ruxiu oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels

third-person singular preterite indicative of ruxir

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Nunha análise máis recente, o crítico do The New York Times Donal Henahan refírese a «gran ruxido, rosmando acordes nos metais e atronador golpea dende o timbal».
In a more recent analysis, The New York Times critic Donal Henahan refers to "great crunching, snarling chords from the brass and thundering thumps from the timpani".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ruxiu feroz mentres quitaba o xeo do seu corazón.
It roared at me viciously while I removed the ice from its heart.Literature Literature
Os osos beizudos probablemente ven os humanos como potenciais predadores que poderían matalos, xa que as súas reaccións ante eles (ruxir, seguido de retirada ou carga) son similares ás que realizan en presenza de tigres ou leopardos.
Sloth bears likely view humans as potential predators, as their reactions to them (roaring, followed by retreat or charging) are similar to those evoked in the presence of tigers and leopards.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Onda tras onda, así, salta para o buque, e non atopando caudal rápido corre ruxindo adiante e cara atrás, ata que os mariñeiros chegará para afogamento, mentres aínda á luz.
Wave after wave thus leaps into the ship, and finding no speedy vent runs roaring fore and aft, till the mariners come nigh to drowning while yet afloat.QED QED
Nos últimos poucos segundos, mirou fixamente cara adiante e cando o operario gritou "Agora!" e apareceu esa tremenda explosión de luz seguida a continuación do profundo ruxido do estoupido, a súa faciana relaxouse nunha expresión de enorme alivio.
For the last few seconds, he stared directly ahead and then when the announcer shouted "Now!" and there came this tremendous burst of light followed shortly thereafter by the deep growling roar of the explosion, his face relaxed into an expression of tremendous relief.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Por mor da baixa frecuencia, estes ruxidos poden viaxar grandes distancias polo aire e a través da vexetación.
Because of their low frequency, these bellows can travel far through air and vegetation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pero no momento en que se dispoñían a penetrar nunha daquelas fendas, uns ruxidos fixéronos recuar.
But at the moment when they were about to enter one of these excavations, some formidable roaring stopped them.Literature Literature
" Se todo o mundo conta o seu propio negocio, " a duquesa dixo nun ruxido rouco, " o mundo ía dar a volta a un acordo máis rápido que el fai. "
'If everybody minded their own business,'the Duchess said in a hoarse growl,'the world would go round a deal faster than it does.'QED QED
Unha femia adulta pode producir un "ruxido" gutural repetido cando se lle aproxima outro adulto.
An adult female can produce a repeated throaty "roar" when approached by another adult.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Poema 1: Un león ruxe e o can ladra.
Poem 1: A lion roars and a dog barks.ted2019 ted2019
Por exemplo, unha cometa e un león poden ser moi similares en moitos aspectos, mais só porque o león emite "ruxidos", non sería correcto inferir que unha cometa tamén "roxe": as semellanzas entre os dous obxectos non son similares dabondo e o grao de relevancia dos sons que fan non é o bastante relevante.
For example, a kitten and a lion may be very similar in many respects, but just because a lion makes a "roar", it would not be correct to infer a kitten also "roars": the similarities between the two objects being not similar enough and the degree of relevance to what sound they make being not relevant enough.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Erroneamente adoita a pensarse que este tipo de voces son unha forma de berro usando o rexistro vocal máis baixo, un rexistro coñecido en inglés co nome de vocal fry, porén o vocal fry é realmente unha forma de berros harmónicos, e aínda que os ruxidos poden realizarse deste xeito por parte de vocalistas experimentados que usan esta técnica, as "verdadeiras" voces do death metal créanse de feito a partir dunha técnica diferente.
Death growling is mistakenly thought to be a form of screaming using the lowest vocal register known as vocal fry, however vocal fry is actually a form of overtone screaming, and while growling can be performed this way by experienced vocalists who use the fry screaming technique, "true" death growling is in fact created by an altogether different technique.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Isto debe significar que especie de ruxido tremendo oco que se apresurou rolda e volta a casa coma se o xigante que ninguén podía ver eran buffeting- lo e bater nas paredes e fiestras para intentar romper polgadas
It must mean that hollow shuddering sort of roar which rushed round and round the house as if the giant no one could see were buffeting it and beating at the walls and windows to try to break in.QED QED
Existe o ruxe-ruxe de que todos os líderes do Terceiro Mundo cuñan a msma frase a mañá seguente á independencia:
Rumor has it that every third-world leader coined the same phrase the morning after independence:OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ruxe, inmenso mar, as ondas bailan ó teu son,
Let the mighty sea And all therein resound with praise.jw2019 jw2019
A portada minimalista para o White Album contrasta coa complexidade e diversidade da súa música, que abarca «Revolution 9» de John Lennon, cuxa perspectiva de música concreta foi influenciada por Yoko Ono; a canción country de Starr «Don't Pass Me By»; a balada rock de Harrison «While My Guitar Gently Weeps» e o «ruxido proto-metal» de «Helter Skelter» de McCartney.
The minimalistic cover artwork for the White Album contrasted with the complexity and diversity of its music, which encompassed Lennon's "Revolution 9" (whose musique concrète approach was influenced by Yoko Ono), Starr's country song "Don't Pass Me By", Harrison's rock ballad "While My Guitar Gently Weeps", and the "proto-metal roar" of McCartney's "Helter Skelter".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O ruxido do trono aumentou de forma constante, mentres eu miraba para el, distintas e negro, sólidamente plantas nas praias dun mar de luz.
The growl of the thunder increased steadily while I looked at him, distinct and black, planted solidly upon the shores of a sea of light.QED QED
ruxiron a coros o monarca e os ministros.
roared in chorus the monarch and his ministry.Literature Literature
Por exemplo, os coros de ruxidos territoriais dos leóns machos dun grupo desaniman aos intrusos e probablemente benefician a todos os que contribúen ao coro.
For example, territorial choruses by male lions discourage intruders and are likely to benefit all contributors.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os elefantes comunícanse socialmente mediante unha ampla variedade de sons que inclúen resopridos, berros, sons de trompa, ruxidos e murmurios.
Elephants communicate socially with a variety of sounds including snorting, screaming, trumpeting, roaring and rumbling.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dende o carreiro agromou un ruxido, un rumor de pasos, e apareceu Jean Farlow co seu cabalete e demais trebellos.
From the debouchment of the trail came a rustle, a footfall, and Jean Farlow marched down with her easel and things.Literature Literature
Joe, fai ruxir o motor.
Hey, Joe, blip your motor.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Durante toda a semana, ouvimos ruxe ruxes verbo da represión da insurrección polas nosas tropas.
All week long, we've had extremely confused rumours concerning the repression of the insurrection by our troops.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
E un tren todo iluminado, ruxindo coma o trono, fixo treme-la caseta do garda-agullas.
And a brightly lit express train, roaring like thunder, shook the switchman’s cabin.Literature Literature
Para o deseño de son do filme, que inclúe unha mestura de diferentes sons de animais para os ruxidos de dinosauros, Spielberg investiu na creación de DTS , unha empresa especializada en formatos de son dixitais.
To showcase the film's sound design, which included a mixture of various animal noises for the dinosaur roars, Spielberg invested in the creation of DTS, a company specializing in digital surround sound formats.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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