tiveran oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Galisies - Engels

third-person plural pluperfect indicative of ter

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teño unha dúbida
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Por mor de que gran parte do conflito entre as tribos levou a cabo moito máis alá das fronteiras e en lugares que aínda non tiveran contacto cos europeos, a medida e o impacto da guerra son descoñecidos.
Because a large part of the conflict between the native tribes took place far beyond the frontier and in locations that had yet to have European contact, the full extent and impact of the war is unknown.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ademais, observa que «non hai referencias estilísticas de segunda man, aínda que si tiveramos que buscar precedentes habería que atopalos, de xeito distante, en compositores tan variados como Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Schubert, Tchaikovski, ou mesmo Claude Debussy».
Thomas further observes that "there is no second-hand stylistic referencing, although if predecessors were to be sought they might be found, distantly removed, in the music of composers as varied as Bach, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, and even Debussy."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No ano 2017 o fabricante desta vacina recomendou que só se usara en persoas que xa tiveran unha infección previa co dengue xa que existían evidencias de que podería empeorar as infeccións subsecuentes.
In 2017 the manufacturer recommended that the vaccine only be used in people who have previously had a dengue infection as otherwise there was evidence it may worsen subsequent infections.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ao adiantarse Berenguela, evitaba que as fillas do su anterior esposo, Sancha e Aldonza, tiveran un marido que puidera reclamar o trono leonés.
By proceeding more quickly, Berengaria prevented the daughters of her former husband from marrying a man who could claim the throne of León.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nesa mesma manifestación, de entre 500 e 1.000 persoas, atopábanse outros grupos que tiveran anteriormente enfrontamentos sen éxito coa policía e que tiñan curiosidade por ver como a policía era derrotada nesta ocasión.
Also in the mob of between 500 and 1,000 were other groups that had had unsuccessful confrontations with the police, and were curious how the police were defeated in this situation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Isto suxire que, se tiveramos unha terapia ou unha pílula que tomar para replicar algúns destos efectos nos humáns, quizais teriamos unha forma de combater distintas enfermidades relacionadas coa idade ó memos tempo.
So it suggests that, if we could have a therapeutic or a pill to take to replicate some of these effects in humans, maybe we would have a way of combating lots of different age-related diseases all at once.ted2019 ted2019
Cando colguei este segredo, ducias de persoas enviaron mensaxes de voz dos seus teléfonos ás veces algúns que os tiveran gardados durante anos mensaxes da familia ou amigos que morreran.
When I posted this secret, dozens of people sent voicemail messages from their phones, sometimes ones they'd been keeping for years, messages from family or friends who had died.ted2019 ted2019
Outros críticos escoitaron desolación na obra: un crítico temperán finlandés, Elmer Diktonius, alcumaba á obra como a sinfonía Barkbröd, referíndose á fame no século anterior durante a cal os escandinavos famentos tiveran que comer pan negro para sobrevivir.
Other critics have heard bleakness in the work: one early Finnish critic, Elmer Diktonius, dubbed the work the Barkbröd symphony, referring to the famine in the previous century during which starving Scandinavians had had to eat bark bread to survive.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A ocupación italiana de Etiopía en 1936 facilitou o aumento do número de xurisdicións de rito latino, mais a expulsión dos misioneiros estranxeiros co gallo do fin da Segunda Guerra Mundial levou a que os cregos de rito etíope tiveran que ocuparse dos territorios até entón baixo réxime latino.
The Italian occupation of Ethiopia in 1936 gave rise to an increase in the number of Latin Rite jurisdictions, but the expulsion of foreign missionaries at the end of the Second World War meant that the Ethiopic Rite clergy had to take responsibility for larger areas than before.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Porque o que nos permitíu superalo foron as cousas que aprendimos... antes de que tiveramos dez anos.
Because the thing that got us through were the things we learned... before we were ten years old.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Se non o tiveran desgraciado...
