tivemos oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels

first-person plural preterite indicative of ter

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

teres major
musculus teres major · teres major · teres major muscle
teres minor
musculus teres minor · teres minor · teres minor muscle
en termos xerais
non teño xénero
I'm agender
ten fillos?
do you have children
ter lugar
take place
ten un menú en inglés?
do you have a menu in English
ter vergoña
accommodate · admit · be · carry to term · feature · have · have got · hold · know · make · must · own · possess · should · succeed · take


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Copérnico tivo coñecemento destas afirmacións, probablemente estivo incentivada por elas para publicar a súa propia obra monumental.
Had Copernicus been aware of these assertions he would probably have been encouraged by them to publish his own monumental work.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Porén, no tempo de Al-Khwarizmi aínda non fora inventada a maior parte desta notación e tivo que usar a linguaxe ordinaria para presentar problemas e as súas solucións.
However, in al-Khwārizmī's day, most of this notation had not yet been invented, so he had to use ordinary text to present problems and their solutions.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aínda que tivo 40 encargos, tivo menos éxito que os seus predecesores.
Although 40 were ordered, it was less successful than its predecessors.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En particular, Rowling tivo problemas co noveno capítulo, "A Marca Escura", que reescribiu ata 13 veces.
In particular, Rowling had trouble with the ninth chapter, "The Dark Mark", which she rewrote 13 times.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ao igual que #1 Record, Radio City tivo excelentes críticas, pero os problemas da discográfica frustrou as súas vendas.
But just as #1 Record had fallen victim to poor marketing, so too did Radio City.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Esas épocas sufriron repetidos períodos glaciais e interglaciais que causarían unha repetida fragmentación e illamento das poboacións desta troita, o que tivo finalmente como resultado as diferentes subespecies que atopamos hoxe.
These epochs had repeated glacial and interglacial periods that would have caused repeated fracturing and isolation of cutthroat trout populations, eventually resulting in the different subspecies found today.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A partir de 1935 tivo o seu propio programa de radio, onde promoveu e popularizou os dereitos de nenos.
During the 1930s, he had his own radio program where he promoted and popularized the rights of children.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Este cambio de plans tivo lugar xa que a expectación das forzas británicas era a de empregar os cruceiros contra obxectivos costeiros noutras operacións futuras.
This change was made as the cruisers were expected to be used against shore targets during future operations.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O período máis exitoso do SC Uritskogo Kazan tivo lugar a finais dos anos '70 e principios dos '80.
SC Uritskogo Kazan's most successful period occurred in the late 1970s and early 1980s.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En bioloxía evolutiva a cuestión do lonxe que debemos recuar para atopar antepasados similares, e de canta similitude deben ter eses devanceiros para que se considere que tivo lugar unha evolución paralela, non sempre se pode resolver.
In evolutionary biology the question of how far back to look for similar ancestors, and how similar those ancestors need be for one to consider parallel evolution to have taken place, cannot always be resolved.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Sempre estarei agradecido a Traylor, porque chegou cando a serie estaba en crise e salvou ao noso bebé Tivemos que facer unha substitución apresurada, e non tódalas series sobreviven a un cambio así.
"I will always be grateful to Traylor because she came in when the show was in crisis and saved our baby We had to make a hurried replacement, and not every show survives that.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O Renault de Patrick Tambay, que se clasificou nunha excelente sexta posición, tivo un grande accidente a case 320 km/h na volta de quecemento na mañá do domingo do que saíu magullado pero ileso.
Renault's Patrick Tambay, who qualified sixth, had a huge crash at nearly 200 mph (322 km/h) in the Sunday morning warm-up following a suspension failure on the start-finish straight.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Debido ao énfase que Auerbach facía sobre a defensa e o traballo en equipo, os seus persoais nunca tiveron un anotador puro; na tempada 1960-61 por exemplo, os Celtics tiveron seis xogadores entre os 15 e 21 puntos de media por partido, pero ningún aparecía entre os dez primeiros anotadores da liga.
