tivésedes oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels

second-person plural preterite subjunctive of ter

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

teres major
musculus teres major · teres major · teres major muscle
teres minor
musculus teres minor · teres minor · teres minor muscle
en termos xerais
non teño xénero
I'm agender
ten fillos?
do you have children
ter lugar
take place
ten un menú en inglés?
do you have a menu in English
ter vergoña
accommodate · admit · be · carry to term · feature · have · have got · hold · know · make · must · own · possess · should · succeed · take


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Esperábase que as esposas romanas tivesen fillos, pero as mulleres da aristocracia, afeitas a certo grao de independencia, mostraban unha crecente falta de inclinación para dedicarse á maternidade tradicional.
Roman wives were expected to bear children, but the women of the aristocracy, accustomed to a degree of independence, showed a growing disinclination to devote themselves to traditional motherhood.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Un antigo prisioneiro e doutor en Auschwitz declarou: Era capaz de ser tan amable cos nenos, de facer que lle tivesen benquerenza, de traerlles azucre, de pensar nos pequenos detalles nas súas vidas diarias, e de facer cousas que xenuinamente admirabamos ...
A former Auschwitz prisoner doctor said: He was capable of being so kind to the children, to have them become fond of him, to bring them sugar, to think of small details in their daily lives, and to do things we would genuinely admire ...WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En setembro de 1928 DELAG comezou a operar o exitoso dirixible ríxido LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin, que realizou voos transatlánticos sen escalas regulares antes de que os avións tivesen alcance suficiente para cruzar o océano sen paradas.
In September 1928, DELAG began operating the successful rigid airship LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin, which made regular, nonstop, transatlantic flights possible before airplanes had flight ranges sufficient to cross the ocean in either direction without stopping.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fai como se non me tiveses visto.
Just pretend you didn't see me.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Os alimentos funcionais que conteñen fitosterois foron suxeitos a unha monitolización postlanzamento unha vez introducidos no mercado norteamericano en 2000 e non se informou de que tivesen efectos laterias non preditos.
Phytosterol-containing functional foods were subject to postlaunch monitoring after being introduced to the EU market in 2000, and no unpredicted side effects were reported.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Se só tivésemos un caso... Pero xa son tres.
If only we had one case ... but there are three already.Literature Literature
Fincher tentou asegurarse tamén que as escenas non tivesen unha iluminación demasiado forte como para que os ollos dos actores quedasen menos visibles, citando a técnica do cinematógrafo Gordon Willis como influencia disto.
On the other hand, Fincher also ensured that scenes were not so strongly lit so the characters' eyes were less visible, citing cinematographer Gordon Willis' technique as the influence.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Se tivesen gañado, os 49ers terían xogado a final da liga na súa casa ante os Cleveland Browns.
Had they won the game, the 49ers would have hosted the NFL Championship game the following weekend against the Cleveland Browns.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tiñan preparados plans alternativos, e iso fíxome dubidar de que tivesen coraxe para ser orixinais, porque eu esperaba que os orixinais fosen máis ben así.
They had backup plans lined up, and that made me doubt that they had the courage to be original, because I expected that originals would look something like this.ted2019 ted2019
A FDA puxo o ensaio en retención clínica (clinical hold) en xullo de 2014 para avaliar os resultados, despois de que algúns suxeitos tivesen respostas similares ás dunha gripe.
The FDA placed the trial on clinical hold in July 2014 to assess results, after some subjects had flu-like responses.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Agardaba que tiveses marchado do pobo.
I was hoping you'd left town.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hai razóns similares, se ben non tan necesaria, para supoñer que tanto o gótico como o céltico, se ben mesturados cun idioma moi diferente, tivesen a mesma orixe do sánscrito, e o antigo persa podería engadirse á mesma familia.
