pulires oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels

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pole dance


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Eu pulei atrás cun grito alto de angustia, e caeu para o corredor só como Jeeves saíu da súa toca para ver cal era o problema.
I jumped backward with a loud yell of anguish, and tumbled out into the hall just as Jeeves came out of his den to see what the matter was.QED QED
Pero grazas a Deus, aquel momento o dono entrou na sala de luz na man, e pulando da cama, eu execute ata el.
But thank heaven, at that moment the landlord came into the room light in hand, and leaping from the bed I ran up to him.QED QED
O lo-fi evitaba as pulidas écnicas de gravación cunha ética D.I.Y. e foi encabezado por Beck Sebadoh e Pavement.
Lo-fi eschewed polished recording techniques for a D.I.Y. ethos and was spearheaded by Beck, Sebadoh and Pavement.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Peto vermello foi tan brillante como o cetim e el flertar súas ás e cola e inclinou a cabeza e pulou sobre todo tipo de gracias animada.
His red waistcoat was as glossy as satin and he flirted his wings and tail and tilted his head and hopped about with all sorts of lively graces.QED QED
O home pulou da materia e camiñou ata e abaixo, o cuarto é imparable axitación.
The man sprang from his chair and paced up and down the room in uncontrollable agitation.QED QED
O teu rifle está pulido e brillante.
Your rifle is polished and shining.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Orixinalmente foi mesturado polo enxeñeiro de música soul e gañador dun Grammy Russell Elevado, pero Capitol Records non quedou contento co resultado, publicando unha mestura máis pulida e influenciada polo synthpop de Nick Rhodes, de Duran Duran.
The album was originally mixed by Grammy Award-winning soul music engineer Russell Elevado, but Capitol Records were unhappy with releasing it, and instead released a more polished, synthpop-influenced mix by Nick Rhodes of Duran Duran.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O control térmico era pasivo, mediante recubrimentos dorados, pintura branca e superficies de aluminio pulido.
The temperature was controlled passively by gold plating, white paint, and polished aluminum surfaces.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eu acabara afundiu miña cabeza sobre o tema cando o campás tocaron lume, e á présa o quente motores rolou dese xeito, liderado por unha tropa straggling de homes e nenos, e eu entre os sobre todo, porque eu tiña pulado o ribeiro.
I had just sunk my head on this when the bells rung fire, and in hot haste the engines rolled that way, led by a straggling troop of men and boys, and I among the foremost, for I had leaped the brook.QED QED
George dimitido, - o tiro entrou súa parte, - pero, a pesar de ferido, non estaba a recuar, pero, cun grito semellante ao dun touro bravo, el estaba pulando do outro lado do abismo en o partido.
George fired, -- the shot entered his side, -- but, though wounded, he would not retreat, but, with a yell like that of a mad bull, he was leaping right across the chasm into the party.QED QED
O post-grunge foi un xénero máis viable comercialmente que temperou as guitarras distorsonadas do grunge cunha pulida produción lista para a radio.
Post-grunge was a more commercially viable genre that tempered the distorted guitars of grunge with polished, radio-ready production.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hai moitas receitas vexetarianas, tales como pakora, samosa, khichdi, pulao, raita, rasam, bengain bharta, chana masala, algúns kormas, sambhar, jalfrezi, saag aloo, sabjis (pratos vexetais) como bindi subji, gobi subji, chole punxabí, aloo matar e algunhas receitas do sur indio como dosas, idlis e vadas.
There are many vegetarian Indian foods such as pakora, samosa, khichris, Pulao, raitas, rasam, bengain bharta, chana masala, some kormas, sambar, jalfrezis, saag aloo, subjis (vegetable dishes) such as bindi subji, gobi subji, Punjabi chole, aloo matar and much South Indian food such as dosas, idlis and vadas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 2018 editaron o seu álbum de estrea, Dream Wife, con críticas positivas: Joe Goggins de The Independent deulle 4 de 5 estrelas e destacou que "publicaron un disco de estrea que non soa como un traballo DIY; é unha peza pulida e segura de punk melódico".
In 2018 they released their self-titled debut album to positive reviews: Joe Goggins of The Independent gave it 4 out of 5 stars and noted that "they released a self-titled debut record that doesn't for a second sound like a DIY endeavour; it's a polished, assured slice of melodic punk."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Finalmente, os gastrólitos moi pulidos a miúdo mostran liñas microscópicas longas, presumablemente causadas por contacto coa acidez estomacal.
