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first-person singular preterite indicative of poder

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con poder económico
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A pesar destes éxitos, Matilde non puido consolidar a súa posición.
Despite these successes, Matilda was unable to consolidate her position.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A maioría deles permaneceron nas súas comunidades de inmigrantes establecidos, pero xa na segunda ou terceira xeración, moitas familias puideron trasladarse a unha mellor vivenda nos suburbios tras a Segunda Guerra Mundial, xa que se adaptaron e prosperaron.
Most of these remained in their established immigrant communities, but by the second or third generation, many families were able to relocate to better housing in the suburbs after World War II.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mais non puiden vir antes.
But I couldn't come sooner.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Como os seus argumentos non convenceron a Guillerme, Bismarck púxose nervioso e axitado ata que, estrañamente, mostrou os seus motivos para facer caer o proxecto de lei: conseguir unha axitación dos socialistas ata producir un violento enfrontamento que puidese ser utilizado como pretexto para reprimilos.
When his arguments could not convince Wilhelm, Bismarck became excited and agitated until uncharacteristically blurting out his motive to see the bill fail: to have the socialists agitate until a violent clash occurred that could be used as a pretext to crush them.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Con todo, non puideron reunir os barcos requiridos e ningunha expedición de importancia volveu saír dos portos casteláns ata a firma da paz con Portugal.
However, they were unable to gather the necessary ships, and afterwards no expeditions of importance were launched up until the peace agreement with Portugal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rapidamente comezou a cortar a brecha co líder Alain Prost, pero antes de que puidese atacar a Prost, a carreira detívose na volta 31 por razóns de seguridade, xa que a choiva era cada vez maior.
He quickly began to cut the gap to race leader Alain Prost, but before he could attack Prost, the race was stopped on lap 31 for safety reasons, as the rain had grown even heavier.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Este informe reflectía outro punto de vista das principais razóns que levaron ao accidente, presentado no Apéndice I. Segundo a informe, as accións dos operarios ao apagar o Sistema de Emerxencia de Refrixeración do Núcleo, interferindo coa configuración do equipo de protección, e bloqueando o nivel e a presión no tambor separador non contribuíu á causa orixinal do accidente e á súa magnitude, a pesar que que puidese cometerse unha violación do regulamento.
This report reflected a different view of the main reasons for the accident, presented in Appendix I. According to this account, the operators' actions in turning off the Emergency Core Cooling System, interfering with the settings on the protection equipment, and blocking the level and pressure in the separator drum did not contribute to the original cause of the accident and its magnitude, although they may have been a breach of regulations.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A súa campaña comezou cun mal inicio no Gran Premio do Brasil de 1994 en Interlagos, onde non puido clasificarse.
His campaign got off to a poor start at the Brazilian Grand Prix in Interlagos, where he failed to qualify.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unha investigación da policía alemá indicou que un dos seus francotiradores e algúns dos reféns puideron ser disparados accidentalmente e morrer por fogo amigo.
A German police investigation indicated that one of their snipers and a few of the hostages may have been shot inadvertently by the police.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non está claro o significado disto: puido ter a intención de obrigar Eduardo a aceptar unha futura lexislación, a frase puido ser inserida para evitar que anulase os futuros votos que puidese tomar, ou puido ser un intento do rei de congraciarse cos baróns.
It is uncertain what this meant: it might have been intended to force Edward to accept future legislation, it may have been inserted to prevent him from overturning any future vows he might take, or it may have been an attempt by the King to ingratiate himself with the barons.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non se puido iniciar o Visor de Rexistros de GnupG (kwatchgnupg). Por favor, comprobe a súa instalación!
Could not start the GnuPG Log Viewer (kwatchgnupg). Please check your installation!KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Deseñado coa axuda de Gioacchino Colombo, o coche non puido cumprir coas expectativas e os intentos da compañía na produción de automóbiles detívose.
Designed with help from Gioacchino Colombo, the car failed to perform to expectations and the company's attempts at automobile production were halted.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pouco despois de ser creado, o INLA foi atacado polos seus antigos compañeiros do OIRA, que tentaban destruír o grupo antes de que puidese medrar.
Shortly after it was founded, the INLA came under attack from their former comrades in the OIRA, who wanted to destroy the new grouping before it could get off the ground.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O historiador D. P. Kirby especula que quizais Cearl contou coa protección do poderoso rei de Anglia Oriental, Raedwald, e que o posterior exilio de Edwin entre os Anglos Orientais puido ser polo crecente poder de Aethelfrith.
The historian D. P. Kirby speculated that perhaps Cearl was enabled to marry his daughter to Edwin due to the protection of the powerful East Anglian king Raedwald, and that Edwin's subsequent exile among the East Angles may have been due to Æthelfrith's power beginning "to impinge on Cearl or his successors among the Mercians".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O número total puido estar entre 500.000–1.000.000, ou o que é o mesmo, o 20% da poboación total do país.
Estimates of the death toll have ranged between 500,000 and 1,000,000, or as much as 20% of the total population of the country.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non se puido crear o socket: %
Could n't create socket: %KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Non se puido determinar o tipo de certificado de %
Could not determine certificate type of %KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Tense suxerido tamén que a cuestión non resolta da evolución da sexualidade puido estar relacionada coa hipótese da eucarioxénese viral.
It has been suggested that the unresolved question of the evolution of sex could be related to the viral eukaryogenesis hypothesis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fracasaron varios intentos de implantar a rede de escolas da Alianza Israelita Universal (Alliance Israélite Universelle), debido á presión dos rabinos, que non admitían que unha escola xudía puidese estar patrocinada pola embaixada francesa.
French attempts to introduce the educational network of the Alliance Israélite Universelle (IAU) failed against resistance by the rabbis, who did not want a Jewish school under the patronage of the French embassy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A idea era que puidese levar tropas ata as zonas máis distantes do Inperio Británico e os puidese apoiar con bombardeos.
The concept was that the aircraft would fly troops to far corners of the British Empire and then support them with bombing.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Considerando o período de incubación da enfermidade (aproximadamente 12 días), puido tela contraído mentres aínda estaba en Viena.
Given the incubation period of the disease (roughly, 12 days), it can be ascertained that he had already caught it in Vienna.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Probablemente elixiu o tema, aínda que puido ter sido Mozart.
He probably chose the subject, though it might have been Mozart.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Logo conseguín un lume furioso e fumegante de leña verde e paos secos, e puiden aforra-lo alcanfor.
Very soon I had a choking smoky fire of green wood and dry sticks, and could economise my camphor.Literature Literature
Puido ser tamén que Aethelred quixese vingarse polos asasinatos dos fillos de Eormenred de Kent; as mortes foran instigadas por Ecgberht de Kent, irmán de Hlothhere, e é posible que Aethelred fose tío dos príncipes asasinados.
It may also be that Æthelred wished for revenge for the murder of the sons of Eormenred of Kent; the murders had been instigated by Ecgberht of Kent, Hlothhere's brother, and it is possible that Æthelred was the uncle of the murdered princes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A últimas horas da tarde, o exército francés non puidera expulsar ás tropas de Wellington da ladeira escarpada onde estaban.
By late afternoon, the French army had not succeeded in driving Wellington's forces from the escarpment on which they stood.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
202 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.