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Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels


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Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


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Por 1851 Hincks e Rawlinson podían ler xa 200 signos babilonios.
By 1851, Hincks and Rawlinson could read 200 Babylonian signs.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os dous tripulantes podían comunicarse por medio dun tubo de voz.
The two crewmen could communicate by means of a voice tube.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sen unha saída doadamente accesible para os bens roubados, os piratas víronse reducidos a un modo de vida de subsistencia, e tras case cen anos de guerra naval entre os británicos, franceses e españois, nos que os mariñeiros podían atopar traballo doadamente, os corsarios víronse superados en número polos meirandes navíos empregados polo Imperio Británico para defender a súa frota mercante.
With no easily accessible outlet to fence their stolen goods, pirates were reduced to a subsistence livelihood, and following almost a century of naval warfare between the British, French and Spanish—during which sailors could find easy employment—lone privateers found themselves outnumbered by the powerful ships employed by the British Empire to defend its merchant fleets.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Trulli anotou o seu único podio co 3o lugar en España e Ralf Schumacher logrou o 3o lugar, tanto en Hungría como en China e unha pole position no Gran Premio do Xapón.
Results petered away slightly from this point, with Trulli scoring his only other podium with 3rd place at Spain and Ralf Schumacher rewarding the squad with 3rd place at both Hungary and China and a pole position at the Japanese Grand Prix.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O nome Pseudosuchia converteuse nun taxón "caixón de xastre" no cal podían situarse todos os tecodontos que non encaixaban en ningunha das outras tres subordes.
The name Pseudosuchia became a wastebasket taxon into which all thecodonts that did not fit in the other three suborders could be placed.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No momento da escritura do antigo mapa xeográfico de Thana en 1882, estas illas podían ser alcanzadas durante as mareas baixas camiñando a través das rias intermedias, fóra diso a illa de Dharavi (non debe confundirse co barrio pobre preto de Mahim), tíñase que chegar en bote.
At the time of writing of the old Gazetteer of Thana in 1882, these islands could be reached during low tides by walking across the tidal inlets in between, except for the island of Dharavi in present-day Gorai (not to be confused with the slum near Mahim), which had to be reached by a boat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ambos podían ter reunións privadas cos altos funcionarios británicos e franceses, pero non conseguiron un recoñecemento oficial para a Confederación.
Both were able to obtain private meetings with high British and French officials, but they failed to secure official recognition for the Confederacy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nos primeiros estudos realizados, observouse que os encimas modificadores podían recoñecer e actuar sobre calquera residuo N-acetilado do polímero en formación.
In early studies, it was shown that modifying enzymes could recognize and act on any N-acetylated residue in the forming polymer.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rematou no top dez un total de 21 veces, incluíndo un lugar no podio, a 3a posición, en Milwaukee en 1987.
He finished in the top ten a total of 21 times, including one podium finish, 3rd position, at Milwaukee in 1987.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pero estrelouse a 5 voltas do final mentres perseguía a Scheckter, asegurando así que ambos coches de seis rodas estiveran no podio detrás de Lauda.
He, however crashed out with 5 laps left while chasing Scheckter, thus ensuring that both the six-wheeled cars were on the podium behind Lauda.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aínda que os fósiles de tunicados son anteriores á explosión cámbrica, os fósiles de Chengjiang dos xéneros Haikouichthys e Myllokunmingia parecen ser verdadeiros vertebrados, e Haikouichthys ten claras vértebras, que podían estar lixeiramente mineralizadas.
While tunicate fossils predate the Cambrian explosion, the Chengjiang fossils Haikouichthys and Myllokunmingia appear to be true vertebrates, and Haikouichthys had distinct vertebrae, which may have been slightly mineralized.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Varios estudos demostraron que unha significativa proporción (do 7 ao 33%) de mulleres saudables asintomáticas (especialmente negras e hispanas carecían de cantidades apreciables de especies de Lactobacillus na súa vaxina, as cales podían estar substituídas por outras bacterias produtoras de ácido láctico que contribúen á produción de ácido vaxinal por fermentación, como certas especies dos xéneros Atopobium, Leptotrichia, Leuconostoc, Megasphaera, Pediococcus, Streptococcus e Weissella, e tamén illados de Escherichia coli poden acidificar o seu medio de cultivo in vitro ao produciren lactato.