There is a similar reason, though not quite so forcible, for supposing that both the Gothick and the Celtick, though blended with a very different idiom, had the same origin with the Sanscrit; and the old Persian might be added to the same family.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Se Franklin tería deducido ou non cos seus propios datos a estrutura do ADN en caso de que Watson e Crick non tivesen obtido a súa imaxe, é un asunto moi debatido, que se fai máis controvertido pola negativa caricatura que se fai de Franklin nos primeiros capítulos da historia escrita por Watson The Double Helix sobre a investigación da estrutura do ADN.
Whether Franklin would have deduced the structure of DNA on her own, from her own data, had Watson and Crick not obtained Gosling's image, is a hotly debated topic, made more controversial by the negative caricature of Franklin presented in the early chapters of Watson's history of the research on DNA structure, The Double Helix.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O aumento de potencia e o rotor de maior diámetro fixeron que os enxeñeiros de Bell tivesen que deseñar unha nova pluma de cola para o UH-1C.
The increased power and a larger diameter rotor required Bell's engineers to design a new tail boom for the UH-1C.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Empezaron a corricar por todas partes dicíndolle a todo o mundo que viña a poli, que tivesen coidado.
So they started running around telling everybody the cops were coming, watch out, the cops were coming.QED QED
De la Colonie describiu así a escena: “Chegaron rapidamente ao noso flanco, sobre as sete e media da tarde, sen que tivésemos tempo de reaccionar ante tal situación.
"They arrived within gunshot of our flank about 7:30 in the evening, without our being aware of the possibility of such a thing."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Parece como se tiveses dor de moas, e eu teño unha sorpresa para ti.
You look as if you had a toothache and I have such a surprise for you.Literature Literature
O pirata explorador e naturalista británico do século XVII William Dampier escribiu o seguinte: "Son tan extraordinariamente grandes e gordas e tan doces, que ningunha carne de ave se come con máis pracer", mentres que o capitán James Colnett da mariña británica dixo: "a tartaruga de terra de calquera maneira que sexa aderezada, era considerada por todos nós como a comida máis deliciosa que tivesemos probado".
The 17th-century British pirate, explorer, and naturalist William Dampier wrote, "They are so extraordinarily large and fat, and so sweet, that no pullet eats more pleasantly," while Captain James Colnett of the British Navy wrote of "the land tortoise which in whatever way it was dressed, was considered by all of us as the most delicious food we had ever tasted."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O seu debut chegaría o 27 de decembro de 1967, como Abigaille, no Nabucco, de Verdi, nunha produción da Ópera Nacional de Bulgaria, a raíz de que outras dúas sopranos se tivesen retirado.
Her breakthrough came in 1967 as Abigaille in a Bulgarian National Opera production of Giuseppe Verdi's Nabucco after a couple of other sopranos dropped out.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Existen moi poucos casos arquivados de ataques de canguros a humanos sen que houbese unha provocación previa ao animal, pero algúns deses ataques inmotivados espallaron o medo en 2004 a que os canguros tivesen algunha enfermidade semellante á rabia.
There are very few records of kangaroos attacking humans without provocation; however, several such unprovoked attacks in 2004 spurred fears of a rabies-like disease possibly affecting the marsupials.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dedicouse a asegurar que recibisen unha boa educación e tivesen un bo ambiente familiar.
She made sure that the latter had a good family environment and received a good education.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A través dos esforzos colectivos de Masako e uns poucos monicreques políticos, as leis de goberno da corte do shōgun de comezos do século XIII, permitiron que as mulleres tivesen os mesmos dereitos de herdanza que os seus parentes fraternos.
Through the collective efforts of Masako and a few political puppets, laws governing the shōgun's court in the early 13th century allowed women equal rights of inheritance with fraternal kin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non tería pasado nada se tiveses espertado.
Nothing would've happened if you had gotten up before.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Se tivesemos digamos, 50 mil millóns de dolares para gastar nos próximos catro anos para mellorar este mundo, ¿en que os deberíamos gastar?
If we had say, 50 billion dollars over the next four years to spend to do good in this world, where should we spend it?QED QED
Se non me tiveses coñecido, levarías unha vida tranquila e honesta xunto a túa muller, teus fillos e teu irmán.
" lf you hadn't fallen in with me you would have led a good life with your wife, children and brother. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
180 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.