Finally, highly polished gastroliths often show long microscopic rilles, presumably caused by contact with stomach acid.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Xa en 1965 deu pulo a unha declaración de reconciliación ofrecida polos bispos polacos aos bispos alemáns co fin de sandar as feridas abertas aínda pola segunda guerra Mmundial.
In 1965, the Conference of Polish Bishops issued the Letter of Reconciliation of the Polish Bishops to the German Bishops, a gesture intended to heal bad mutual feelings left over from World War II.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unha liña desde Tanjung Palpetu ata Tanjung Waka, a punta sur de Pulau Sanana, a través desta illa ata o seu punto norte, e desde alí a través do estreito de Mangoli ata a costa sur de Mangole (Illas Sula) en .
A line from Tanjung Palpetu to Tanjung Waka, the Southern point of pulau Sanana, through this island to its Northern point, thence across the Mangoli Strait to the South coast of Mangole (Sula Islands) in .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aínda que a procesividade (e a utilización de ATP) de moléculas individuais de UvrD permanece igual, o efecto total sobre o ADN é pulado considerablemente; o ADN non ten a posibilidade de reenrolarse, xa que cada UvrD desenrola de 40 a 50 pares de bases, disóciase, e despois é inmediatamente substituída por outra UvrD, repetindo o proceso.
While the processivity (and ATP utilisation) of the individual UvrD molecules remains the same, the total effect on the DNA is boosted considerably; the DNA has no chance to re-anneal, as each UvrD unwinds 40-50 bp of DNA, dissociates, and then is immediately replaced by another UvrD, repeating the process.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pero, vendo que non era nada flexible, e que brillaba como un bo negocio ébano pulido, concluín que debe ser nada, pero un ídolo de madeira, que de feito demostrou ser.
But seeing that it was not at all limber, and that it glistened a good deal like polished ebony, I concluded that it must be nothing but a wooden idol, which indeed it proved to be.QED QED
Xa probamos e pulimos o primeiro espello.
We've tested and polished the first mirror.ted2019 ted2019
Sueste: Pulau Hatta, anteriormente coñecido como Rosengain ou Rozengain Outras illas, pequenas e / ou deshabitadas, son: Nailaka, a unha curta distancia ao noreste de Pulau Run Batu Kapal Manuka, un volcán activo Kerak ou Pulau Pulau Karaka (Vieques) Manukang Hatta Reef A maioría dos residentes actuais son descendentes dos inmigrantes ou exiliados de diversas partes de Indonesia.
To the southeast: Pulau Hatta, formerly Rosengain or Rozengain Others, possibly small and/or uninhabited, are: Nailaka, a short distance northeast of Pulau Run Batu Kapal Manuk, an active volcano Pulau Keraka or Pulau Karaka (Crab Island) Manukang Hatta Reef The islands are part of the Banda Sea Islands moist deciduous forests ecoregion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A miúdo o paso dun mundo ou etapa á seguinte é pulada por forzas internas, un proceso de xerminación ou xestación a partir de formas embrionarias iniciais.
Often the passage from one world or stage to the next is impelled by inner forces, a process of germination or gestation from earlier, embryonic forms.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Outros foron indubidablemente tragados por outros dinosauros e os gastrólitos moi pulidos puideroon ser tragados repetidamente.
Others were undoubtedly swallowed by other dinosaurs and highly polished gastroliths may have been swallowed repeatedly.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A pesar de ser gravado principalmente na habitación de Dieterich e de ser mesturado no ordenador da banda en hoteis durante as súas xiras con Radiohead, The Flaming Lips e Beck, Friend Opportunity ten un son pulido e cinemático.
Despite being recorded mostly in Dieterich's bedroom and being mixed on the band's laptop in hotel rooms during tours with Radiohead, The Flaming Lips, and Beck, 2007's Friend Opportunity had a polished, cinematic sound.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O biógrafo de Mozart Eric Blom relata unha anécdota de como a arquiduquesa axudou a Wolfgang cando esvarou sobre o chan pulido; entón a arquiduquesa, segundo se supón, recibiu unha petición de man a cambio.
Mozart's biographer Eric Blom recounts an anecdote of how the Archduchess helped Wolfgang when he slipped on the polished floor; she is supposed to have received a proposal of marriage in return.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Se collemos unha póla dun destes corais e a pulimos, isto son uns 100 microns.
If you take a branch from one of these corals and polish it up, this is about 100 microns across.ted2019 ted2019
166 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.