souberas oor Engels



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Cando o rei de Iericó soubo que andaban por alí, enviou uns soldados á casa de Rahab.
The king of Jericho found out and sent soldiers to Rahab’s house.jw2019 jw2019
Como soubo Eliézer que Rebeca era a muller coa que Isaac debía casar?
How did Eliezer know that Rebekah was the woman Isaac should marry?jw2019 jw2019
Cando ela o soubo, foise maquillar, peiteouse e esperouno na fiestra do piso de enriba.
When she heard that he was coming, she put on makeup, did her hair, and waited by her upstairs window.jw2019 jw2019
Tamén soubera de Melanctha, pero non se coñeceron até que enfermou a súa nai.
He knew about Melanctha too, though until her mother was taken sick he had never met her.Literature Literature
Soubemos que os xenerais Lecomte e Clément Thomas foron salvaxemente executados pola horda, mentres trataban de recuperar os canóns da Garda, no outeiro de Montmartre.
We have just been informed that Generals Lecomte and Thomas were savagely killed by the crowd during the recovery of the cannon at Butte Montmartre.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Máis tarde souben que el a violara.
I found out later that he had raped her.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Eu preguntei, aínda que soubese.
I asked, though I knew.QED QED
Até que o seu pai chegou a buscalo, non soubera por que Herman fora a Nova York para vela.
Until his father came to find him, she did not know why it was Herman had come just then to New York to see her.Literature Literature
Daquela souben que se vendía un terreo... en Los Altos, na intersección de Foothill e a autoestrada 280.
So I was made aware of this property... that is in Los Altos on Foothill and Highway 280.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Foi un dos últimos artistas en utilizar de xeito habitual un dispositivo metálico, aínda que tamén soubo facer un soberbio uso da técnica máis libre do carbón vermello ou negro.
He was one of the last artists to use metalpoint (literally a sharp pointed piece of silver or another metal) extensively, although he also made superb use of the freer medium of red or black chalk.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O voso fillo matouno para que o mundo non soubese quen é o seu pai.
Your son killed him so the world wouldn't learn who fathered him.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
souben do seu pai cando cheguei á casa despois de 6 días no cárcere.
I only heard about his father when I got home, after six days in jail.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A través dun dos amigos do doutor, Anna soubera da señora Mathilda.
Through one of Doctor's friends Anna heard of Miss Mathilda.Literature Literature
Sempre o souben, por moito que me ferise.”
I always know that, no matter how much you can hurt me.""Literature Literature
Vinte anos despois da morte de Leonardo, Francisco I confesoulle ao escultor Benvenuto Cellini: Nunca houbo outro home nacido no mundo que soubese tanto como Leonardo, non só en pintura, escultura e arquitectura, senón en filosofía.
Some 20 years after Leonardo's death, Francis was reported by the goldsmith and sculptor Benvenuto Cellini as saying: "There had never been another man born in the world who knew as much as Leonardo, not so much about painting, sculpture and architecture, as that he was a very great philosopher."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cando se soubo a noticia, desatouse o inferno, xornalistas golpeando na miña porta do hotel, entón o avogado da familia Revson chegou e tomou o control."
When the news got out all hell let loose, journalists banging on my hotel door, then the Revson family lawyer arrived and took over.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Chappies me presentou a chappies outro, e así por diante e así por diante, e non pasou moito antes de que eu soubese escuadróns do tipo certo, algúns que rolou en dólares en casas por do Parque, e outros que vivían co gas mirando cara abaixo na maior parte ao redor de Washington Square - artistas e escritores e así por diante.
Chappies introduced me to other chappies, and so on and so forth, and it wasn't long before I knew squads of the right sort, some who rolled in dollars in houses up by the Park, and others who lived with the gas turned down mostly around Washington Square -- artists and writers and so forth.QED QED
David Schwartz, conservador xefe do Museo Americano da Imaxe en Movemento, afirmou que "medrou ata un nivel de fama de estrela de Hollywood, mais Hollywood non soubo que facer con ela".
David Schwartz, the chief curator of the Museum of the Moving Image, notes, "She built up a level of stardom in Hollywood, but Hollywood didn't know what to do with her."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En novembro, Alberte soubo da existencia duns rumores de que Eduardo durmira cunha actriz en Irlanda.
In November, Albert was made aware of gossip that his son had slept with an actress in Ireland.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Se eu soubese o segredo da vida eterna tampouco o diría.
If I knew the secret of eternal life, I wouldn't say.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lord Tyrion asegurouse de que soubese que Casa casou con cal e quen odiaba a quen.
Lord Tyrion made sure I knew which house married which and who hated who.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sospeito que o meu irmán e o Sr. Nomura... fixeron algo que non querían que ninguén soubera.
I'm suspecting my brother and Mr. Nomura... did something they didn't want other people to know.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Non souben ata moito despois que algunhas lobateras levaron ata Suiza a mozas xudías.
As I learned much later, some den mothers were escorting to Switzerland young Jewish girls.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Cando te puxeches nerviosa, souben que estaba no certo!
When you panicked I knew I was right.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Despois engadiu: «¡Daquela non souben comprender nada!
He told me yet: “Then, I have not known how to understand anything!Literature Literature
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