Several studies have demonstrated that a significant proportion (7–33%) of healthy asymptomatic women (especially black and Hispanic women) lack appreciable numbers of Lactobacillus species in the vagina, and instead have a vaginal microbiota that consist of other lactic acid-producing bacteria, i.e. species from the genera Atopobium, Leptotrichia, Leuconostoc, Megasphaera, Pediococcus, Streptococcus and Weissella, All ethnic populations have vaginal microflora communities containing lactic acid producing bacteria.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O equipo gozou dun repunte no rendemento, incluíndo un dobre podio en Abu Zabi, o que o levou ao terceiro lugar no Campionato de Construtores.
The team enjoyed an upturn in performance, including a double podium in Abu Dhabi, resulting in them taking third place in the Constructors' Championship.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Podíase ve-lo furioso que estaba.
You could see how furious he was.Literature Literature
Sintetizou moléculas que transformaban a súa química en tridimensional, creando un abanico de moléculas de diferentes formas que podían interactuar selectivamente con outros elementos químicos por mor das súas estruturas tridimensionales complementarias.
He synthesized molecules that took this chemistry into three dimensions, creating an array of differently shaped molecules that could interact selectively with other chemicals because of their complementary three-dimensional structures.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Clasificouse 26o e último na que sería a súa 149a carreira nun Gran premio desde que comezou a súa andaina en 1978 co equipo de Martini e unha carreira que incluíu equipos como Surtees, Renault, Ferrari e Ligier con 7 vitorias, 22 podios, 18 pole positions e 12 voltas rápidas.
He qualified 26th and last for what would be his 149th start in Grand Prix racing having begun his career back in 1978 with the Automobiles Martini team and a career that included teams such as Surtees, Renault, Ferrari and Ligier with 7 wins, 22 podiums 18 pole positions and 12 fastest laps.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As familias eran matrilocais; as parellas recentemente casadas vivían coa familia da noiva, onde a súa nai e as súas irmás tamén podían axudala coa súa crecente familia.
Families were matrilocal; newlywed couples would live with the bride's family, where her mother and sisters could also assist her with her growing family.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 1971, Penske patrocinou a segunda participación de McLaren nos Grandes Premios de Canadá e EE.UU., con Mark Donohue, que pilotou o coche para subir ao podio.
In 1971, Penske had sponsored the second McLaren entry in the 1971 Canadian and US GP, entering Mark Donohue, who took the car to a podium finish.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Estes traballadores non posuían terras, e polo tanto, non podían votar.
These places didn’t serve alcohol, so of course they didn’t card you.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O HMS Pearl e o HMS Lyme tiñan demasiado calado e non podían navegar polas augas pouco profundas do esteiro de Ocracoke.
HMS Pearl and HMS Lyme drew too much water and were therefore unable to navigate the sandbars around Ocracoke.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Podíase tratar dun novo tipo de baobab.
It could be a new kind of baobab.Literature Literature
Os seus mellores resultados fíxoos Rosberg acabando no podio en tres ocasións, anotando terceiros lugares en Sepang, Shanghai e Silverstone.
Their best results came from Rosberg finishing on the podium three times, scoring third places at Sepang, Shanghai, and Silverstone.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os homes eran obrigados a cortar as súas barbas, as mulleres non podían usar un chador e as mesquitas foron colocadas fóra dos límites.
Men were obliged to cut their beards, women could not wear a chador, and mosques were placed off limits.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tanto Darwin e os seus primeiros detractores recoñeceron os problemas potenciais que se podían orixinar da súa teoría da selección natural se a liñaxe de órganos e outras características biolóxicas non se puidesen explicar por cambios graduais paso a paso ao longo de sucesivas xeracións, se todos os estadios intermedios entre o órgano inicial e o órgano final resultasen que non son melloras do orixinal, sería imposible que o último órgano se desenvolvese só polo proceso da selección natural.
Both Darwin and his early detractors recognized the potential problems that could arise for his theory of natural selection if the lineage of organs and other biological features could not be accounted for by gradual, step-by-step changes over successive generations; if all the intermediary stages between an initial organ and the organ it will become are not all improvements upon the original, it will be impossible for the later organ to develop by the process of natural selection alone.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ningún ruído exterior penetraba nela e os estalidos do trono non podían atravesar as súas grosas paredes.
No sound from the outside could penetrate here and the flashes of lightning could not pierce its thick walls.Literature Literature
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