roxe oor Engels



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ao roxo
Roxas City


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O Sudoku Rox #D con # símbolos
The Rox #D sudoku with # symbolsKDE40.1 KDE40.1
As mutacións neste xene foron asociadas co inicio temperán da obesidade, insuficiencia adrenal, e pigmentación vermella do pelo (ver roxo e cor do pelo).
Mutations in this gene have been associated with early onset obesity, adrenal insufficiency, and red hair pigmentation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Si, automático, ollo roxo, luz de retorno
Yes, auto, red-eye, return lightKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Comezou a berrarlles "Roxos!
Jump in, Rockets!"WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Algunhas especies despois roxen, mentres que outras dan pancadas na auga coas súas colas.
Some species then roar, while others slap the water with their tails.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Si, automático, ollos roxos, sen luz de retorno
Yes, auto, red-eye, no return lightKDE40.1 KDE40.1
A madre Izarne quitou a branca touca e abaneou a cabeza para que as roxas guedellas caeran ceibas.
Mother Izarne took off her white wimple and shook her head, freeing her long, russet hair.Literature Literature
Si, automático, ollos roxos
Yes, auto, red-eyeKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Por exemplo, unha cometa e un león poden ser moi similares en moitos aspectos, mais só porque o león emite "ruxidos", non sería correcto inferir que unha cometa tamén "roxe": as semellanzas entre os dous obxectos non son similares dabondo e o grao de relevancia dos sons que fan non é o bastante relevante.
For example, a kitten and a lion may be very similar in many respects, but just because a lion makes a "roar", it would not be correct to infer a kitten also "roars": the similarities between the two objects being not similar enough and the degree of relevance to what sound they make being not relevant enough.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Era o meu primeiro día de escola e saíume ao paso el, Antonio, chamado o Roxo.
It was my first day at school, and he came to meet me: Antonio, known as the Red.Literature Literature
Segundo a historia a súa barba roxa empuxaba a mesa ata onde el estaba sentado.
According to the story, his red beard has grown through the table at which he sits.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cre que son unha roxa?
You think I'm a Red?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Non se lles detectou elaboración de arte ou artefactos sofisticados máis o ocre roxo, un mineral que pode ser empregado para crear pigmentación roxa útil para debuxar, localizouse asociado a sitios arqueolóxicos da especie, en concreto en Terra Amata, no sur de Francia.
No forms of art have been uncovered, although red ochre, a mineral that can be used to mix a red pigment which is useful as a paint, has been found at Terra Amata excavations in the south of France.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Si, obrigatorio, ollos roxos, sen luz de retorno
Yes, compulsory, red-eye, no return lightKDE40.1 KDE40.1
O seu pelo roxo, o arco iris dos ollos, ía apartando a brétema da plataforma.
Her russet hair, the rainbow in her eyes, gradually dispelled the mist on the station platform.Literature Literature
As femias adultas de crocodilo de Nova Guinea e do crocodilo siamés roxen cando se lles aproxima outro adulto, mentres que os crocodilos do Nilo gruñen ou braman nunha situacón similar.
Adult female New Guinea crocodiles and Siamese crocodiles roar when approached by another adult, while Nile crocodiles grunt or bellow in a similar situation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os estudos antes mencionados non apoian a idea que xeralmente se ten de que o bromuro de etidio é un potente mutáxeno para os humanos, pero indican que pode ser róxico en altas concentracións.
The above studies do not support the commonly-held idea that ethidium bromide is a potent mutagen in humans, but they do indicate that it can be toxic at high concentrations.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Estaba ben cos roxos até que atopei un soldado.
I was having a ball waving a red flag until I met a sergeant from the First Division.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A Lúa parece ser de cor roxiza pola dispersión de Rayleigh (o mesmo efecto que fai que o solpor apareza de cor vermella) e a refracción da luz pola atmosfera da Terra na súa umbra.
The Moon appears to be reddish because of Rayleigh scattering (the same effect that causes sunsets to appear reddish) and the refraction of that light by Earth's atmosphere into its umbra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Como os roxos arredor de nós sobre aquel outeiro en Corea.
Like those Commies kept going round and round us on that hill in Korea.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Porén, outros afirman que o nome é unha homenaxe a Silver Apples, The Silver Beatles, ou xerga para xudeus de pelo roxo.
Others claim, however, that the name pays homage to Silver Apples, The Silver Beatles, and slang for blonde-haired Jewish people.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Roxos de merda!
Stinking reds!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
O de cabelo roxo.
Blond hair.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tanto Xist coma roX operan por medio de regulacións epixenéticas da transcrición ao recrutaren encimas que modifican as histonas.
Both Xist and roX operate by epigenetic regulation of transcription through the recruitment of histone-modifying enzymes.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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