trata de escravos oor Engels

trata de escravos

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slave trade

traffic in slaves

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Ninguín estará sometido á escravitude nin a servidume ; a escravitude e a trata de escravos está prohibida en tódalas súas maneiras .
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude ; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms .Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
O rexeitamento pola tráta de escravos foi en aumento a mediados do século XIX, en 1848, Henry “Box” Brown ao fabricar un caixa e enviarse a Filadelfia, Pensilvania, para escapar da escravitude.
The aversion to the slave trade was growing by the mid-19th century, and in 1848, Henry "Box" Brown made history by having himself nailed into a small box and shipped from Richmond to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, escaping slavery to the land of freedom.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Como resultado do tratado de Utrecht, que puxo fin á guerra de sucesión española e estableceu a paz entre os imperios español e británico, Gran Bretaña obtivo o lucrativo monopolio sobre o Asiento da trata de escravos.
As a result of the Treaty of Utrecht, which brought an end to the War of Spanish Succession and established peace between the Spanish and British Empires, Great Britain obtained the lucrative monopoly over the Asiento slave trade.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Polo tanto, un comité especial acordou outro compromiso: o Congreso tería o poder de prohibir a trata de escravos, pero non antes de que polo menos pasasen 20 anos (a partir do 1 de xaneiro de 1808).
This committee helped work out a compromise: Congress would have the power to ban the international slave trade, but not for another twenty years (that is, not until 1808).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Un segredo pouco coñecido da historia americana é que a única institución americana creada especificamente para a xente de cor é a trata de escravos Algúns debatirían sobre o sistema penitenciario pero iso sería tema para outra charla TED.
A little-known secret in American history is that the only American institution created specifically for people of color is the American slave trade -- and some would argue the prison system, but that's another topic for another TED Talk.ted2019 ted2019
O artigo define tamén a trata de escravos como "todo acto de captura, adquisición ou cesión dun individuo con vistas a reducilo á escravitude; todo acto de adquisición dun escravo con vistas a vendelo ou trocalo; todo acto de cesión por venda ou troca dun escravo adquirido con vistas a ser vendido ou trocado, así como, en xeral, todo acto de comercio ou transporte de escravos".
The 1926 Slavery Convention provides the first international definition of slavery as: "the status or condition of a person over whom any or all the powers attaching to the right ownership are exercised... included all acts involved in the capture, acquisition, or disposal of a person with intent to reduce him to slavery; acts involved in the acquisition of a slave with a view to selling or exchanging him; all acts of disposal by sale or exchange of a slave acquired with a view to being sold or exchanged, and in general, every act of trade or transport in slaves."WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Isto era unha violación dos tratados internacionais que prohibían o comercio de escravos.
New York had passed a law prohibiting slave transit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Non dixo que se trataba dunha indemnización por tráfico de escravos, se non que asegurou que era o rescate esixido polos piratas.
He hid that it was damages for slave trading, and claimed it was ransom extorted by pirates.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A cuestión foi tratada con delicadeza por compromisos políticos deseñados para equilibrar o número de estados "libres" e "escravos".
The issue was initially finessed by political compromises designed to balance the number of "free" and "slave" states.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A primeira delas foi a de confrontar o comercio ilegal de importación de escravos, prohibido no ano 1826 como parte dun tratado con Gran Bretaña.
Another issue came in confronting the trade in illegally imported slaves which had been banned in 1826 as part of a treaty with Britain.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Finalmente, un tratado entre o sultán de Zanzíbar e a Gran Bretaña declarou ilegal o comercio de escravos por mar.
Ultimately a treaty between the Sultan of Zanzibar and Great Britain declared the slave trade by sea to be illegal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Durante a primeira guerra servil, Megalis e o seu marido Damófilo foron asasinados polos seus escravos debido á brutalidade con que os trataban, pero a súa filla foi perdoada pola súa bondade; ademais concedéronlle a saída segura de Sicilia cunha escolta armada.
During the First Servile War, Megallis and her husband Damophilus were both killed by their slaves on account of their brutality, but their daughter was spared because of her kindness and granted safe passage out of Sicily, along with an armed escort.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A maiores disto, Gran Bretaña obtivo unha compensación polo seu papel no avance das negociacións asinando un tratado á marxe no que se renovaban os seus dereitos comerciais favorables e asinando ademais unha convención na que o Brasil acordaba abolir o tráfico de escravos con África nos seguintes catro anos.
Even worse, Great Britain was rewarded for its role in advancing the negotiations by the signing of a separate treaty in which its favorable commercial rights were renewed and by the signing of a convention in which Brazil agreed to abolish slave trade with Africa within four years.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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