a sweet purée of raspberries and red currant Melba toast, a crisp dry toast Melba Garniture, chicken, truffles and mushrooms stuffed into tomatoes with velouté sauce.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
E deume pexegos tamén.
AND SHE GAVE ME SOME PEACHES TOO.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tamén presentan unha mancha cor pexego esvaída nun lado da cabeza.
They also show a faint peach spot on the side of the head.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Coma outros membros da familia das rosáceas, as carabuñas dos pexegos conteñen glicósidos cianoxénicos, incluíndo amigdalina.
As with many other members of the rose family, plum kernels contain cyanogenic glycosides, including amygdalin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pexegos e nectarinas deben almacenarse a 0 °C e alta humidade.
Peaches and nectarines are best stored at temperatures of 0 °C (32 °F) and high humidity.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os pexegos de carne branca pouco acedos son os máis populares en China, no Xapón e demais países asiáticos, mentres que europeos e norteamericanos prefiren, historicamente, os amarelos algo acedos .
Low-acid white-fleshed peaches are the most popular kinds in China, Japan, and neighbouring Asian countries, while Europeans and North Americans have historically favoured the acidic, yellow-fleshed cultivars.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
E esa comunicación, esa conectividade arredor do mundo, esa globalización agora ten unha pexa.
And that communication, that connectivity around the world, that globalization now raises a burden.ted2019 ted2019
Pode tomar pexegos con nata, se lle apetece.
You can have peaches and cream, if you like.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
O froito ten forma de baga, mais estruturalmente é un pomo que contén de 1 a 5 sementes que se asemellan á carabuña das ameixas, pexegos etc. que son froitos drupáceos na mesma subfamilia.
The fruit, sometimes known as a "haw", is berry-like but structurally a pome containing from one to five pyrenes that resemble the "stones" of plums, peaches, etc., which are drupaceous fruit in the same subfamily.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pexegos e nectarinas están estreitamente relacionados, malia que comercialmente se vendan coma froitos diferentes.
Peaches and nectarines are the same species, even though they are regarded commercially as different fruits.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A beira meridional do Lago Ontario proporciona a mestura correcta de chans e un microclima especial a moitos cultivos de mazás, cereixas, ameixeiras, peras e pexegos.
The south shore of Lake Ontario provides the right mix of soils and microclimate for many apple, cherry, plum, pear and peach orchards.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hai centos de cultivares de pexego e nectarina.
Hundreds of peach and nectarine cultivars are known.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Peaches sempre arrecende a pexego.
Peaches has the nicest peach smell abouther.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
En 2009, uniuse ao equipo Team Pex Racing, un equipo cliente de CRG.
In 2009, Verstappen joined Team Pex Racing, a CRG customer team.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En consecuencia, a poboación da illa viuse obrigada a buscar refuxio en pequenas casas construídas en socalcos altos, e tamén significa ter unha agricultura moi simple e xunto o cultivo de pexegos foron os fundamentos da modesta economía da illa.
Consequently, the island’s population was forced to find shelter in small houses constructed on high terraces and also meant that simple agriculture and cultivation of the peach were the foundations of the modest island economy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os pexegos son froitos climatéricos e continúan a madurar despois de seren collidos da árbore.
Peaches are climacteric fruits and continue to ripen after being picked from the tree.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os pexegos xa eran ben coñecidos polos romanos no primerio século despois de Cristo , de feito era moi cultivado na Emilia Romaña.
Peaches were, however, well known to the Romans in the 1st century AD, and were cultivated widely in Emilia-Romagna.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O pexego vese coma un froito de ledicia, riqueza, honra e lonxevidade.
The peach is seen as the fruit of happiness, riches, honours and longevity.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Canto vale un quilo de pexegos?
What makes a 5GL?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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