If they hadn't damaged him...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
E fixemos un experimento que bebés estadounidenses que nunca tiveran contacto cunha segunda lingua escoitasen mandarín por primeira vez durante o período crítico.
And we tested this by exposing American babies who'd never heard a second language to Mandarin for the first time during the critical period.QED QED
Actúa como se o tiveran feito.
You act as if they did.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Observou que as mulleres maorí eran propietarias de terras e que por iso non se lles debía impedir que tiveran representación política.
She noted that Māori women were landowners, and should not be barred from political representation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A pesar de que algúns polacos tiveran éxito en zonas fronteirizas menores, a superioridade técnica, operacional e numérica dos alemáns forzaron aos polacos a retroceder cara Varsovia e Lwów.
Despite some Polish successes in minor border battles, German technical, operational and numerical superiority forced the Polish armies to retreat from the borders towards Warsaw and Lwów.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lorna e o seu marido John eran persoas cálidas e afectuosas, e tiveran unha filla autista profunda que se chamaba Susie.
She and her husband John were warm and affectionate people, and they had a profoundly autistic daughter named Susie.ted2019 ted2019
Porén, o centro do inglés nórdico semellan ter sido as terras interiores arredor do Reino de Lindsey, e despois do ano 920, cando Lindsey foi reincorporado á política anglosaxoa, os trazos do nórdico espalláronse as variedades do inglés que non tiveran un contacto intenso cos falantes nórdicos.
However the centre of norsified English seems to have been in the Midlands around Lindsey, and after 920 CE when Lindsey was reincorporated into the Anglo-Saxon polity, Norse features spread from there into English varieties that had not been in direct contact with Norse speakers.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tamén, o vocabulario feminista creado na segunda ola axudou a legalizar o aborto nos EE.UU. A influencia do feminismo radical pode verse na adopción de cuestións na National Organization for Women (NOW), un grupo feminista que tivérase previamente centrado enteiramente en cuestións de tipo económico.
The influence of radical feminism can be seen in the adoption of these issues by the National Organization for Women (NOW), a feminist group that had previously been focused almost entirely on economic issues.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Segundo Cicerón, Bíbulo, Gaius Memmius, e outros (moitos, inimigos de César), tiveran aventuras con Nicomedes IV de Bitinia nos comezos das súas carreiras.
According to Cicero, Bibulus, Gaius Memmius, and others (mainly Caesar's enemies), he had an affair with Nicomedes IV of Bithynia early in his career.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O trofeo Vezina é entregado ao mellor porteiro da liga, que foi determinado antes da tempada 1981–82 polo número de goles encaixado polos porteiros que tiveran xogado un número mínimo de partidos.
The Vezina Trophy is awarded to the league's top goaltender, which was determined prior to the 1981–82 season by number of goals surrendered by goaltenders who had played a minimum number of games.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Prost e Mansell tiveran unha difícil asociación en Ferrari na tempada 1990.
Prost and Mansell had had a fiery partnership at Ferrari in the 1990 season.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tiveramos que marchar da rúa Marola urxidos, nun rápido desaloxo.
We’d had to leave Marola Street in a hurry, a rapid evacuation.Literature Literature
Morrison apunta que «a canción extática do Nocturno no 6 transfórmase aquí nunha sección central na que o lirismo está botado a perder pola disonancia, como se o tiveran posto fronte a un espello distorsionante».
Morrison writes that "the ecstatic song of No 6 is transformed in a central section where lyricism is soured by dissonance, held up, as it were, to a distorting mirror."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O que descubriron foi que era mais probable que as persoas que viviran ata os 90 ou 100 tiveran mutación daf- 2, é dicir, cambios no xen que codifica o receptor de IGF- 1.
And what they found was that people who lived to 90 or 100 were more likely to have daf- 2 mutations -- that is, changes in the gene that encodes the receptor for IGF- 1.QED QED
En 1832 Nicolao e Alexandra tiveran sete nenos aos que se lles rendía gran coidado.
By 1832 Nicholas and Alexandra had seven children whom they raised with care.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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