Flowing from Auerbach's emphasis on teamwork, what was also striking about his teams was that they never seemed to have a dominant scorer: in the 1960–61 NBA season, for instance, the Celtics had six players who scored between 15 and 21 points per game, but none made the Top 10 scoring list.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Papá tivo 5 fillos:
Dad had five children:OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A banda tivo un significante encontro con Dennis Smith, o dono de Sawmills, un estudo de gravación construído nun muíño de auga en Cornualles.
They had a significant meeting with Dennis Smith, the owner of Sawmills Studio, situated in a converted water mill in Cornwall.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Estaba casado coa novelista Jane Thynne coa que tivo tres fillos e vivían en Wimbledon, Londres.
He was married to fellow novelist Jane Thynne; they lived in Wimbledon, London, and had three children.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Durante dita batalla, que tivo lugar no verán de 1940, a forza aérea británica rexeitou as incursións da Luftwaffe na que foi quizais a campaña aérea máis prolongada e complicada da historia.
Over the summer of 1940, the RAF held off the Luftwaffe in perhaps the most prolonged and complicated air campaign in history.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Descoñécese quen escribiu e editou o libro, pero varios historiadores especularon con que Sadler tivo un papel de líder na súa publicación.
It is not known who wrote and edited the book, but several commentators have speculated that Sadler played a guiding role in its publication.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Honda tivo un ano decepcionante, e a mediados de tempada cambiou o desenvolvemento da tempada 2009, onde as novas regulacións entraban en xogo.
Honda had another disappointing year, and by mid-season they had switched development to the 2009 season, where new regulations come into play.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Para asegurar que a Real Forza Aérea de Romanía (Aeronautica Regală Română ou ARR) tivese unha subministración de avións sen depender de produtores estranxeiros o goberno romanés subvencionou a creación de tres grandes fabricantes aeronáuticos no período de entreguerras.
To ensure that the Royal Romanian Air Force (the Aeronautica Regală Română, or ARR) would be supplied with aircraft without reliance on foreign producers, the Romanian government subsidized the creation of three major aircraft manufacturers in the interbellum period.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Esta última foi a única versión do filme na que Scott tivo o control editorial completo do mesmo.
This is the only version over which Scott had complete artistic and editorial control.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Imaxinas que non os tivese?
Suppose I hadn't?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
En 1968 correu nas 24 Horas de Le Mans co equipo oficial de Porsche pilotando un 907/6 Langheck e un ano máis tarde nas 24 Horas de Daytona, onde chegou a liderar á súa clase ata que o seu compañeiro Rudy Lins tivo un accidente.
In 1968 raced the 24 Hours of Le Mans with team Porsche driving a 907/6 Langheck and a year later in the 24 Hours of Daytona, where he led his class until his co-driver Rudy Lins had an accident.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O Principado tivo entre os seus vasalos os Ducados de Beirut, Nazaret, e Haifa, os cales moitas veces tiveron un número descomunal de sub-vasalos.
The Principality also had its own vassals, the Lordships of Beirut, Nazareth and Haifa, which often had their own sub-vassals.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Diversas publicacións recentes trataron o tema particular das micronacións históricas, incluíndo a Republic of Indian Stream (University Press), polo xeógrafo do Dartmouth College, Daniel Doan, ou The Land that Never Was, sobre Gregor MacGregor e o Principado de Poyais, por David Sinclair (Review, 2003, ISBN 0-7553-1080-2) En agosto de 2003 tivo lugar en Helsinqui unha cimeira de micronacións.
Several recent publications have dealt with the subject of particular historical micronations, including Republic of Indian Stream (University Press), by Dartmouth College geographer Daniel Doan, The Land that Never Was, about Gregor MacGregor and the Principality of Poyais, by David Sinclair (Review, 2003, ISBN 0-7553-1080-2) and An Australian Monarch about the Principality of Hutt River by William Pitt (CopyRight Publishing, ISBN 978-1-876344-67-2).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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